

A Study on the Repair and Reconstruction of Patented Products

【作者】 季明

【导师】 曾德国;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 关于专利产品修理与再造问题,我国的相关规定还很不完善,只有一个试行的司法解释和一个会议讨论稿涉及到这个问题。但在美国、日本等国家,已经出现过很多相关的案例,相关法律规定也比较完善。专利产品修理与再造问题,不仅涉及到专利权人的利益,还涉及到专利产品购买者和使用者的利益,同时更涉及到社会公众的利益。所以,区分专利产品修理与再造,具有非常重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文从专利产品修理与再造的概念及其特点入手,然后在进一步研究专利产品修理与再造的理论基础及相关案例的基础上,对完善我国相关规定提出了自己的思考和建议。本文共分为四个部分:第一部分是专利产品修理与再造问题的概述。该部分主要介绍了专利产品修理与再造的概念及其特点,然后在此基础上总结出专利产品修理与再造之间的关系,从而为下文的论述打下基础。第二部分是专利产品修理与再造的理论研究——专利权用尽原则。该部分首先简要介绍了专利权用尽原则的定义及其相关理论,随后重点介绍了美国在此方面的相关规定,以及对我国相关规定的理解和讨论,最后总结了专利产品修理与再造问题同专利权用尽原则之间的关系。第三部分是专利产品修理与再造案例研究。这一部分重点介绍了美国及日本的相关典型案例,对所论述的案例进行了思考和讨论,同时也简单介绍了我国的相关案例。第四部分是完善我国相关规定的思考和建议。这一部分首先指出了我国相关规定的现状以及完善我国相关规定的必要性,然后提出了完善我国相关规定的原则和建议。

【Abstract】 China’s relevant regulations concerning the repair and remaking of patented products are not mature, there exists only one try-out judicial interpretation addressing the problem. In countries like American and Japan, the legal rules are relatively mature in addressing such cases. The repair and remaking of patented products is not only relative to the interests of patentee, it also concerns the interests of buyers and users. To put it in a large picture, it concerns the interests of the general public. It is theoretically and practically significant to distinguish repair and remaking of patented products. This paper puts forwards proposals to improve and enhance China’s relevant regulations by introducing the concept and characteristics of the repair and remaking of patented products based on exploring its theoretical basis and analysing relevant cases. This paper is composed of 4 parts.Part 1 summarizes the repair and remaking of patented products. It mainly introduces its concept and characteristics and the relationship between them.Part 2 explores the theory of the repair and remaking of patented products——the principle of patent exhaustion. It briefly the concept and the relevant theories of the principle of patent exhaustion. It then focuses on relevant regulations of U.S and summarizes the relationship between repair and remaking of patented products and the principle of patent exhaustion.Part 3 focuses on relevant cases. It mainly introduces and discusses relevant cases from U.S and Japan and China.Part 4 advances proposals to improve and enhance China’s relevant regulations. It points out the challenges facing China’s relevant regulations and the necessity for improvement.

  • 【分类号】D923.42
  • 【下载频次】68

