

Analysis on the Effects of RMB Appreciation on FDI Inflows in Chongqing

【作者】 杨光佳

【导师】 李树;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国民经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从中国人民银行于2005年7月21日宣布改变人民币汇率制度,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度以来,人民币就开始了显著、持续的升值过程。根据相关的国际投资理论,一国汇率水平的变化将会对其外资流入产生重要影响。重庆是中国西部地区唯一的直辖市,它起着承东启西、联系东部与西部的桥梁和纽带作用,所以,重庆市如何更好地利用FDI发展经济,会在中国西部地区中形成示范效应。因此,在人民币持续升值趋势的背景下,人民币升值对重庆FDI的影响是一个很值得讨论和研究的问题,对其进行研究分析就显得更加具有现实意义。本文的数据主要来源于重庆统计年鉴、中国统计年鉴和相关的政府网站。本文在利用这些数据的前提下,运用理论分析、经验分析、实证分析与规范分析的研究方法,从理论、经验和实证三个方面对人民币升值对重庆FDI流入总体规模和行业结构的不同影响进行了分析,最后还结合理论分析和实证分析的结果给出了重庆如何在人民币升值的现状下更好地吸引FDI流入的政策建议。通过本文的研究,希望能够理清人民币升值对重庆FDI流入的影响,并给出了在人民币升值趋势的前提下有利于重庆吸引FDI流入的政策措施建议。本文的创新之处在于本文从一个区域的角度,运用相关理论,建立模型探讨人民币升值对重庆FDI的影响。此外,本文关于人民币升值对重庆FDI的影响不仅探讨了人民币升值对重庆FDI流入总体规模的影响,还探讨了人民币升值对重庆FDI流入行业结构的影响。

【Abstract】 The People’s Bank of China announced to transform the exchange rate- forming mechanism of RMB on July 21st of 2005. It also announced to come into practice managed floating rate system, based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. After RMB exchange rate reform, RMB began to appreciate remarkably and constantly. According to international investment theory, the change of exchange rate level will influence FDI. Chongqing,as the unique municipality in inland area,has played a role of linking the eastern and the western parts. How Chongqing develops its economy making use of FDI is worth discussing and studying. In the context of RMB appreciation, it makes sense to research the influence of RMB revaluation on FDI in Chongqing.The data of article comes from statistics almanac about Chongqing,statistics almanac about China,and other material in the web. In the premise of using these data, by using the methods of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis,empirical analysis and normative analysis,the paper researches the influences of RMB appreciation has on the overall scale of FDI in Chongqing and the different effects it has on various industries. Finally, it studies the trend of RMB exchange rate in future and the effects it has on the FDI, and then combing theoretical analysis with empirical studies,it gives some policies and suggestions to deal with the RMB appreciation for Chongqing. Through this research,the paper hopes to know about the effects of RMB appreciation on the FDI inflows in Chongqing,and provides some political suggestions which are conducive attracting FDI in Chongqing to be followed in the context of RMB appreciation.The innovation of this paper is that the paper researches into the effects of RMB appreciation on FDI in Chongqing by using relevant theory and building some models. Moreover, this paper not only researches the effects of RMB appreciation has on the overall scale of FDI in Chongqing but also discusses the effects of RMB appreciation has on the industry Structure of FDI in Chongqing.

  • 【分类号】F832.6;F224
  • 【下载频次】190

