

Between the Practice Perspective and Deserved Perspective

【作者】 司马思品

【导师】 陈锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 按照通说,人类进入阶级社会之后,便产生了法律;有了法律,然后才有了违法犯罪。作为战胜犯罪的法宝,肉体刑罚已经延续了很长的时间,人们同时还辅之以监禁自由刑,但仍然未能解决犯罪问题,二次犯罪率也是居高不下,这说明依靠肉体刑罚与自由刑来解决犯罪问题已走到穷途末路,现存的刑罚执行方式仍具有较大的完善空间。为此,一些有识之士提出,应将监禁刑与非监禁刑并用,以解决犯罪人员的改造问题。正是在这种情况下,社区矫正制度应运而生,它是一种新型的、与监禁矫正相对的刑罚执行方式,是将符合社区矫正条件的罪犯置于社区内,由专门的国家机关在相关社会团体和民间组织以及社会志愿者的协助下,在判决、裁定或决定确定的期限内,矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,使其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚执行活动。社区矫正作为非监禁刑,与传统的监狱监禁刑相比,有着自己独特的优势:它在促进罪犯回归社会、避免罪犯交叉感染、合理配置行刑资源、减轻财政支出、促进社会治安良性循环等方面具有重要意义,它更加体现了以人为本的人权观,避免了对服刑人员标签化看待产生的消极影响,重视恢复性的教育矫正,更有利于服刑人员更快更好地复归社会,因而也更加符合社会发展的历史潮流。英美等西方国家是社区矫正制度的发源地,在这些国家,社区矫正的法律法规和相关制度经过多年的理论论证和实践运作,可以说已经比较科学、合理并逐渐走向成熟,因而可以为我们建构有中国特色的社区矫正制度提供很好的借鉴。在我国,社区矫正工作的开展是近几年的事情。2003年7月,社区矫正的试点工作在我国正式启动,也正是从这时候开始,短短的几年里,社区矫正不仅成为了我国司法制度改革备受关注的热点,而且还成为了理论界研究的热点之一。但是,由于我国长期以来盛行重刑主义思想,社区矫正制度在引入之始就受到社会各界不少人士与一些学者们的质疑,直到现在,这种质疑之声仍然没有停止过;而且,社区矫正制度在中国推行的过程中,理论方面与实践方面都准备得不充分,存在着一些先天不足,人们在摸索的过程中遇到了一些困难和问题,急需解决。因此,有必要对社区矫正制度(尤其是对有中国特色的社区矫正制度)在实然和应然的层面上作进一步的研究和探讨。本文首先通过分析研究我国目前社区矫正制度实施的具体状况,发现并总结社区矫正实践中存在的问题和困难;然后在实践的基础之上探讨“应然的社区矫正”,即社区矫正要达到一个什么样的目标,一种理想的社区矫正制度应当是怎样的。接着,结合中国的现实国情民意,探讨如何从应然的社区矫正走向实然的社区矫正,并寻找走向实然的、有中国特色的社区矫正的实际路径。本文除前言和结语外,主体内容共分为三大部分。第一部分:社区矫正的实然视角。此部分对国内社区矫正的试点工作进行调查研究,从宏观和微观两个层面分析了社区矫正在我国的具体实施状况,进而在实然的意义上分析了我国社区矫正实践取得的成绩以及存在的不足。第二部分:社区矫正的应然视角。此部分探讨“应然的社区矫正”是怎样的,即主要谈社区矫正要采取什么样的方式方法,达到一个什么样的目标,理想的社区矫正制度应具备一个怎样的框架。第三部分:社区矫正从应然走向实然的路径。主要探讨如何在我国建立并完善社区矫正制度,从而把应然的社区矫正理念转变成实然的制度。本文强调,应以加大社区建设力度和转变执法观念为着眼点,进行具体的建章立制,强化监督,进行统一的社区矫正立法,加大社区矫正执行力度。

【Abstract】 According to the general said, laws generated in class society. Is legally, then had illegal crime. As a weapon over crime, the physical punishment has lasted for a long time, prison freedom penalty was also assisted, but still failed to solve crime, Second crime rate being also high shows that to solve crime depending on physical punishment and freedom penalty has gone to the extremity, executing criminal punishments still have bigger space to perfect. Therefore, some insights put forward that imprisonment and non-confinement penalty should be comprehensively utilized to reform criminal personnel. In this case, the system of community correction emerged. Corresponding with prison correction, community correction is a new type of penal execution activities which allows the criminals complying with the conditions of community correction to stay in the community, the special state organs, with the help of nongovernmental organizations and society volunteers, correct their fixed determined criminal psychology and behavior habits according to the decision、ruling and decision within the period determined, make them smoothly return society.As non-confinement penalty, compared with the traditional prison imprisonment, community correction has its own unique advantages: it can promote criminals to return the society, avoid crossing infection, rational configuration of criminal penalties resources and reduce expenditure, promote social security into a benign circulation. Furthermore, it reflects the people-oriented view, avoids the view of prisoners from labeled and the negative influence of education correction, pays attention to restorative, more conducive to serve personnel return society better and faster, conforming to the social development trend of history.England, America and other western countries are the birthplace of community correction. In these countries, laws and related regulation system about community correction have been more arguable, scientific, reasonable and gradually mature after years of theoretical argument and practical operation, thus it can provide us very good reference to build and development community correctional system of Chinese characteristic.In China, community correction began to develop only a few years ago, the pilot work of community correction in China started in July,2003. Then community correction becomes the focus of the judicial system reform in China, and the hot spot of the theoretical circles quickly. But, as the long-term view of penalty favorable prevailed in our country, community correctional system was questioned by many people and some scholars. This questioning voice hasn’t stopped yet since it was first introduced into our country. Moreover, in the process of community correctional system implement in China, neither the theory nor the practice is fully prepared, there are some difficulties and problems which is urgent to solve. Therefore, it is necessary to further research community correctional system (Especially a community correctional system of Chinese characteristic) in real perspective and granted perspective.This paper through analyzing and researching the specific condition of community correctional system in our country at present, try to find the problems and difficulties in practice, then based on it discussing "ideal community correction" i.e., what kind of a target should community correction achieve, and what ideal community should correction system be like. Then discuss how to transform the ideal community correction into practice in China’s conditions, and seek the actual path for community correction of Chinese characteristic.The subject content of this article is divided into three sections except preface and epilogue.Part One: The practice perspective about community correction. In this part, the author researches pilot work of community correction in our country, analyzes the implementation condition of community correction in our country from the macro and micro levels, then summaries the significance of community correction and practice deficiency.Part Two: The deserved perspective about community correction. In this part, the author discusses what "deserved community correction" should be, mainly talk about what kind of community correction methods we should adopt, what kind of a target community correction should reach and what a framework the ideal community correctional system should have.Part Three: The way through which the ideal community correction transform into practice. In this part, the author mainly discusses how to establish and perfect the community correctional system and transform the ideal community correction into practice in China. The paper emphasizes that constitution and system must be made and built, supervision tightened, unity of community correction undertook, community correction legislation on executive power strengthened. In this progress, community construction should be strengthened and the view of law enforcement should be transformed as a specific focus.

  • 【分类号】D926.8
  • 【下载频次】113

