

Design Status Evaluation System of Wind Power Generation Equipments

【作者】 张登峰

【导师】 郝伟; 郝旺身;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 风力发电设备运行状态取决于风力发电设备整体结构的运行状况,通过对风力发电设备运行状态监测,能够为我们及时发现隐患,找出导致问题出现的原因,以及为设备有故障的部分采取相对应的维护维修措施提供依据。这样不仅可以节省风力发电设备的维护维修费用,而且重要的是可以避免因结构有故障,进而导致整个发电过程停止,甚至给人们带来生命危险,以及给企业和国家带来重大的经济损失。本文将风力发电设备状态评价系统作为主要研究内容。首先是对评价指标体系及评价方法的确定。本文在分析风力发电机组功能结构关系以及分析有关风力发电设备评价指标体系和原则的基础上,将机组进行结构功能划分,并以此构建其评价设备状态评价指标体系;在现有风力发电设备评价方法的基础上,将AHP-模糊综合评判方法相结合起来,对风力发电设备运行状态的各个影响因素使用“从下而上”的方式,分级往上进行评价,最后得到风力发电设备各系统的健康评价值,从而完成了风力发电设备的整体状态评价。其次,将上述方法与模型运用到风力发电设备实例中去,获得了该设备状态评价运行结果,进而为我们掌握机组运行状态及对设备性能进一步改进,提供了一定的科学依据。最后,为了完成风力发电设备状态评价与维护维修的智能化,设计研究了风力发电设备状态评价系统,完成了对风力发电设备运行状态的检查信息录入、状态评价、输出结果以及维护维修一体化管理的软件系统,该系统能够正确地给出风力发电设备运行状态与维护维修信息,提高了对风力发电设备运行状态管理水平,并降低了对风力发电设备状态评价与维护维修工作强度。

【Abstract】 The status of Wind Power Generator is decided by evaluation of overall device structure. Examining running status evaluation was recorded timely in order to find out the hidden dangers of looming problems, adopt corresponding maintenance measures for equipment faulty parts. Thus, it can not only save maintenance costs, but also avoid the whole generation to stop generating because of a fault of the structure, even avoid bringing people life dangerous and leading economic losses to the society and enterprise.The paper mainly studies on the status evaluation system of wind power generator.First, constitute indicator system of evaluation and evaluated method of wind power generator evaluation. The function structure division is carried out based on the analysis of wind power generator function structure relations.Then set up evaluated systems of equipment status. In the existing wind power equipment evaluation method based, the method is adopting analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Applying the way of from "below to top "to finish health evaluation value of each system, the whole evaluation of wind power generator will be obtained. Second, apply the method to example. And its results provide us with theoretical guide for seeking further optimization maintenance strategy and improving further performance of equipment. Finally, design and complete the status evaluation system of wind power generator which support its intelligent. And it is a software which puts in running status information recorded, status evaluation and put out results and maintenance of integration management software system. The application of the system improves the operation state of wind power generation equipments, and reduces the level of management of wind power generation equipments and maintenance work strength.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TM614;TM76
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】302
  • 攻读期成果

