

On Deserved Punishment

【作者】 姚嘉伟

【导师】 石经海;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 应受刑罚处罚性是犯罪的基本特征之一,在犯罪论上具有重要意义。传统刑法理论将其视作犯罪的法律后果,从而误解了其应有内涵,忽视了其应有理论和实践功能。本文在剖析刑罚本质的基础上,认为应受刑罚处罚性的犯罪基本特征表明,某个危害行为只有在危及到社会基本秩序时,才能将其入罪,以体现了刑法的迫不得已性,由此赋予应受刑罚处罚性新的内涵。全文分为如下四个部分:第一部分,绪论。这部分首先介绍研究的动因,通过分析应受刑罚处罚性的现行理论所存在的问题,指出其理论上的薄弱导致了犯罪概念理论的混乱,及实践中罪与非罪区分上的困难,说明研究的必要性。在此基础上,介绍本文的研究思路和基本立场。最后对与应受刑罚处罚性相关的问题进行解读,为下文展开论述提供基础。第二部分,应受刑罚处罚性的基本界定。主要从概念、地位、功能、意义及相关范畴五个方面,对受刑罚处罚性予以基本界定,从而为后文立法和司法考察奠定基础。认为应受刑罚处罚性是指根据刑罚的本质,遵循刑罚的必要性、相当性和可行性原则,对具有一定社会危害性的行为是否需要动用刑罚所进行的实质判断。以概念为基础,进一步考察对其进行如下四个方面的考察:在地位上,它不仅是犯罪的基本特征,还是犯罪的本质特征;在功能上,它既可以影响刑事立法中罪名的废立,也可以影响刑事司法中具体个罪的认定,还可以增强公众对立法、司法的认同感;在意义上,它沟通了犯罪论与刑罚论,呼应了刑事政策的变化,保障了个体公正的实现,实现了社会秩序和个人自由之间的平衡;在与相关范畴的关系上,首先,它与社会危害性、刑事违法性处于辨证统一的关系,其次,它符合了罪行法定实质的侧面,并不违反罪刑法定原则。第三部分,应受刑罚处罚性的立法考察。根据第二部分的界定,考察我国刑事立法中对应受刑罚处罚性的贯彻情况。通过总则中的13条但书、时间效力、追诉时效、正当防卫、紧急避险、具体罪状中的定量因素的考察,找出其中对应受刑罚处罚性贯彻不到位的地方。然后根据应受刑罚处罚性理论,对进一步完善刑事立法提出意见。第四部分,应受刑罚处罚性的案例评析。通过对马某聚众淫乱案和肖某寻衅滋事案的分析,探索应受刑罚处罚性在实际案件中如何实现区分罪与非罪中的功能。

【Abstract】 Deserved punishment is one of the basic characteristics of the crime, and very important in the Criminology. In traditional criminal law ,it was seen as Responsibility of crime, so its proper meaning was misunderstood, and its function of the theory and practice was ignored. Basing on the analysis of the nature of the penalty, deserved punishment means that a harmful act only endangering the basic social order before they can be convicted and reflects the nature of the criminal law, which giving a new meaning to deserved punishment. This paper is divided into the following four parts:The first part of introduction. First, introducing the study of motivation, analyzing the problems that led to the chaos in the theory of crime concept, and the difficult in determination of the commission of a crime, indicating the need for research. On this basis, introducing the train of thought and positions. Finally, interpreting issues related to deserved punishment, which discussed be a basis of content below.The second part, the basic definition of deserved punishment. Mainly discussing the concept, status, function, significance and related disciplines of deserved punishment, so as to lay the foundation for legislative and judicial investigation. Deserved punishment is basing on the nature of the penalty, follows the principle of necessity、feasibility and equality, considering is it the acts of social harmfulness need to use the penalty to punish. On basis of its concept, investigating following its inspection in four areas: the status, it is not only the basic features of a crime, but the essential characteristics of a crime; in function, its not only affect the criminal legislation, but also affect the determination of the commission of a crime, and more can enhance the public’s sense of identity in legislative and judicial; in the significance, it communicating between the crime theory and punishment theory, echoing the changes in criminal policy, protecting individual freedom in justice, and achieving balance between social order and individual freedom; finally, introducing areas in relation, first of all, it in unity with social harmfulness, criminal violation. Secondly, it is consistent with the real side of the legality.The third part, investigating the legislation by the deserved punishment. According to the second part of the definition ,investigating the implementation of legislation. Containing the proviso in article 13, time effect, statute of limitations, self-defense, emergency, and the quantitative factors in concrete crime. Identify the corresponding implementation is not subject to deserved punishment. Then made suggestion that can improve the criminal legislation in the view of deserved punishment.The fourth part, commenting on the case by deserved punishment. By commenting on two case, exploring how to implement deserved punishment in determination of the commission of a crime

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】110

