

Research Cui Youfu Family’s Changes in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 王静涛

【导师】 李晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 一个支系或一个家庭的变化发展可以说是一个世家大族的缩影,通过对唐朝崔祐甫家庭的政治变迁以及家庭生活情况的展现,家庭女性成员对这个大家庭的角色扮演和作用分析,从细微处更加具体地描述博陵崔氏在唐朝的发展历程。本文以墓志为研究中心,以变迁为宗旨,以安史之乱为分界线,将崔祐甫家庭分成前后两个阶段,通过对比来揭示这个家庭地变化,更加具体、生活化地展现崔祜甫家庭的发展历程。这个发展历程包含了崔祜甫家庭的政治、生活等方面地变化,要想了解这些变化,就要知道崔祜甫家庭的渊源:崔氏先祖是季子,博陵安平崔氏家族的先祖是崔仲牟,博陵安平崔氏郡望的形成始于两汉,由于崔瑗等人的卓越成就,最终在东汉时期成为名门望族。崔祜甫这一支系是博陵安平崔氏二房的分支,他们能够在博陵安平崔氏家族中占有重要地位,是因为从北朝的崔楷开始,这一支系不断涌现出才华横溢之人,在朝廷中担任要职,其中担任宰相的就有两人。对于崔祜甫家庭的政治变迁,首先要明确一点:是否是世家大族的一个标准就是“宦”,也就是入仕当官,只有有了一定的政治地位,有了相当的权力,才能维持其家族屹立不倒。也即个人的仕宦行为决定了其家族的地位及维系时间。通过对安史之乱前后崔祜甫家庭诸人的仕途变化可以看出博陵崔氏的逐渐衰落,安史之乱前,崔皑等人皆是仕途顺畅,且基本上都能担任高官要职,而安史之乱后,除了崔祜甫父子的仕途经历可圈可点外,其他人皆不能在仕宦上有所成就。对于崔祜甫家庭的生活情况,主要包含婚姻、子嗣、信仰、归葬等方面。作为唐代博陵崔氏的一支,崔祜甫家庭成员的联姻对象主要是五姓旧族,把自己的婚姻关系严格限制在世家大族的范围内,联姻对象为太原王氏、范阳卢氏、陇西李氏、荥阳郑氏等,而且男性成员中或父子或兄弟所娶之妻在血缘上是具有相近性或者她们之间本身就是亲人,并且在世系中也是属于同一支系;崔祜甫家庭的子嗣情况就不是很乐观,后代中多有夭折或年少时早亡,寿命正常的比例才占一半多;关于家庭宗教信仰方面,道教与佛教皆有人信仰,但信仰道教者多为唐早期,诸人多信仰佛教,且佛理还相当深厚;崔祜甫家庭诸人去世后很多人都是假葬或权窆于某地,然后过了许多年后几代人在同一时间归葬于邙山平乐原,妻子合祔于丈夫之墓,兼有女儿葬于父母先瑩之处,安史之乱后,不同于前人多假葬于邙山,他们多是假葬于南迁后居住地。研究崔祜甫家庭的变化的另一个重要方面就是对家庭女性成员个体分析,选取代表性人物:太原王氏王媛、范阳卢氏卢梵儿、陇西李氏李金以及博陵安平崔氏崔严爱、崔攀、崔緼等人,对她们的出身、才学、品行、子女教育、持家能力尤其是处理危急情况的表现等方面进行描述,通过她们的行为活动来反映崔祜甫家庭的变化,并同时证明女性在博陵崔氏研究中的重要地位。

【Abstract】 A branch or a change in the development of a family is a microcosm of aristocratic families, through the political changes in the Tang Dynasty Cuiyou Fu family and family life of the show, female family members of the family role-playing and role of the analysis, from the more subtle Boling Cui specific description of the development process in the Tang Dynasty.In this paper, Epitaph for the research center to change the purpose of this paper, the Rebellion as a dividing line, before and after the Cuiyou Fu family into two stages, by comparing the change to reveal the family, more specifically, the family life of the present course of development Cuiyou Fu.This development course includes cui bestowed the political, family just to change life etc, to know what these changes, will know the origin of the watershed cui preceded chey family patriarch is, JiZi:chey family changling anping bebop patriarch is CuiZhong seeks, Po ling anping county the formation of family-friendly began looking, because cui han been reflected the person such as remarkable achievement, eventually becoming east han dynasty noble family. Cui bestowed the branch is bo preceded the 8th changling anping family-friendly branch, they can chey family in Po ling anping occupies an important position, because CuiJie began the from north Korea, which keeps emerging branch of talented person, occupies an important position in the government, which served as prime minister has two.The watershed for cui political transformation, family just point:should make clear whether a standard tide is official ", namely "earners, only a certain officer of political position, with considerable power to maintain its family stands diametre. That personal behavior decided their family about the status and sustain the time. Based on watershed before and after an who preceded the family choi political career change can see the family-friendly gradually declined changling of bebop, cui, before an official who are nipped etc, and basically could smooth as official, after an important positions and the father except cui bestowed responded admirably, others outside political career experience is not on achievement in his poems. The watershed to cui family life circumstances preceded, consists of marriage, children, beliefs, be buried, etc. Chang tang bo as a watershed, cui chey family members just five object basically is a marriage of his old family name, strict limits marriage relationship in tide, within the scope of the marriage object for a serious LuShi, taiyuan, XingYang zung west gansu lee, etc, and male members or father and son, brother or his wife’s wife in blood is having close sex or their relatives, and between itself is in also belong to the same branch descent; is not so optimistic about children, many generations youth dying or early death, life normal proportion it only accounts for more than half; About family religion, Taoism and Buddhism faith, but faith is someone who is more early Taoist, and the many tang dynasty, the buddhist belief and skilled are fairly deep; Cui bestowed the person died family responded with a lot of people are false Bian buried or right in, and then they had many somewhere after generations at the same time MangShan flat to the body, his wife and Fu pleasure to her husband’s daughter was first, and with the parents, after an jade-like stone places, different from our predecessors false MangShan, most of them was false buried after immigrated to live.Study the changes the watershed cui preceded family is another important aspect of individual analysis of female family members.select representative figures: Taiyuan Wang Wang Yuan, Fan Yang Lu Van, Longxi Li Li Jin and Boling Anping Cui Cui Yan ai, Cui Pan etc. people, on their origin, knowledge, character, education for children, housekeeping ability to handle crisis situations in particular areas such as description of the performance, proven by their behavior and activities of women in the study Boling Cui important position.

【关键词】 崔祐甫博陵崔氏家庭生活墓志
【Key words】 CuiYoufuBoling Cuifamily lifeepitaph
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

