

On the Shape Theory of Multiple Acts Crime

【作者】 杨曦

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 复合行为犯罪,是以犯罪构成客观方面中危害行为所包含的行为个数为标准,对犯罪进行划分所形成的一种特殊犯罪类型。复合行为犯罪从整体上来看属于单纯的一罪,而在其构成行为的内部又呈现出复数性的特征。它的这一复杂性决定了其在犯罪的停止形态、共犯形态以及罪数形态方面都与简单行为犯罪存在较大区别。目前,我国刑法学界对复合行为犯的研究缺乏必要的重视,且不同学者在对复合行为犯内涵的界定以及外延的划分上见仁见智难成一统。然而实践当中很多重要犯罪的认定与量刑都与复合行为犯理论密不可分。本文从复合行为犯的行为入手,在厘清实行行为及其个数判断标准的基础上为复合行为犯确定概念,以此为基础,展开对复合行为犯特殊犯罪形态的论述。本文主要分为三个章节:第一章:前提性概念界说。主要通过介绍刑法中关于行为的学说,引出对犯罪实行行为的讨论,并进一步深入探讨实行行为的概念及其单复的判断标准,在理论界关于实行行为单复判断标准已有学说的基础上提出本文立场,即应从规范层面判断实行行为的单复性质。第二章:复合行为犯本体论。该章节通过对现有复合行为犯罪理论的比较研究,以准确把握复合行为犯的实质,并在此基础上阐明复合行为犯罪的特征及分类。同时,对于理论界在分类研究时将一些本不属于复合行为犯的罪名错误划归复合行为犯之列的情况进行探讨进而提出笔者的看法,明确提出捏造+散布虚假事实型犯罪、受贿罪、强迫交易罪、敲诈勒索罪以及招摇撞骗等犯罪不属于复合行为犯罪,此后方可展开对该类型犯罪之犯罪形态问题的讨论。第三章:复合行为犯的犯罪形态。复合行为犯罪在整体上属于单纯的一罪,而在其构成行为的内部又呈现复数性的特征。这一复杂性决定了它在犯罪停止形态、共犯形态以及罪数形态等方面都与简单行为犯罪存在较大区别。本章作为全文重点部分,在前述章节廓清复合行为犯内涵及外延的基础上,着重研究复合行为犯在犯罪停止形态、共犯形态及罪数形态中由于其复杂性而带来的特殊问题。其中,第一小节在研究复合行为犯罪的停止形态时,重点围绕绑架罪的既遂标准展开;第二小节共犯形态中,着重探讨复合行为犯的共同正犯及承继正犯问题;最后,以想象竞合犯与法条竞合犯为例,展开对复合行为犯罪数形态的讨论。

【Abstract】 Multiple acts crime is a crime against the objective aspect of the composition acts as a standard that contains the number of acts of crime by the formation of a special criminal type.Overall multiple acts crime is characteristic of plural acts, but in the form of the Interior has presented a feature of multiple. This complexity decides that when recognizing crime regarding the stopping shape, the accomplice shape as well as the crime shape about number, there is quite different between multiple acts crime and simple acts crime.At present, China’s criminal law scholars study the multiple acts crime lacks the necessary attention. Different scholars for the connotation and denotation of multiple acts crime have different opinions and difficult to unify. However, in practice, the identification and punishment of many important crimes are inextricably linked with the multiple acts crime theory. This article started with the act of multiple acts crime, then based on clarifying what perpetrating act is and the standard to judge the odd or plural of perpetrating act to define multiple acts crime. Finally, start the discussion on the special shape of crime.This article is divided into three chapters:The first chapter, premised concepts limiting. Mainly through introduction the theories of acts in criminal law, lead to discussion on perpetrating act. And then to further discuss the concept and the standard to judge the odd or plural of it. Basing on the present theorists of criminal law about the standard of judgment to propose the author’s point of view. That is the reasonable and clear limiting standard can only be proposed through the stratification consideration on normative level.The second chapter, the body part of the multiple acts crime theory. In this chapter, through comparison of the existing theories of multiple acts crime, to grasp its essence accurately. Basing on the comparison to further clarify the features and classification of it. At the same time, pointed out author’s view on some fallacious classifications in the existing theories. Clear that the crime of fabricate spread type, bribery crime, forced trading charges, extortion crimes and the crime of fraud through impersonating State agency staff are not belong to multiple acts crime.The third chapter, the shape theory of multiple acts crime. Overall multiple acts crime is characteristic of plural acts, but in the form of the Interior has presented a feature of multiple. This complexity decides that when recognizing crime regarding the stopping shape, the accomplice shape as well as the crime shape about number. This chapter is the key part of the whole article, basing on the discussion before, focused on the special part of multiple acts crime in shape of stopping, accomplice and number. In the first section, through discussion the accomplishment of kidnapping to clarify its stopping shape. In the second section, stressed on the discussion of co-perpetrator and successive co-perpetrator. Last section focus on imaginative jointer of offenses and overlapping offense of law articles to discuss the shape about number of multiple acts crime.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【下载频次】122

