

Study on Public Interest Principle in Anti-Dumping Law

【作者】 周茜

【导师】 杨旭;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 反倾销法自诞生之日起便备受法学家和经济学家的关注。由于倾销行为大都会带来一定的负面效应,损害倾销的出口国、进口国以及第三国的利益,所以反倾销法便成为规避倾销损害的有力武器。然而,在反倾销法的适用过程中,各国将其作为保护国内相关产业、抵制外国产品流入国内的工具而广泛使用。事实上,反倾销法成为了一把“双刃剑”,在保护国内受倾销损害产业的同时,也会损害到上游产业、下游产业和消费者等的利益,甚至会影响到一国的经济结构。因此,为减少反倾销法的负面效应,公共利益原则作为限制反倾销措施滥用的手段应运而生。但是,学术界对公共利益原则在反倾销制度中存在的必要性尚未达成一致,并且实践中许多国家也未明确将公共利益原则规定在反倾销法中,本文旨在通过对公共利益原则的研究为反倾销法的改革尽一点绵薄之力。本文共分为四个部分。第一部分,首先阐述了公共利益原则在反倾销法中的立法沿革,并分析了在反倾销法中引入公共利益原则的原因;其次,探讨了反倾销法中公共利益原则的概念;再次从多个角度分析了公共利益原则在反倾销法中的作用,最后分析了在反倾销法中确定公共利益原则的因素。第二部分运用了价值分析法,从法律价值、经济价值、政治价值多角度出发探讨了公共利益原则存在的理论基础。第三部分用比较法分析了WTO、欧盟、加拿大、美国反倾销法中有关公共利益原则的规定,并以实证分析法剖析了相关案例。第四部分是对我国反倾销法中公共利益原则制度构建的研究。归纳总结了现阶段我国反倾销法中有关公共利益原则的规定,提出了不足并给予了完善的建议,最后剖析了我国首例涉及反倾销法中公共利益原则的案例。此外,本文还运用了经济学、社会学、历史研究的方法分析一些具体问题。

【Abstract】 Anti-dumping law, from their birth, have attracted attention from both jurists and economists. For dumping acts will bring more or less some negative effects, thus impairing the interests of the exporting, importing and third countries, anti-dumping law serve as a powerful weapon in avoiding damages caused by dumping. In fact, anti-dumping law is a“double-edged sword”, protecting the internal industries affected by dumping, while impairing downstream industries and the interests of the consumers, even the economic structure of a country and overall economic interests. Therefore, the principle of public interest has emerged as the time requires for the purpose of avoiding the abuse of anti-dumping law, but scholars are divided academically as to the necessity of such principle in anti-dumping system, and some nations fail to incorporate such principle in their anti-dumping laws. This paper aims to contribute to the reform of anti-dumping law by the study of the principle of public interest.This paper is composed of four parts. PartⅠexpounds the reasons for the introduction thereof into the principle of public interest; introduces the concept of the principle of public interest and different views among Chinese legal profession; and analyzes the functions of such principle in anti-dumping law from different perspectives.In PartⅡ, the method of value analysis is employed for the investigation of the theoretical basis of the principle of public interest from legal, economic and political perspectives.In PartⅢ, the stipulations and cases related to the principle of public interests in anti-dumping legislations among WTO, Europe, Canada and the USA are compared and analyzed.PartⅣdeals with the legislation and practice of the principle of public interest in the anti-dumping system of China, including a summary of the provisions related to such principle of the present day, the shortcomings of such legislation and improvements therefor, and ends up by providing the first case in China concerning the principle of public interests.In addition, such other methods as used in economic, sociological and historical research are also employed in this paper for the analysis of some concrete issues.

【关键词】 倾销反倾销公共利益
【Key words】 dumpinganti-dumpingpublic interests
  • 【分类号】D996;D922.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】182

