

【作者】 李晓惠

【导师】 漆雁斌;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 猕猴桃产业是都江堰农业的特色产业,近年发展迅速,成为了中国最大的猕猴桃生产出口基地。2008年,猕猴桃种植面积受到5·12汶川大地震的影响,加上金融风暴冲击,猕猴桃出口锐减。灾后猕猴桃产业发展既有一些难得的机遇,也面临着一些亟待解决的问题,如灾后都江堰猕猴桃与经济发达地区上海接轨,开通了都江堰——上海绿色通道,有利于都江堰猕猴桃市场的开拓,震后政府政策上的各项优惠等,都为都江堰猕猴桃产业提供了前所未有的发展机遇;但猕猴桃产业存在综合比较优势不明显,散户经营较多,生产经营管理粗放,缺乏与乡村旅游业的互动发展等问题。因此本文对都江堰猕猴桃产业如何在灾后寻找机遇,加快产业发展进行研究具有重要的现实意义。本文运用破窗理论、制度变迁理论、共生理论、特色产业培育理论等理论,对都江堰猕猴桃生产经营的企业、农户进行访谈、问卷调查,通过理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法,分析了都江堰猕猴桃产业的现状、比较优势与面临的问题,寻找到猕猴桃产业面临问题的成因在于政府干预一定程度上制约了农民的参与热情;农户缺乏团队合作意识,猕猴桃栽培管理技术普及力度不够;部分乡镇脱离实际,制约规划的具体落实;基础设施落后,制约了猕猴桃产业与乡村旅游的互动发展。本文在理论和实证分析的基础上提出了具体对策建议:构建政府、企业、农民的利益联结机制,保障农民利益最大化;加强指引,提高农户生产积极性;根据各乡镇资源禀赋,调整品种结构,大力发展猕猴桃产业;制定相应的发展,保障猕猴桃产业规划的落实;大力发展基础设施,促进猕猴桃产业与乡村旅游产业的互动发展。

【Abstract】 Kiwifruit industry, which developed fast in recent years, is one of the specialty industries in Dujiangyan,which has been the main production and export base of kiwifruit in china. In 2008, affected by 5·12; added the financial crisis, kiwifruit exports plummeted. The kiwifruit industry faced some rare opportunities after the earthquake, for example, firstly, Dujiangyan is related to shanghai,which developed quickly in china, opened the Dujiangyan-Shanghai green channel, also conducive to market development for Dujiangyan’s kiwifruit; secondly the government policies concessions, which also provides an unprecedented opportunity for the Dujiangyan kiwifruit’s development. Meanwhile, To be accompanied by development Dujiangyan’s kiwifruit industry also facing some problems, for example, though kiwifruit reached a certain size, the comprehensive comparative advantage is not obvious; there are more retail farmers,which leads to extensive production and management; the distance between kiwifruit industry development planning and implementation also existed, kiwifruit industry and rural tourism are lack of interaction. This article focus on how the Dujiangyan kiwifruit industry look for opportunities after earthquake, which will give important practical significance on industrial development studying.In this paper, Through theories such as Break Pane Law, Institution Change Theory, Symbiosis Theory and Specialty Industry Fostering Theory, the author use corporate interviews, household survey results, statistical analysis which are based on field research sampling methods to ensure data accuracy and reasonableness, we analysis the status of Dujiangyan kiwifruit industry, comparative advantages and problems, to find out the kiwifruit industry is facing the problems,firstly, government intervention restricted the enthusiasm of farmers; secondly.farmers lack of team spirit, the power of kiwi fruit cultivation and management technologies spread not enough; thirdly, part of the township plan are away from the reality, the concrete implementation of planning constraints; last but not the least,poor infrastructure, which restricted the kiwifruit industry and Interactive development of rural tourism.Based on we theoretically and empirically analysis the state-of-the-art, in an attempt to construct the theory research framework for it. We hope to propose that:firstly, on behalf of peasant’s interest, construct a mechanism to combine the interest of government, enterprise and peasant; secondly, guide them and rise their enthusiasm for production; thirdly, according to local resources, readjust production structure and develop Kiwifruit industry; fourthly, draw up a plan for Kiwifruit industry; last but not the least, building new infrastructure, which will benefit for the Kiwifruit industry and tourist industry mutually.

  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【下载频次】226

