

Research on Application of Evidence-Based Learning Technology in Information Technology Education

【作者】 蔡家定

【导师】 王佑镁;

【作者基本信息】 温州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代信息技术的快速发展,加强信息技术教育,提升公民信息素养,培养符合信息社会需求人才显得更加重要。同时,追求高质量高效率的教育实践已经成为当代教育发展的特点,基于证据的教育教学理念已逐渐深入人心。所以,信息技术教育的发展,不仅需要立足学科优势,不断探索信息技术与课程整合的教学模式,还需要更新教育理念,转变教学方式,提高信息技术教育质量。本文针对信息技术教育的现状与问题,在循证教育理论的指导下,运用行动研究方法,探讨循证学习技术在信息技术教学中应用的模式创新与应用设计问题。本文主要分为以下几部分:第一部分,绪论。通过现状分析,厘清本课题的研究现状,阐述研究意义,并在此基础上确定本课题的研究内容、研究目标和研究设计。第二部分,循证学习技术的背景和内涵。通过文献分析,梳理循证学习技术提出的背景,分析循证教育的内涵,通过归纳与对比进一步明确了循证学习和循证学习技术的概念与内涵。第三部分,循证学习技术与信息技术教学模式创新。阐述了循证学习技术的教育创新意蕴;对循证学习技术进行二维分类,并对循证学习技术的选择提出了基本原则。结合我国信息技术教学现状与问题,分析了循证学习技术在信息技术教育教学中应用的必要性和可行性。综合不同循证学习模式的特点与流程,提出了信息技术教学的双Z循证学习模式。第四部分,信息技术教学中循证学习设计与评价。探讨了循证学习模式的相关理论基础,并根据教学设计理论,提出了信息技术教学中循证学习设计与评价的流程和内容,为教学实践提供具体操作指南。第五部分,循证学习技术应用于信息技术教学的行动研究。根据信息技术教学的循证学习模式和教学设计流程,选取高中《信息技术基础》两章内容进行循证学习的教学实验,探讨循证学习技术在信息技术教学中应用的实践问题,并对此实验效果进行反思和评价。文章最后,总结了循证学习技术在信息技术教学中应用研究的初步成果,并根据研究过程中存在问题和思考,提出了几点展望以作未来研究之取向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern information technology, it is even more important to strengthen information technology education, therefore promote citizens’information literacy and cultivate talents who can meet the information society’s needs. Meanwhile, the pursuit of high-quality and efficient educational practices has become the characteristic of contemporary educational development, and evidence-based teaching concepts have gradually been taking filtering into people’s minds. Therefore, the development of information technology education should not only explore the teaching model of information technology and curriculum integration continuously on the basis of discipline ascendancy, but also update the educational philosophy, and change the models of teaching to improve the quality of information technology education.In this paper, aiming at the current situation and problems of information technology education, it uses action research to discuss the theories and practice of applying evidence-based learning technologies to information technology education under the guidance of evidence-based educational theory. The paper is divided into the following sections:The first part, introduction. Through analysis of the current situation, the part clarifies the research status and expounds significance of the subject, and then determines the research topic, research objectives and research design.The second part, background and connotation of evidence-based learning technology. Through literature analysis, this part combs the background of evidence-based learning technology, analyzes the connotation of evidence-based education, Through comparison it go a step further to clear-cut the concept and connotation of evidence-based learning and evidence-based learning technology.The third part, evidence-based learning technology and information technology teaching model innovation. The part expounds the implication of education innovation of evidence-based learning technologies, and classifies it as two-dimensional and puts forth basic principles when chose. Then, On the basis of the teaching situation and problems of information technology education in our country, it analyses the necessity and feasibility of applying evidence-based learning technologies to information technology education. By synthesizing the features and processes of different evidence-based learning models, the author finally proposes information technology teaching model of evidence-based learning technology.The fourth part, information technology instructional design on ?evidence-based learning. The part discusses the relevant theoretical basis of evidence-based learning. Next, according to instructional design theory, it proposes processes and content of evidence-based learning instructional design and evaluation in information technology education in order to provide specific operational guidelines for teaching practice.The five part, action research of applying evidence-based learning technology to information technology teaching. According to the teaching model and instructional design process of evidence-based learning in information technology education, the part selects two chapters from "Information Technology (high school)", and makes an evidence-based learning experiment to explore the application of evidence-based learning technologies in information technology teaching, and finally reflects and evaluates this experiment results.Finally, it sums up the preliminary results of the research on application of evidence-based learning technology in information technology education, and according to the issues and thinking during the study; it puts forward some prospects as the research orientation in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 温州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

