

The Representation of the Government’s Image in 《People’s Daily》

【作者】 刘金丽

【导师】 罗小萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 十六大以来,我国党和政府面对国内外风云变幻,经受住了历史罕见的挑战和考验。“在中国共产党领导下,全国各族人民迎难而上,奋力拼搏,战胜各种艰难险阻,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大成就。”1我国政府的负责、亲民、务实、透明的形象深入人心,并获得了社会各方面的认可。我国政府的良好形象不断地激励着全国人民,增强了人们不断奋斗的勇气和力量。由此可见,良好的政府形象的号召力和凝聚力是巨大的。大众传媒是传播政府形象的介质,因此,政府形象的再现与新闻媒体有着紧密的联系。新闻生产过程中,新闻传媒对政府活动的报道,因使用的新闻源、新闻立场、新闻内容、编排形式的不同就会展现出不同的政府形象。本论文以《人民日报》对于政府形象的报道为主要研究对象,通过对其十六大以来的政府报道进行框架分析和内容分析,考察在社会结构日益分化的转型期,我国主流媒体构建政府形象的样貌,并揭示政府形象再现过程中存在的问题。论文整体使用的研究方法有:内容分析、话语分析等。运用内容分析法对媒体文本进行定量研究。在此基础上,运用话语分析的相关理论,对文本形式所反映出来传播主体的态度、立场和传播模式进行描述。从微观切入,扩大至宏观层面。以定量研究为基础,结合量化的数据结果,使用梵·迪克的相关理论对数据所反映的深层意义进行话语分析。本文的主要内容如下:在第一部分,提出人民日报政府形象再现研究的背景、意义和研究方法,并对政府形象的内涵及政府形象进行定位。第二部分在对国内外形象再现研究成果进行综述的基础上,确定本研究的创新之处和理论框架,并根据框架理论建立起内容分析的维度。第三部分从6个方面对《人民日报》呈现出来的政府形象进行统计分析。分析发现,《人民日报》每年对政府有相当大的报道量,新闻信源大多都是具有高权威性的政府部门,内容主要是外交、会议和经济。通过这样的报道,《人民日报》塑造出了一个进取、负责、务实、服务、透明的政府。第四部分对《人民日报》政府报道的新闻文本进行话语分析。研究发现,在国际框架中,《人民日报》的国际类报道充分表现了中国和国际上各国共同发展、和平共处、积极进取,是一个负责任、进取、真诚、富有正义感的成熟的大国形象。在国内框架上,《人民日报》通过会议、经济、三农、民生等报道体现出我国政府的负责、务实、亲民、法制的形象。而文本结构凸显政府的领导能力和对问题的处理能力。第五部分分析《人民日报》再现政府形象过程中存在的问题,本研究认为需要进一步回归新闻本位,做好平衡报道;找好切入点,小中见大,增强亲和力。

【Abstract】 Since the Sixteenth Congress of the communist Party of China,facing the ups and downs,our Communist Party and government have stood the challenge and the test of the history.Under the leadership of the Party and the government,our people of all ethnic groups have forged ahead, overcome various all difficulties and obstacles and made great achievements in reform—opening up and economic and social development. The images of our government have always being responsible,close to the people, pragmatic and transparent,and have gained broad recognition.They give people a satisfactory answer.The good images of our goverment have increased the confidence.Therefore the good images of goverment has huge appealing power and cohesive force.The mass media is an important medium which communicates government’s images to people.In the process of news production,the reports of government represent different images due to different news resources,position,news content and typesetting.This paper aims at the reports of government in People’s Daily and analyzes that how our main media construct the images of government through content analysis and discourse analysis in transition.Then it discloses the problems of the represent of the government.This paper adopts several ways of research: sample survey,content analysis,discourse analysis, case analysis.The content analysis is the way to the frame of the text.Then the communicator’s attitude and the communication model are summarized.From microcosm to macrocosm,it is based on the quantifiable data and then discusses the data’s meaning.Its main content and frame is as follows:The first section of this paper put forward the research’s background,the meaning and the methods,and then it explanated the releated conception.The second section reviewed the domestic and overseas research,and definited the innovation and analysis dimensions.The third section is the part of the content analysis.It studied the releated data of the repreaent of the images. The dimensions concluded the amount of the report,the news resources,the page of the report,topic, inclination and so on.And according to the analysis results,the framework is revealed. The analysis found that there is a great mount of news report about the government and the government is the most important news source.The content concluded diplomacy、meetings and theeconomics.The images of the government is positive,responsible ,pragmatical,transparent,service-oriented.The forth section of this paper is to analyze the discourse. According to the theory of the van dijk’s discourse analysis,the structure of the text is analyzed.In the International Frame,the report shows that our government is responsible ,sincere,and is rich in sense of justice,while making our best try to make progress.In the Domestic Frame, the report shows that our government is responsible, pragmatical and to treat the people as one would treat one’s family.The fifth part is to find the problems of representation and provided some proposition.The research concludes that the report need to go furthur in news standard and to make the balance report.It also need to find a tiny cut.

  • 【分类号】G216.1;D625
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】375

