

【作者】 高璐璐

【导师】 张春志;

【作者基本信息】 牡丹江师范学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,豫南地区青少年在体质健康方面存在诸多问题,为进一步改善豫南地区城、乡初中生体质健康状况,本课题试图从多视角、多层面进行调查,进而揭示影响豫南地区中学生体质健康发展的主客观原因,针对这些原因探寻出科学有效的对策。本文主要采用专家访谈法、问卷法调查法、对比分析法等研究方法,以随机抽取豫南地区20所初级中学的学生为研究对象,研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:通过对比豫南地区城、乡初中生的身体机能、身体素质、身体形态的现状和特点;分析影响豫南地区城、乡初中生体质现状的因素;研究改善豫南地区城、乡初中生体质状况的措施。通过对以上内容的分析与研究,得出以下研究结果:1、豫南地区城乡初中生身体形态生长水平随年龄的增长而增长;身体机能指标中的肺活量呈上升趋势。身体素质指标中的速度素质、速度力量、力量耐力、耐力素质水平均呈下降趋势。2、由体质数据比较显示:在同一年度的城、乡学生,同性别的男女生在身高、体重、肺活量、身体素质几项成绩比较中,除身体形态以外,其他指标,乡村学生均好于城市学生,差异具有显著性。原因是学生的体育意识淡薄;家长对学生参加体育锻炼的支持不够;学校不能更好的安排学生体育锻炼的时间和锻炼的强度等等。其中学校对学生体质健康水平的影响最为重要。据以上因素,应提出转变体育教学理念,完善学校体育机制,加强学校体育工作,培养学生体育锻炼意识等对策。针对以上研究结果,本人在文中提到几点建议和对策,予以改善豫南地区城、乡初中生体质健康状况。首先应综合分析豫南地区中学生体质状况,变更新体育教育和健身观念,树立健康第一的指导思想,引导学生进行有效地体育锻炼;其次应建立科学的评价体系;第三加强舆论导向,加大体育健康知识的宣传力度;第四加大体育投入,完善中学体育设施与环境;最后调整学生作息时间,调配学生营养均衡。最终达到改善和提高豫南地区城、乡初中生体质健康这一目的。

【Abstract】 In recent years, young people in the south of Henan Province exist many physical health problems. For this phenomenon, this subject tried to make an investigation throughout multi-angle, multi-layer of the city and rural middle school students from the south of Henan Province. This is a physical health investigation, and then reveals the subjective and objective reasons which affect their development, moreover, we can explore a scientific and effective counter measures to further improve this situation.This paper major uses interviews, questionnaires, comparative analysis and other research methods, students from twenty junior high schools were randomly selected in the south of Henan Province. This research include the following aspects: Compared urban and rural middle school students in physical function, physical fitness, body shape and characteristics of the status in the south of Henan Province, we can analysis the factors which affect the physical conditions of the urban and rural middle school students in the south of Henan Province, and research measures to improve the urban and rural middle school students’ physical condition of the south of Henan Province. By the above analysis and research, we can achieve the following results:1. Middle school students from urban and rural in the south of Henan province, the level of their bobby shape growth with their age’s growth, the vital capacity of the physical function is rising. The levels of speed quality, speed strength, strength endurance and endurance of physical indicators are decreased.2. The physical data of the comparison between urban and rural middle school students shows that the comparison in the same grade, boys and girls of the same sex in height, weight, vital capacity physical quality, in addition to body shape, rural students were better than urban students. The difference was significant. In the same grade, the scores of rural students in the standing long jump,1000 meters,800 meters, grip strength are higher than urban students.3. The reasons which caused junior high school students’ physical quality declined in the south of Henan Province include: the poor awareness of students’ sports consciousness, the support to participate in physical exercise of their parents is not enough, schools can not arrange a better time for students to exercise and exercise intensity and so on.To solve the above results, I mentioned some suggestions and strategies to improve the physical condition of the rural and urban middle school students in the south of Henan province in this article.Firstly,we should update the physical education and fitness strain concept, establish the guiding ideology of health first and to guide students to make effectively exercise.Secondly,we should establish a system of scientific evaluation.Thirdly,we should strengthen public opinion and increase the promotion efforts of the knowledge of sports and health.Lastly,to increase sports investment, improve school sports facilities and conditions, adjust students’ schedule and allocate students to nutritional balance.Finally,we can achieve the goal that improve and enhance the rural and urban middle school students’ physical quality in the south of Henan Province.


