

The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Environmental Quality Based on the Set Pair Analysis

【作者】 冯莉莉

【导师】 高军省;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生命之源,是社会可持续发展的基础,水环境是人类生存和社会发展的必要条件。因此,准确理解水环境的内涵就显得尤为重要。狭义水环境单指水体的质量,即水质。本文在前人研究的基础上,将底泥和水生生物纳入水环境的概念中,即水环境不仅指水质,也包括底泥和水生生物。同时指出,水环境质量评价应从水质、底泥和水生生物三方面进行,即水环境质量评价应包括水质评价、底泥质量评价和水生生物评价及其综合评价。一直以来,国内外学者对水环境质量评价方法做了大量的探讨和研究工作,自赵克勤先生提出集对分析方法以来,集对分析方法在水质评价中得到了广泛的应用。本文主要针对集对分析方法描述同一级别各指标对该级别的联系度不准确的缺点,综合考虑集对分析基本原理和水环境质量评价特点,对集对分析方法的联系数表达式进行优化,进而构建合理的集对分析模型,并将其用于水质评价、底泥评价及水环境质量综合评价中,以期为评价工作提供新的思路和方法。以长湖为例,基于监测资料构建科学合理的水环境质量指标体系,由熵值法确定评价指标的权系数,并用改进的集对分析模型对长湖水环境质量进行水质评价、底泥质量评价和水环境质量综合评价。评价结果表明长湖湖区水质除大湖湖心为Ⅲ级外,其余监测点水质均劣于Ⅳ级;长湖底泥质量差异较大,只有个别测点底泥质量良好;从综合评价结果看,桥河口和新阳桥水环境质量污染严重,不满足Ⅲ类水功能要求。同时,评价结果表明综合评价更能反映水环境质量状况。

【Abstract】 Water is the source of life and the foundation of the sustainable development of our society. Water environment is the precondition for human survival and society development. It is particular important to accurately understand the connotation of water environment and scientifically assessment of the water environmental quality. In general, water environment is narrowly defined as the quality of water body, that is to say water quality. On the basis of the previous researches, this paper proposes that water environment should contains the sediment and aquatic organisms, that is to say, water environment is a synthesis of water quality, sediment and aquatic organisms. Meanwhile, the thesis holds that water environmental quality assessment should be carried out from the following aspects:water quality, sediment quality and aquatic organism. It also means that water environmental quality assessment refers to the comprehensive assessment of water quality, sediment and aquatic organism.Many scholars has done a lot of researches and discussions on the evaluation method, especially since Mr.Keqin Zhao has proposed the Set Pair Analysis(SPA) method, the SPA method has been widely used in water quality evaluation. Considering the limitation of SPA, which can not accurately depict the connection degree between the standard level and the monitored data, especially when the data belongs to the same level, the expression of connection number has been optimized based on the basic concept of SPA and the characteristics of water environmental assessment, and then the developed set pair analysis model is established. We apply the model in the water quality evaluation, sediment evaluation and water environmental quality evaluation, and the model has been proved to be fairly effective. The author also hopes to provide a new way to appraisal work. Take Chang Lake for example, based on the monitored data establish the reasonable index system, and use entropy method to determine the weight of indexes, then the developed set pair analysis model was used to evaluate the water environment of Chang Lake, including water quality assessment, sediment quality assessment and the comprehensive assessment of water environmental quality. The results show that the water quality of Chang Lake are all worse than GradeⅣ, except Dahu with gradeⅢ. The sediment quality of every monitoring are great different from each other, individual with better result. The result of water environmental quality comprehensive assessment shows that the water environment quality of Qiaohekou and Xinyangqiao has reached the gradeⅤ, which could not meet the requirement. Meanwhile, the results also show that comprehensive assessment could better reflect the condition of Chang Lake.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

