

The Calculation of Attainable Interest in Breach of Contract

【作者】 高万兴

【导师】 范伟红;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 违约可得利益损失赔偿是违约损害赔偿制度中的重要组成部分,虽然我国《合同法》第113条对违约可得利益损失应当赔偿作出了规定,相关司法解释亦对可得利益损失予以确认,但对违约可得利益损失的范围和计算方法的规定都过于原则,在司法实践中缺乏可操作性。本文仅针对违约可得利益损失的相关问题试图作一浅析,以期在实务操作中能有所裨益。第一部分,主要从英美法系、大陆法系对期待利益和信赖利益的不同划分标准,结合我国立法对违约可得利益的规定来厘清三者在概念上的区分。阐述了违约可得利益特点及对可得利益损失进行计算的必要性。第二部分,主要阐述违约可得利益损失的范围确认、实务操作中需要考虑的违约可得利益的表现形式。确认可得利益的范围是计算可得利益损失的前提,在实务操作中需要借助于会计方法对可得利益进行计算。第三部分,主要论述可得利益损失赔偿的五个原则。在明确了可得利益损失赔偿范围后在逻辑上就必然要有相关原则加以限制,方能客观公平的保护合同当事人的合法权利。第四部分,主要论述可得利益损失的计算方式及计算标准,违约可得利益损失的计算方式及计算标准直接关系到非违约方获得赔偿的具体数额,是合同违约可得利益损失赔偿的核心。违约可得利益损失的计算方式根据合同的具体情况主要分为主观计算方式和客观计算方式;约定法、差额法、反推法、类比法及估算法。违约可得利益损失的计算标准根据合同的具体情况主要考虑时间因素、地点因素和价格因素。第五部分,主要论述违约可得利益损失的期间确认及举证责任分担,通过委托司法鉴定人、采纳专家证言也可减轻对违约可得利益损失赔偿的举证责任。

【Abstract】 The loss of attainable interest compensation in breach of contract is an important part in compensation system for the breach of contract, the Contract Law of P.R.C, Section 113, makes provision for attainable interest compensation, and also some relevant judicial interpretations have recognized it, but it is very principle about the provisions on the scope and methods of the loss of attainable interest compensation. These provisions are lack of operability in judicial practice. This thesis just tends to make a simple analysis on these issues, and expect to make a further study in practical operation. The first part mainly discusses the concept of the attainable interest, expectation interest and reliance interest between common law, civil law and our legislation in different criteria for classification. After that, it elaborates the character of attainable interest and the necessity of calculation on attainable interest. The second part mainly discusses the scope confirmed on the loss of attainable interest, the forms of attainable interest in contract breach which should be considered in practical operation. The confirmation of the scope on attainable interest is the premise to calculate attainable interest. It needs to use the accounting methods to calculate attainable interest in practical operation. The third part mainly discusses five principles of the loss of attainable interest compensation in contract breach. It is necessary to use some relevant principles logically to limit the compensation after the scope confirmed on the loss of attainable interest. So, it could protect the parties’legal rights objectively and fairly. The forth part mainly discusses the calculation methods and criteria of the loss of attainable interest compensation. These calculation methods and criteria is the core of attainable interest compensation, is directly related the specific amount to non-defaulting party. According to the specific circumstances of the contract, these calculation methods and criteria could be divided into subjective method and objective method, agreed method, balance method, inverse method, analogy method, estimation method. The calculation methods and criteria of the loss of attainable interest compensation mainly consider time factors, location factors and price factors. The fifth part mainly discusses the period confirmation and the burden of proof on the loss of attainable interest compensation. It can relieve the burden of proof to the parties through consigning judicial identifier and adopting expert testimony.

  • 【分类号】D923.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306

