

Research on the Application of the Parole in China

【作者】 武宁宁

【导师】 张能全;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 假释是对判处有期徒刑或无期徒刑的犯罪分子予以附条件的释放,是我国重要的刑罚执行方式。假释制度源于西方资本主义国家的刑事惩罚措施,我国《大清新刑律》最早规定了假释制度,后来的法律相继沿用,促进了我国的刑罚制度的发展完善。新中国成立后的第一部刑法对假释制度作出了具体的规定,但由于法律条文较粗糙,加之受我国传统的重刑思想等因素影响,我国假释制度的适用率普遍很低,而与之相反的是,减刑制度却在司法实践中得到了广泛的适用,并且有逐年扩大的趋势。鉴于全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议于2011年2月25日通过了刑法修正案(八),此次修正案对假释的相关制度做了较大幅度的修改,本文将在现行法律规定的基础上结合修正案中改动的部分阐述假释制度在我国的司法适用情况。本文的正文内容分为三个部分,第一部分强调假释制度的基本概念和假释制度的司法意义,具体从三个方面阐释我国假释制度的重要意义,分别为假释对我国宽严相济刑事政策的意义、对在押犯人的意义及对刑罚目的实现的意义。第二部分分析我国假释制度的司法适用,此部分又分为两个内容,一是介绍我国现行的有关假释的条文以及刑法修正案(八)的内容,二是结合法律法规以及我国的司法实践分析我国的假释制度中存在的主要问题。在阐述假释存在的主要问题时具体从五个方面着手,首先提出假释适用率极低的问题,然后分析假释适用不普遍的原因;第二,论述我国假释适用的封闭性问题,此问题又从权力失衡、程序缺失、考核标准不统一等几个方面具体剖析;第三,论述假释适用缺少当事人的参与性;第四,论述我国假释适用中出现的权力机关的权力分配不平衡的问题;最后,论述我国假释制度本身在设置上的缺陷。第三部分是结合第二部分中阐述的我国假释适用缺陷、我国的法律规定以及刑法修正案(八)的规定,提出我国假释制度的完善建议,主要有:从思想上改变对假释适用的偏见,应当转变对刑法惩罚的目的和功能的态度;完善有关假释的实体立法和程序应用方面的法律规定;增强有效的监督;完善假释适用的配套制度,通过社区矫正,使罪犯重新回归社会,最终实现我国民主法治建设的目标。

【Abstract】 Parole which is the release for prisoners who were sentenced limited or life imprisonment by a judge, is an essential measure of criminal punishment and originated from western capitalistic states. It’s the first time that the parole system was erected in law documents in China when ShenJiaben compiled the <DaQingXinXingLv> in 1911. Although the parole system was erected as law and absorbed by flowing laws, the rate of application is low because of the inadequate rules, traditional severe criminal punishment and other social systems. However, the commutation of sentence was be used usually in judicial practice and increase gradually. As the Eight amendment of The Criminal Law, which was passed in the nineteenth conference of National People’s Congress standing committee on 26th Feb. 2011 and will come into force on 1st May 2011, modified some rules about parole system. The paper will discuss the judicial practice of parole system in China on the base of current regulations and the new amendment.The body of this paper was divided three parts. First of all, the article starts with the basic concept and the judicial essence of parole, in order to emphasize the importance of the parole from three parts including criminal policies, the meaning to prisoners and the objective of the criminal punishment. The second part contains two aspects to analyze judicial practice of the parole in our country. The first aspect introduces the content of the articles and the new amendment relating to parole system. The second aspect elucidates the main problems on the parole system in laws and practices. To clear this issue, this part firstly analyzes cause of the low rate of applicability; secondly, discusses the unopened problems in judicial practice from the unbalanced power distribution, the deficiency of procedure and inconsistent standards; thirdly, recommended the lack of the parties’participation; fourthly, elucidates the unbalanced power between national departments; and finally explains the defective content of the parole system itself. The third part of the body puts forward some perfecting suggestions which comprise the change of the prejudice in mind, the enough regulations, the improving supervision, the proper relative rules and the community corrections’systems. All in all, there is an aim that the prisoners should get the opportunities to enter into the society newly and last our country realizes the construction of democracy and rule of law.

  • 【分类号】D924.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】177

