

Study on the System of Chinese Public Rental Housing

【作者】 杨锐睿

【导师】 邓纲;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国大中城市的房屋价格如火箭般节节攀升,超出了广大普通居民的支付能力,住房问题也随之和看病、就业、教育等问题一道,成为了当前社会的主要矛盾。在20世纪80年代,我国开始了住房改革,到目前为止我国的住房供应体系已经形成了由市场供应为主,政府的保障为辅的局面。众所周知,居住权是人类的基本人权之一,作为政府有责任保障公民的这项权利。尤其是在当前构建社会主义和谐社会的背景下,解决社会各个阶层的安居问题是摆在政府面前的当务之急。从现实情况来看,收入高的群体买得起商品房,收入低的群体有政府提供的保障性住房。还有一部分人因为收入处于中等水平,在高房价的城市里既无资格享受保障性住房,又无商品房的购买能力,处境十分尴尬,被称为“夹心层”。为了解决这部分人的住房问题,政府从2010年开始推出了大规模兴建公共租赁住房的计划,以保障这部分社会“夹心层”的住房问题。公共租赁住房是一种全新的保障性住房类型,有别于以往的廉租房、经济适用房等其他类型的保障性住房。它是解决包括新就业职工在内的社会“夹心层”群体住房难问题的一个公共产品,有着公共性、公益性、政府干预性、保障对象特定等特点。由于是近两年内才出现的新事物,所以相关法律法规、制度体系还不完善,缺乏理论和实践的支持。但是在域外,如新加坡的“租屋”、香港的“公屋”等成功的住房保障制度,可以为我国的公共租赁住房制度提供许多经验借鉴。从目前全国各地所进行的探索来看,虽然在融资、建设、管理等方面的制度设计和实践上总结了不少成功的经验,但值得改进的地方也很多。本文就是从国内主要城市的公共租赁住房制度设计和实践层面入手,运用列举、归纳、比较等方法,结合法学、社会学等知识,归纳出各城市制度设计与实践中存在的优点和不足之处,然后将其提炼升华到全国的层面,探讨公共租赁住房的制度设计。本文将按照以下思路,展开对公共租赁住房的论述:第一部分,介绍我国公共租赁住房的内涵、特点、产生的背景以及产生的法理基础。公共租赁住房是解决我国社会“夹心层”住房问题的一个公共福利产品,目前还没有一个全国范围的权威定义,各地对它的解读也是大同小异。从其保障的对象和功能来看,具有公共性、公益性、政府干预性等多个特点。公共租赁住房的产生并不只是一个解决社会问题的权宜之计,更为重要的是体现了政府保障公民居住权的决心。第二部分,主要论述国内主要城市在公共租赁住房制度构建和实践中的创新与不足,从中分析出我国公共租赁住房存在的主要问题。这部分内容,是本篇文章的重点和创新点。因为到目前还没有任何学术论文或专著对我国主要城市的公共租赁房制度进行较为全面的归纳比较。第三部分,主要介绍域外公共住房保障制度。通过从美国、英国、新加坡和香港的住房保障制度入手,从金融、立法、管理等多角度观察,总结域外住房制度中值得我国公共租赁住房制度借鉴的经验。第四部分,在前面两个部分论述的基础上,从立法、融资、建设、管理等方面,对该保障住房的立法形式、相关配套的法律制度等内容提出了较为完善的建议,为我国公共租赁住房制度的构建提供了理论参考。由于在第二部分中,已经列举了部分城市的例子,所以在这部分中主要是从理论角度提出立法上的建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the price of housing in the large and medium city of China such as the rocket is climbing. It has been overtaken the majority of ordinary people’s ability of paying. Housing, medical care, employment and education have also been significant issues of society. From the 1980s’, China began to reform the system of housing. To the present, China’s housing market has been formed pattern which the market supply houses. The policy of housing security plays a complementary role in the market mechanism. The object of security is low-income group. As we all know, the right of residence is one of basic human rights, government has the responsibility to protect the citizens of this right. Especially in the current background that we are building a socialist harmonious society, resolving housing problem for every class is the first task. In our society, the high-income layer can purchase the commodity housing, the low-income group can enjoy the indemnificatory apartment. But the middle-income stratum neither enjoy the indemnificatory apartment nor buy the commodity house. Therefore, these people are called“sandwich class”. In order to solve this problem, the government has begun to design the large-scale building projects of public rental housing from 2010.Different from the former low-rent housing and affordable housing, public rental housing is a brand-new type of indemnificatory apartment, a kind of public goods solving housing problems for social sandwich layers such as new employment staffs and characterized by the feature of public welfare, administrative intervention and specific safeguarding objects. Since it has appeared only for about 2 years, the related laws and regulations are not so complete and it lacks of both theoretical and practical support. However, we can learn from successful overseas experience, such as the successful establishment of HDB Flats in Singapore and Public Housing in Hong Kong. We have carried out nationwide exploration and summarized system designing and practical experience in the aspect of financing, building and management. But we should also see that there are still a lot to improve. This essay analyzes system designing and practical issues of main domestic cities, using methods of enumeration, summarizing and comparison and combining the knowledge of Legal science and Sociology. After summarizing the pros and cons of each city’s system designing and practical issues, the essay discusses the system designing of public rental housing from the perspective of the whole nation.The present thesis aims to discuss public rental housing along the following train of thoughts:The first part introduces the implications, characters, background and theoretical foundation of public rental housing whose aim is to solve the housing issue existed among“sandwich class”families. As a product of public welfare, different regions’interpretations on it are largely identical except slight differences without a national accepted final version. It bears the properties of public character, public benefit, and governmental intervention in terms of its objects and functions, which imply that its appearance embodies government’s determination to ensure people’s access to houses instead of merely an expedient to address a social problem.The second part discusses the originalities and drawbacks during the establishment and application processes of the public rental system in China’s major cities and further analyzes the main flaws existing within this system. This part is counted for innovation and the focal point of this paper in that there hasn’t any thesis or monograph as yet which summarizes and contrasts systematically the public rental system.The third part mainly introduces the oversea public housing security systems. To start with the housing security systems in such globally important countries and regions as the United States, Britain, Singapore and Hong Kang, this thesis summarizes some note-worthy ideas from the perspectives of finance, legislation and administration.In the fourth part, the thesis carries out some comparatively competitive suggestions about the legislative forms and relevant legal systems and provides theoretical basis for China’s public rental housing system from the aspects of legislation, fundraising, construction, and supervising. Given that some cities’examples are cited in the second part, this section mainly proposes some advice on legislative theory.

  • 【分类号】D922.181;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】601

