

Research on Imagery of Ancient Town in Southeast Chongqing

【作者】 郑欣

【导师】 鲁琳;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 渝东南地区自然环境优美、物资丰饶,独特的自然地理环境和民族历史文化构成孕育了一批风格独特,景观优美的山地古镇。在其特殊的自然环境条件和历史文化氛围下,渝东南古镇的各种景观元素和整体景观风貌,展现出具有独特的韵味和丰富意象及意境美。“意象”是通过通过视觉感知来研究景观品质的一种理论方法,对与发掘环境的特质,研究景观的内涵有突出作用。文章通过引入“意象”的概念来研究渝东南的古镇景观元素构成和景观地域特质。通过假设渝东南地区的古镇在统一的自然环境和历史文化背景下,存在着相似的意象元素和统一的意象特征,通过相关调查研究,从所得出的古镇景观意象中归纳和总结出了渝东南地区古镇共同的景观意象构成元素和及特征。首先,问卷调查结果和相关资料分析显示渝东南地区的古镇确实存在统一或相似的古镇景观意象。通过分析归纳,笔者将渝东南古镇的景观元素概括为:自然景观、人工景观和人文景观三部分,具体分为八类景观元素:自然山水、道路系统、民居、文物古迹、农业景观、民俗、宗教及生活劳作,其中自然山水属于自然景观范畴,道路系统、民居、文物古迹和农业景观属于人工景观范畴,民俗、宗教和生活劳作包括在人文景观的范畴内,这八类景观及其所包含的自然地理要素和人文内涵共同构成了渝东南古镇的整体景观意象。其次,进一步的资料收集和对渝东南的古镇景观意象的分析显示:渝东南古镇所处自然地理条件和渝东南古镇特殊的历史渊源以及民族化构成对渝东南古镇景观形成的产生了多方面的影响。自然地理环境方面主要有:地形地貌及地理气候对渝东南古镇选址、布局、建筑风格等的影响。人文历史方面主要有:风水理论对渝东南古镇选址的影响;土家族“天人合一”的哲学观念对渝东南选址、建筑布局等的影响;场镇历史文化对渝东南古镇景观风貌的影响;多元化的民族文化构成对渝东南古镇建筑风格及人文景观的影响。再次,通过对渝东南古镇各景观元素的分析和其自然环境及历史文化内涵的研究,概括出渝东南古镇独特的景观意象特征,归纳为五个主要的内容:“依山就势,临水而居”的山水环境意象,“空、凌、奇、绝”的吊脚楼建筑景观意象,“古朴幽深”的石板街意象,“清新淳朴”的田园意象以及“多源合流”的人文景观意象。最后基于对渝东南古镇的意象研究,提出了以意象研究为导向的古镇景观保护和发展的思考,以建立古镇景观意象评价的方式为基础开展古镇保护和发展的研究,进而指导古镇景观的保护和规划,并针对渝东南古镇的意象特征提出渝东南古镇的保护和发展思路及策略。对古镇景观意象的调查和研究分析,能够反映出古镇景观独特的地域性特征,发掘古镇的历史文化内涵,特别在研究古镇人文景观方面有突出的贡献。对渝东南古镇景观意象的研究旨在唤起人们对渝东南古镇的关注和保护,并为古镇的相关研究和规划提供指导和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Southeastern Chongqing lies on the branch mountain of Mount Wuling, where Chongqing municipality and Huibei province lie on each other. Since ancient time, the basin of Wu River and You River has been known as its glorious environment and material prosperity; Minorities, mainly Tujia minority and Han nationality have been living and working happily and having off springs there. Locating at the boundary of three provinces and one municipality, southeastern Chongqing was endowed the unique culture of boarder towns and sight pattern based on towns with fairs by the prosperous trade between the boarder districtsThe Han nationality and its culture migrating from the east contributed to the cultural variety of the nationalities in southeastern Chongqing. The architectural style, aesthetic consciousness and religious custom of Han nationality merged into the sights and culture of ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing. Because of the particular environment and historical and cultural background, the sights of ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing reflect some unique characteristics of sights and their cultural conceptions.Through the notion of imaginary, this article studies the area characteristics of the sights of ancient towns and the elements consisting of them. By supposing the similar elements and characteristics of imaginary exist under the condition that the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing were under the same historical and cultural background and in the same natural environment, the article carried out related survey and research and concluded the common characteristics and elements of the imaginary of the sights in the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing. First, the result of the questionnaires and the analysis of related data reflect that the unified or similar imaginary of the sights did exist in the ancient towns in the southeastern Chongqing. By analyzing, the elements of the sights in the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing can be generalized as three parts:natural sights, manmade sights and cultural sights, which are specifically divided into 8 kinds:natural landscape, road system, residence, cultural relic and historical sites, agricultural sights, folk-custom, religion, living and labouring. Among them, natural landscape belongs to the category of natural sights, road system, residence, cultural relic and historical sites, agricultural sights belongs to that of manmade sights, and the rest to that of cultural sights. The eight kinds of sights and the geographical elements included in it consist of the entire imaginary of sights in the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing together with cultural conceptions.Second, through analyzing the geographical conditions in southeastern Chongqing, the particular historical source and the construction of national culture of the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing, it is discussed which natural environmental elements contributed to the appearance and development of the sights of the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing and their historical and cultural conceptions.Based on the previous research and analysis, the article concluded the unique imaginary of the sights in the ancient towns in the southeastern Chongqing, which is generalized into 5 kinds:the imaginary of landscape, the imaginary of Diaojiaolou, the imaginary of the streets paved with flagstones, the imaginary of countryside, and the imaginary of cultural sights.based on the study of the imaginary of the ancient towns in the southeastern Chongqing, the question of how to protect and develop the sights of the ancient towns under the guidance of the studies of imaginary is raised, as well as the study of how to protect and develop the sights of the ancient towns on the basis of finding some way to estimate the imaginary of the ancient towns, so as to guide the protection and layout of the sights of the ancient towns and put forward methods and strategies of protecting and developing the ancient towns in the southeastern Chongqing based on the characteristics of the imaginary of the sights in the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing.The survey, research and analysis of the imaginary of the sights in the ancient towns can reflect the unique regional characteristics of the sights of the ancient towns and discover the historical and cultural conceptions of the ancient towns. It works well especially in the aspect of studying cultural sights in the ancient towns. The study of the imaginary of the sights in the ancient towns in southeastern Chongqing aims at arousing people’s concern about them, providing guidance to related research and layout.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】219

