

Judicial Appraiser Responsibility Research

【作者】 白文娟

【导师】 贾治辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 侦查学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 司法鉴定活动是科学技术在司法实践中的应用,应当客观、公正、科学,但由于司法鉴定活动是由司法鉴定人实施的,是一种受主观性支配的有意识的取证活动,所以,在整个鉴定活动过程中,都有可能出现错误鉴定或过失鉴定,造成一定损害后果的情形,从而出现司法鉴定人法律责任问题。所以,本文拟从司法鉴定人的概念和特征入手,阐述司法鉴定人的法律地位和司法鉴定人法律责任存在的主要问题,并借鉴两大法系关于司法鉴定人责任制度构建的理论和实践经验,提出构建我国司法鉴定人责任制度体系的建议和相关配套措施,以期对我国司法鉴定人法律责任制度体系的构建有所帮助。全文由四个部分组成。第一部分主要是将司法鉴定人同鉴定人的概念进行区分,在明确司法鉴定人的概念的前提下对司法鉴定人的特征,诉讼地位进行分析。司法鉴定人是司法鉴定活动的具体实施者,是司法鉴定制度的核心主体,司法鉴定活动中的各项制度都与司法鉴定人密切相关。司法鉴定人的知识、技能等各方面素质关系到鉴定结论正确与否,能否保障诉讼活动、准司法活动的顺利进行,以及能否维护当事人的生命财产利益等。另外,必须明确司法鉴定人的诉讼地位,那么,鉴定人的资格、权利、义务、责任等问题才能得到相应的确定。我国司法鉴定人的诉讼地位比英美法系国家的专家证人地位高,比大陆法系国家的鉴定人诉讼地位低,基本上体现了科学性和公正性的要求。第二部分主要是对司法鉴定人责任问题研究的必要性与可行性进行分析。首先界定鉴定法律关系的概念,明确的鉴定法律关系并明确鉴定法律关系中的主体,使之明确自己的权利和义务,从而正确的运用或实施鉴定。司法鉴定人权利是责任的保障,义务是其履行职责的必要条件。司法鉴定人是否应当承担责任及其应承担何种责任与诉讼模式及鉴定主体制度的构架有密切关系。应当综合两大法系的优点,面对我国目前存在的职权型鉴定人和面向社会的非职权型鉴定人两种情形,选择适合我国实际情况的司法鉴定人责任负担理论。面对我国目前对司法鉴定人责任问题的理论研究还存在空缺,并且立法上缺乏可以实际操作的实施细则的现状,具体分析我国目前司法鉴定人责任负担的类型,提出建立和完善司法鉴定人负责制度的具体建议。在司法鉴定人责任研究必要性指引下,根据我国当前司法领域的实际情况,对构建司法鉴定人责任制度的可行性进行分析,并明确了对司法鉴定人责任的追究应当遵循依法追究、责任自负、程序公正的原则。第三部分主要是在法理层面对司法鉴定人的法律责任进行分析。首先明确研究司法鉴定人责任制度必须遵循一定的原则,使立法和司法得到统一。具体分析了合法性、客观性、独立性和公正性的原则,认识的客观性和主体性以及实践的绝对性和相对性相统一的原则,与我国现行的法律制度体系相适应的原则以及依法追究鉴定人责任和保障鉴定人合法权益相互结合的原则。其目标在于通过事前防御和事后救济来强化司法鉴定人的义务观念和责任感,保证鉴定结论的客观性、公正性,进而保障司法鉴定工作的顺利进行。笔者还就国内外司法鉴定人法律责任的追究范围进行了详尽的论述,并从民事责任角度具体分析了司法鉴定人法律责任的性质、种类和构成要件,进而明确司法鉴定人法律责任的免责情形。另外,笔者试图构建一套适合我国实际情况和司法实践的司法鉴定人法律责任制度体系,从刑事责任、行政责任、民事责任三个方面,通过立法进一步明确司法鉴定人法律责任,进而完善整个司法鉴定人制度,推动司法鉴定秩序健康有序的发展。第四部分主要是对构建我国司法鉴定人责任制度体系应当解决的问题以及相关的配套措施进行论述。根据目前我国的实际情况,首先分别分析了承担民事、刑事、行政责任的主体的合理性问题。随着司法鉴定体制改革的深化,应逐步转变为司法鉴定人个人责任为主,机构责任为辅,使鉴定人的“官方专家”身份逐渐消失,实现司法鉴定人的“社会化”。另外需明确举证责任,它是证据制度的一个重要组成部分。司法鉴定人有各种形式的责任,在追究其责任时,由于适用于民事、行政、刑事等不同的程序中,所以与之相应的举证责任分配也不同。最后,明确在完善司法鉴定人责任,约束专家基于真实义务客观公正地履行职责,并鼓励专家积极的为法庭服务,但为减轻司法鉴定人的执业风险,也使因错鉴而产生的民事责任能够落到实处,建立司法鉴定人的执业保险和互济制度。从司法鉴定的性质来说,无论是职权型鉴定人还是面向社会的非职权型鉴定人的鉴定活动,都应当受到多层次、多角度的监督,才能保证司法鉴定活动的客观性和公正性。

【Abstract】 Judicial appraisal is the application of technology in judicial practice, which shall be objective, impartial and scientific, while as judicial appraisal is carried out by judicial appraiser, it is an action to take evidence with subjectivity and consciousness, it is possible to conduct mistaken appraisal or mal-appraisal in the process of judicial appraisal, causing damage and leading to the problems about legal liability of judicial appraiser. Starting from the concept and characters of judicial appraiser, this paper describes litigation status of judicial appraiser and main problem existing in legal liability of judicial appraiser, puts forward suggestions and complementary measures to build judicial appraiser’s legal liability system by referring theories and practical experiences from judical appraiser’s legal liability systems under the two legal systems.This paper consists of four parts.The first part is mainly to distinguish concepts between judicial appraiser and judicial appraiser, analyze the characters and litigaiton status of judicial appraiser under the condition of clearing the concept of judicial appraiser. Judicial appraiser is the implementer of appraisal, the core rule of judicial appraisal system, all appraisal activities are closely related to judicial appraiser. judicial appraiser’s knowledge, skill and all kinds of qualities determine whether the appraisal results are correct, whether the smooth running of lawsuits and quasi-judicial activities can be ensured, whether life and property interests can be maintained, etc. Besides, only the litigation status of judicial appraiser is clear, so that problems about appraiser’s qualification, rights, obligations and liabilities can be defined. Litigation status of appraiser in China is higher than that of expert witness in common law countries and lower than that of judicial appraiser in civil law countries, reflecting the requirement of scientificity and fairness.The second part is to analyze the necessity and feasibility of studying appraiser’s liabilities. It is necessary to define the concept of appraisal legal relations, clarify appraisal legal relations and its subject, whose rights and obligations shall be clear so that the appraisal can be carried out correctly. The right of appraiser is the guarantee of liability, while obligation is the necessary requirement for performing duties. Whether appraiser shall assume liability or assume what kind of liability is closely related to the litigation mode and construction of appraisal subject system. We shall unite the advantages of the two legal systems in the case of official and non-official appraiser existed in our country and select appraiser’s accountability theory suited to our actual conditions. In the situation that our study on the theory of judicial appraiser liability is not efficient and the practical regulations are lack in legislation, this paper analyses the categorties of appraiser’s liability, and proposes suggestions for building and completing appraiser liability system. Under the guide of necessity of studying appraiser liability and according to the reality existed in our judicial field, this paper analyses the feasibility to build appraiser liability system, and clarifies that the principles of legality, self liability and procedural justice shall be followed when accounting appraiser liability.The third part is to analyze the legal liability of judicial appraiser from the view of jurisprudence. Some principles shall be followed for studying legal liability system of judicial appraiser to unify the legislation and adjudication. This paper specifically analyses the principles of legitimacy, objectiveness, independence and impartialty, unification of objectivity and subjectivity of knowledge and relativity and absolutism of practice, the principle in conformity with our current legal system and principle combines legally investigating liabilities with protecting lawful rights of appraiser.The aim is to strengthen the obligation idea and sense of responsibility by pre-prevention and afterward remedy, ensure objectiveness and impartialty of appraisal results, thus ensure smooth running of appraisal activity. The author also specially discusses the scope of investigating appraiser’s liability from home and abroad, analyses the nature, categories and constitutive requirements of legal liability of appraiser from the perspective of civil liability, thus clarifies the exemption given to appraiser. In addition, the author tries to establish a legal liability system for appraiser suited for our reality and legal practice in terms of criminal, administrative and civil liability, further clarifying the liability of appraiser by legislation and completing the system about judicial appraiser, promoting the healthy and orderly development of judicial appraiser order.The fourth part is mainly to discuss problems to be solved and related complementary measures under the system. First, this paper analyzes the rationality of subject who assumes civil, criminal and administrative liability according to our reality. With deepening appraisal system reform, the system shall be mainly focused on personal liability and supplemented with organ liability, transforming the“official expert”position of appraiser and realizing appraiser’s socialization. Second, burden of proof, as an important part of evidence system, shall be clarified. Judicial appraiser has different kinds of liability, as different procedures are applied in civil, administrative and criminal procedures for accounting liability, so that the distribution of burden of proof is different. Finally, it is necessary to clarify and complete the rules of appraiser liability to restrict appraiser to perform duties objectively and impartially based on true obligation, and encourage them to serve the court. While malpractice liability insurance and mutual aid system shall be constructed to minimize practice risks of appraiser and ensure the fulfillment of civil liability caused by mistaken appraisal. In the respect of the nature of judicial appraisal, both official appraisal and non-official appraisal shall be subject to multi-level and multi-angel supervision to guarantee the objectiveness and impartiality of judicial appraisal.

  • 【分类号】D918.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】294

