

Right to Resist of the Private Party’s Context of Choice in China

【作者】 刘青

【导师】 王学辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 行政法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 立法权只能消极的对行政行为进行监督,司法权只能在事后补救公民权利,行政相对人的抵抗权却能摆脱立法权和司法权的困境,在事中保护相对人的权利。为了及时有效的保护行政相对人的合法权益,还应赋予行政相对人抵抗权。纵观我国法律,大多数法律部门规定了公民在面对“即时危害”时的“即时自救权”,比如刑法和民法中的正当防卫权。相对人的抵抗权在我国有其合法性生存空间,对相对人权益的保护至关重要。然而,相对人的抵抗权不论在理论上还是在立法实践中,都存在着许多问题尚待完善。相对人应该而且可以享有抵抗权已成为学界通说,但是作为有着合理性存在基础的相对人抵抗权的行使还需要行政法制度化的努力方能落实,也即依赖于其在我国语境下的路径选择,全文主体分为五个部分。第一部分“行政相对人抵抗权的提出”,本文首先界定了行政相对人抵抗权的含义,它的特征、内容;紧接着梳理了行政相对人在中西方历史的演进脉络;随着,笔者把行政相对人的抵抗权和相近概念如正当防卫权、公民不服从和良心拒绝等概念进行了分析,使行政相对人抵抗权的提出清晰明了。第二部分“行政相对人抵抗权存在的正当性基础”,行政相对人的抵抗权作为一种私权利救济,在实践层面有一定的争议性。鉴于此种情况,有必要对行政相对人抵抗权的正当性基础做一个明确清晰的阐释。笔者从行政相对人抵抗权的理论基础和现实基础出发,避开抵抗权产生的政治性基础和宪政基础,紧紧围绕行政相对人抵抗权的行政法基础,通过对公定力理论和无效行政行为的论证,从而证成行政相对人抵抗权的在行政法上的理论基础。然后从平衡行政法律关系、程序控权以及公共利益需尊重个人利益等方面出发论证行政相对人抵抗权的现实基础。第三部分“行政相对人抵抗权在我国的生存语境”,在证成了行政相对人抵抗权的正当性后,紧接着需要分析行政相对人抵抗权在我国存在的生存语境,也即行政相对人抵抗权的生存土壤。笔者从行政相对人抵抗权的肯定性语境和原生性障碍出发,对行政相对人抵抗权的肯定性语境比如良好国际环境——行政相对人抵抗权在国外的确立、无效行为制度的初步研究、行政相对人抵抗权在我国立法初露端倪、知情权制度的确立、行政相对人抵抗权的司法实践以及行政相对人对权利的日益重视等进行全面的分析;紧接着又对行政相对人抵抗权的原生性障碍如无效行政行为概念不清和标准混乱、确认无效行政诉讼类型的缺位、行政相对人妨害公务责任的存在、行政主体和行政相对人自身问题等方面进行客观的描述,最后得出结论:在我国,有适合行政相对人抵抗权的生存土壤。第四部分“行政相对人抵抗权的路径预设”,笔者首先表明了立场:由于行政相对人抵抗权的正当性基础和生存语境在我国都具备,所以我国法律可以确定行政相对人的抵抗权。接下来对行政相对人抵抗权的行使路径进行了预设,包括行使条件、行使方式、行使效果、行使风险都进行了具体细致的预设。紧接着为了保障行政相对人抵抗权的有效行使,笔者还创设了相应的制度进行匹配,主要是建立“无效确认之诉”制度、建立无效之诉中停止执行制度以及建立行政相对人举证责任制度、行政行为说明理由制度。第五部分即结语部分,对行政相对人抵抗权的在我国的创立进行展望,行政相对人抵抗权作为行政相对人一项不可或缺的程序性权利,应该规定在正在酝酿中的《中华人民共和国行政程序法》中,这样行政相对人的抵抗权才能在我国真正得以实现。

【Abstract】 Legislative power can only supervise the administrative action negatively; judicial power can only be remedial civil rights. Right to resist of the Private Party was able to get rid of the plight of legislative and judicial powers; it can protect the rights of the Private Party on the process. In order to protect the legitimate interests of the administrative counterpart timely and effectively, who also gives the Private Party the relative right of resistance. Throughout our law, most legal department stipulates that the citizens have the "immediate self-help rights" when facing the "immediate harm", such as self-defense in criminal and civil rights.Right to resist of the Private Party has its legitimacy in our living space, It is essential to the protection of the rights of the administrative counterpart. However, the legislation of the right to resist of the private party both in theory and in practice, there are many issues to be perfect. The private party should enjoy the right to resist and it has become a usual attitude in academic. But as there exists a reasonable basis for the administration of relative resistance to the exercise of the right efforts also need to institutionalize administrative law before being implemented, that is dependent on its in my Mandarin environments of the path selection, the main text is divided into five parts.The first part: "The referring of Right to resist of the Private Party ", the paper first defines the meaning of the right to resist of the private party, its features and content; followed by combing the administrative counterpart of the evolution in the context of Western history; with the author to right to resist of the private party similar to concepts such as self-defense rights and the right to conscientious objection and civil disobedience were the concepts of discrimination, the right of the executive relative resistance to the proposal clear. The second part: "The legitimacy exists of right to resist," the administrative counterpart of the right of resistance as a private right to relief, in practice a certain level of controversy. In view of this, it is necessary to interpret the legitimacy of the private party the right clearly and precisely. The author from the right to resist of the private party’s theory basis and practical basis, to avoid the right to resist the political basis and have constitutional basis, closely around the right of the Chief Administrative Law relative resistance based on the theory and the Public Force of invalid administrative actions argument, which justified the right of administration relative resistance to the theory on the basis of administrative law. Then from the balance between administrative law, procedural and public interest controlling interests to be terms of respect for individual administrative proceeding demonstrates the right to resist of the private party has the factual basis in reality.The third part:" Right to resist of the Private Party to survive in the soil of our country" in the card into the administrative counterpart, after the legitimacy of the right of resistance, followed by a need to analyze the administrative counterpart right of resistance exists in the survival of our soil, that the relative administrative Right to Resistance survival context. The author the right of resistance from the administration relative certainty context and barriers to starting native of administrative relative certainty of the right to resist such a favorable international environment context - the administrative counterpart in a foreign country the right to resist the establishment of system of administrative action is invalid Preliminary research, administrative counterpart legislation in our country the right to resist the horizon, right to information system established, the Chief relative resistance to the judicial practice of rights and administrative rights of the growing relative importance of such a comprehensive analysis; followed by another relative of the Chief the right of native people against obstacles such as the concept of invalid administrative action is unclear and the standard confusion, confirmed the absence of an invalid type of administrative litigation, administrative responsibilities relative presence of obstruction of official business, administrative body and administrative issues relative to other aspects of man’s own objective description, Finally, the conclusion: In our country, have the right to resist the administrative counterpart for the survival of soil.The fourth part "The path of Right to resist of the Private Party ", the author first made its position clear: the right of resistance due to administrative legitimacy relative basis, and survival are available in our context, it can determine the administration of the law relative resistance right. The next administration relative to the exercise of the right to resist the default path, including the exercise conditions, exercised, the exercise effect, have carried out the exercise of specific and detailed risk default. Followed in order to protect the right of administration relative to the effective exercise of human resistance, the author also created to match the corresponding system, mainly the establishment of "invalid action of confirmation" system, the establishment of the complaint is invalid to stop the implementation of the system and the establishment of administrative burden of proof relative administrative reasons the system behavior. The fifth part: the conclusion part: the right to resist of the private party should be carried out in our founding vision, The right to resist of the private party as an essential procedural human rights, should provide for in the making "Chinese people Republic of the Administrative Procedure Act ", so that the right to resist of the private party really can be achieved in our country.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【下载频次】154

