

The Retrospective Research on the Cases of Professor Zhou Zhongying Treating Diabetes Mellitus Based on Data Mining

【作者】 庄铭元

【导师】 郭立中; 李文林;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:从整理、研究、提炼周仲瑛教授治疗糖尿病的临床经验及学术思想入手,借助于计算机数据挖掘技术,以周仲瑛教授2003年至2010年来较完整的糖尿病病案为研究对象,着重深度挖掘糖尿病病理因素的演变、组合规律和周老独到的辨证与治疗经验,从名老中医临床经验传承方面,深化中医对糖尿病的理论认识,进一步提高糖尿病的中医临床疗效,造福广大患者。方法:借由周仲瑛门诊病案系统,把周仲瑛教授2003年至2010年的门诊病例数据全部录入。目前收集符合入选标准患者共计有104例,共167诊次。通过病案数据挖掘平台,运用描述性统计方法及聚类分析、关联规则挖掘方法分析总结周仲瑛教授治疗糖尿病的核心用药、核心病机,以及根据症状变化加减用药的经验。结果:通过分析纳入病案的104例167诊次,得出糖尿病的主要症状是四肢麻木、口干、尿不畅。舌苔主要为苔薄黄腻、质暗红、脉细滑。病机主要表现为肝肾阴虚。药物主要为地骨皮、知母、鬼箭羽、玄参、制僵蚕大生地等。结论:1.病理因素主要涉及虚、热、瘀、湿热、痰、风、郁。2.病机以肝肾阴虚、气阴两伤为主。3.主要症状以四肢麻木、口干、尿不畅、尿频、大便干、四肢肿胀易汗、大便偏烂、视糊、胸闷心慌、善饥等多见,舌脉以苔薄黄腻、质暗红、脉细滑为多见。4.用药主要涉及清肺润燥药、清热燥湿药、凉血活血化瘀药、益气养阴药、生津止渴药、利水通络药、化湿健脾药。

【Abstract】 [Objective] By using computer Dada Mining and modern epidemiology statistical methods, we analyzed Professor Zhou Zhongying’s recent years clinical rcords of the pathogenesis and etiology of Diabetes Mellitus. Differentiation of symptoms and signs, academic perspectives on the treatment to deepen the research of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Diabetes Mellitus, further improve the clinical efficacy as to bring greater benefits to patients.[Methods] From the last century, professor Zhou Zhongying has left tens of thousands of out-patient medical records which have the rich clinical first-hand information and reliable sources such as the integrity of four diagnostic data and herbal prescriptions. We collect a total of 104 cases met the criteria who have 167 clinical visits, use association rules, cluster analysis, chi-square test and the core side of the classification, multi-data ect. to increase the reliability of the results of data mining to have a breakthrough on objectively collecting TCM experts’ experience, finally find the Professor Zhou Zhongying’s experience about the pathogenesis and herbal prescriptions of Diabetes Mellitus.[Result] Through the research, we found that the Diabetes Mellitus’s main symptoms are 4 extremities numbness, dry mouth, unsmootth urination. The tongue is dark red with thin yellow greasy coating and the pulse is thin slippery. The pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus is liver-kidney deficiency. The herbal medicine used are difupi, zhimu, guijianyu, xuanshen, zhijiangcan.[Conclusion] From the above analysis, we can clearly understand pathogenesis and etiologies of Diabetes Mellitus as the following:1. Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus is liver-kidney deficiency and Qi-Yin deficiency..2. Main symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus are extremities numbness, dry mouth, unsmooth urination, frequent urination, dry stool, extremities swollen, easy sweat, diarrhea, blurred vision, chest congestion and easy hunger. The tongue diagnostic is dark red tongue body with thin yellow greasy coating. The pulse diagnostic is mainly thin slippery.3. The herbal medicines used are as following:clear lung and moist dryness herbs, clear heat and dry dumpness herbs, cool blood and clear stagnation herbs, tonify Qi and nourish Yin herbs, stop thirst herbs, drain water and clear channel herbs, clear dumpness and tonify spleen herbs.

【关键词】 糖尿病数据挖掘周仲瑛回顾性研究
【Key words】 Diabetes MellitusData MiningZhou Zhongying
  • 【分类号】R249;R259
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】232

