

The Research on the Interrogation Methods from the Perspective of Body Language

【作者】 万婷

【导师】 任惠华;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 侦查学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国侦查工作,尤其是职务犯罪侦查工作的现状是:一方面,侦查讯问依然是侦查工作的基础与重心,侦查工作的开展深受侦查讯问效果良好与否的影响;另一方面,传统有声语言的讯问方式由于种种因素的限制,不能满足侦查工作的需要,经常导致侦查工作效果较差。因此,在侦查实践中需要引进新的方法来提高侦查讯问效果,改善侦查工作效益。笔者认为,身体语言是可以成为适应现代侦查讯问活动需求的新方法。因为在笔者查阅了大量有关刑侦工作中身体语言的著作及实践总结后发现,相关研究成果惊人的一致,并都提出以下结论:身体语言能够在无声之中泄露大量的、真实的、不宜作假的信息,经过实践的检验,该方法在引入到侦查工作中能极大的提高侦查讯问的效果和效率。目前,身体语言作为新兴的讯问方法,还未能被大量侦查讯问人员所掌握,因此,本文通过详细对身体语言进行研究,特别是重点研究身体语言在侦查讯问领域中的表现与运用,从而为侦查讯问人员提供借鉴,为侦查讯问工作提供更好的辅助性讯问方法。本文是从四个方面来对身体语言视野下的侦查讯问方法进行研究的。全文约有3.6万字。第一部分主要是论述身体语言的基本特性,身体语言是指人际交往中通过身体姿势,面部表情、手势,目光以及彼此间的位置和距离等等来传递信息的一种非语言形式。它由表情语言、动作语言、空间语言三部分组成,并且具有很多特点,譬如单独性和辅助性、特殊性和普遍性等。身体语言自身具有交流、指代和真实的功能,并且在侦查领域中发挥一定作用。身体语言具有悠久的历史,并且其独特性能在生理学、心理学和社会学等方面得到支持。第二部分主要论述身体语言四大基本原则,即目标原则、综合原则、一致原则和环境原则。并对使用身体语言的六大注意事项的进行了详细的诠释,它们是细致观察、暗中观察、客观公正、熟知普遍的体语讯号、寻找习惯性动作、坚持不懈。第三部分主要是阐述身体语言在侦查讯问活动中的具体应用。身体语言由表情语言、动作语言、空间语言三个部分构成。每一部分的身体语言表现均包含三个方面:其一,基本内容,即具体的身体语言符号表现;其二,犯罪嫌疑人的身体语言表现和释义;其三,侦查讯问人员如何应用其自身的身体语言对犯罪嫌疑人施加影响,提高侦查工作的效率。第四部分,为侦查讯问人员在日常的工作或生活中,能够更好的掌握身体语言,熟练的应用身体语言,而提出训练技巧,具体为:“测心术”、“呼寻碰壁”技术、“好奇心”技术、“舒适与不适”技术等。

【Abstract】 At present, investigation work in China, especially, the status of duty crime investigation is: on one hand, interrogation is still the foundation and center of investigation, investigation development depend on interrogation of effect is good or not; on the other hand, the traditional methods of sound language interrogation due to various factors, cannot satisfy the needs of investigation, often leading to poor result. Therefore, in the practice of investigation necessary to introduce new ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of interrogation. The author holds that body language become a new approach to meeting the needs of modern investigative activities. Because I read a vast amount of criminal investigation book about body language in practice, the research achievements amazing consistent, have put forward the following conclusions: the body language is a large amount of leakage into the real, not false information, and get the test of practice, this method is introduced into the investigation, which can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of interrogation. currently, body language as a new interrogation techniques, having not be mastered by the interrogators. Therefore, this article through detailed study about body language, the key researching body language in investigation in the field of expression and utilization, to providing better accessible and reference for the interrogators.This article has four aspects about the study of body language from the perspective of research on interrogation methods.This article have 36000 words.The first part is mainly to introduce the basic characteristics of body language. The body language is refers to the human communication through the body postures, the facial expression, the hand signal, the vision as well as the position and distance between each other and so on to a non-verbal forms of passing information. It includs three parts:the expression language, the movement language, the spatial language . It has many characteristics, for example independent and auxiliary, particularity and universality and so on. Body language oneself has the exchange, to refer to generation and the real function, and plays certain role in the in the field of investigation. The body language has the glorious history, and its unique performance in terms of physiology, psychology and sociology and other aspects are supported.The second part is mainly through detailed explanation of the four basic principles:the goal principle, the comprehensive principle, the consistent principle, the environmental principle. And making a detailed explanation for the practice of body language of the six points , they are: careful observation, then watched not too big,maintaining the objective attitude, realizing common body language signal, seeking for the routine movement, to be persist.The third part is mainly elaborated the specific application of body language in investigation. Body language contains expression language, movements language, posture language. Each part of the body language includes three aspects: firstly, the basic content, namely "body language" symbols and characteristic; secondly, the criminal suspect "body language" performance and definitions;thirdly, interrogators how to apply their own body language influence on criminal suspects, improving the efficiency of investigations.The fourth part, in order to investigating interrogators in daily work or life, to better control body language, skilling application body language, and putting forward some training small methods. They are:“mind reading”technology, " shouts seeks runs into a wall" technology,“Curiosity“technology ,“Comfort and discomfort" technology.

  • 【分类号】D918
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】787

