

The Coordinated Development of Three Industries in Sichuan Province

【作者】 叶峰

【导师】 杨启智;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,国家先后出台了七大战略新兴产业发展规划、十大产业发展规划、成渝经济区规划、“十二五”规划纲要。国家对产业发展的方式、发展方向、发展路径更加重视。产业既要快速发展,也要健康发展,协同发展。产业协同是产业未来的发展自身要求,也是长远目标。本文就是在此背景下研究四川省的三次产业协同发展状况。通过构建三次产业协同评价指标体系分析发现,四川省的三次产业协同发展、仍有许多问题亟须调整和完善。通过主成分分析,找到了影响四川省三次产业协同发展的主要影响因子,包括建筑房地产相关产业、大旅游产业、大工业产业三大影响因素。结合四川省三次产业协同现阶段存在的问题,提出了加快产业结构调整,充分利用资源禀赋发展地区经济;推进建筑房地产业发展健康有序发展;鼓励旅游产业快速发展;引进新型战略工业稳定发展;推进产业转移、支持产业集聚五大政策建议,促进四川省三次产业协同发展,解决1+1>2,1+1+1>3的问题,更好的促进四川省产业振兴,为四川省产业又快又好发展奠定基础和提供条件。全文分六章。第一章为导论,主要介绍了选题的背景、意义,研究综述,研究内容和创新之处。选题背景和意义都是紧扣当前国家、四川省产业发展、转型的热点问题和关键问题。第二章为三次产业协同相关理论部分。主要介绍了资源禀赋理论、产业转移理论、产业集聚等三大理论。三大理论是评价指标体系构建的依据,也是产业协同发展的理论基础。第三章为四川省三次产业协同现状部分。本部分首先对四川省的三次产业发展总体进行了简单的介绍,然后分别对四川省第一、第二、第三产业的发展进行了分析,四川省三次产业近年来取得了巨大的成就,但也存在着诸多问题,需要在发展过程中得到解决。第四章是本文的重点章。对四川省的三次产业协同发展进行了分析。通过构建三次产业协同分析指标体系,并运用四川省各市州2009年的统计年鉴和统计公报,实证分析了四川省三次产业协同发展状况,并得到了协同分析结果。对四川省现阶段的三次产业协同发展存在的问题进行了简单的总结。第五章为四川省三次产业协同发展影响因素分析。根据第四章的分析结果发现,四川省三次产业协同发展存在较多问题。而找到影响四川省三次产业协同发展的主要影响因素是本章的重点所在。本章通过主成分分析发现建筑房地产相关产业、旅游相关产业、大工业等是影响四川省三次产业协同发展的主要影响因素。也为第六章的政策建议提供一定的依据。第六章根据第四章的产业协同发展存在的问题及第五章的影响因素分析,提出了五大政策建议:加快产业结构调整,充分利用资源禀赋发展地区经济;推进建筑房地产业健康持续发展;鼓励旅游产业快速发展;引进新型战略工业稳定发展;推动产业转移、支持产业集聚,更好的促进四川省三次产业协同发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the country has issued seven strategic emerging industry development planning, national main body function region construction planning, and 12th Five-Year program. The way of industry development state development direction, development path, more attention. Industry should not only fast development, also want to healthy development and coordinated development. Industry collaboration is the industry’s future development direction, also is a long-term goal.This article is in this context research of Sichuan province three industry coordinated development situation. And through constructing three industry collaborative evaluation index system analysis found that, Sichuan’s three industry coordinated development, there are still many problems much-needed adjustment and perfect. In order to find the coordinated development of three industry in Sichuan province, this paper through the influence factors of principal component analysis, found the influence the coordinated development of Sichuan province three industry the main influence factors, including building real estate related industry, tourism industry, industrial three factors. The three factors according to get, and puts forward three Suggestions. From the real estate, tourism industry development, new industry strategic industry in Sichuan to promote the coordinated development of three industries, to realize three industry synergy, solve 1+1 > 2,1+1+1> 3 questions, better promote post-disaster reconstruction, industry in Sichuan for Sichuan revitalization, quick and good development follow-up lay the foundation and provide conditions.Full text points six chapters. The first chapter for introduction, mainly introduced the background, significance, subject, the research content and research review innovative points. To choose a background and meaning are gripping the current state, Sichuan province industrial development, transformation and key issues of the hot issues. The second chapter for related theory parts. Mainly introduces the industry synergy and investment policy part. For subsequent quantitative analysis for theoretical foil. The third chapter for three industry financing policy status part collaborative. Mainly introduces three times in Sichuan industrial development of the overall situation and one, two, three points industry development situation. Three industry development achieved great success, there are also some problems, the development of the three industries is remarkable. Three times in the master of industrial development firsthand material, using the factor analysis after the three industries in Sichuan province collaborative situation are detailed evaluation, this is the basis of subsequent part writing. And three times to promote industrial cooperative financing policy analysis of the current situation. The fourth chapter is this key chapter. The three industries in Sichuan province is evaluated the coordinated development. Through constructing three industries collaborative evaluation index system, and USES the secure 2009 statistical yearbook and statistical bulletin, the empirical analysis of Sichuan province three industry coordinated development status, and get a synergy analysis ". At present three times in Sichuan province with the development of industrial a simple conclusion. The fifth chapter for Sichuan three industry coordinated development factors analysis. According to the results of the evaluation of the fourth chapter three industries, Sichuan province found the coordinated development problems are. And find influence the coordinated development of Sichuan province three industry the main influencing factors is the key of this chapter. This chapter through principal component analysis found that the real estate related industry, tourism related industry, industrial affecting the coordinated development of Sichuan province three industries the main influencing factors. Also for the sixth chapter policy Suggestions, provides the basis. Chapter 6 according to chapter 4 with the existing problems in the development of industry and the influence factors of five chapters are analyzed and three big policy Suggestions:to speed up the development of regional economy, especially in remote areas national economic development; Regulate the real estate industry development, encourage building development of tourism industry, the introduction of new strategic industry development; Advancing industrial transfer, support industry agglomeration, promote the coordinated development of the three industries of Sichuan province.


