

The Beauty of Poetry’s Perching and Neutralization

【作者】 张爱琴

【导师】 翟鹏玉;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 卢纶作为大历十才子之一,在大历诗坛上还是有一定的地位。卢纶天赋很高,从小就显示出了写诗的天赋,且后世也给予了很高的评价。卢纶的唱和诗有不仅具有认识价值,同时也具有审美价值。总体看来,大致可以分四部分来理解卢纶唱和诗的审美价值,从而揭示其独特的审美特点,展现诗人特有的理想人格形态。首先是唱和诗的渊源和流变,主要是从唱和诗的渊源到卢纶唱和诗范围的界定,指出了广义的唱和诗,包括所有的寄赠奉送作品,并分析卢纶唱和诗创作的特定历史条件。其次是卢纶唱和诗的审美形式,先从题目中的关键字及其类型对其唱和诗作进行了分类;然后从声律方面来说明诗歌的形式美,包括了流水对的运用、次韵的运用和字句的锤炼。再次是卢纶唱和诗的审美内容,主要从社会、生命、政治、宗教四个方面来分析,从而揭示卢纶唱和诗的丰富内涵,探寻其人生归宿。最后是卢纶唱和诗的审美艺术,卢纶诗歌作为从盛唐向中晚唐转变的过渡阶段,在艺术特征上重新光大了六朝的诗风,为中唐诗风的转变奠定了基础。总之,文章从审美形式、审美内容、审美艺术三方面进行论述,体现其独特的审美价值,在其独特的人生体验中,不断追求中庸的理想人格形态,在某种程度上达到了审美人生与现实伦理的完美结合。

【Abstract】 Lu Lun,one of ten gifted scholars in the period of Dali,was in an importantposition in Dali Parnassus.He had showed his talent in writing poetry since hewas young.He was highly evaluated by later generations. LuLun’s responsorypoetry not only has the cognition value, but also with aesthetic value. Overall,can be roughly four chapter to understand the aesthetic value of LuLun’sresponsory poetry.I will reveal the poet’s unique aesthetic characteristics andshow his special ideal personality.First of all,In chapter one I will introduce the origin of responsory poetry andits change.I will define the range of Lu Lun’s responsory poetry and thegeneralized of responsory poetry,including complimentary all works, andanalyzes the creation of specific historical conditions of Lu Lun’s responsorypoetry.Secondly,In chapter two is the aesthetic form of Lu Lun’s responsorypoetry. I will expound the beauty of poetic form keywords and as the type ofthe poems are classified ; I will expound the beauty of poetic form phonetics ofancient Chinese poems, Include water use, to the use of replying words’ ofand.Again,In chapter three is the aesthetic contents of Lu Lun’s responsorypoetry.I will expound his poetry’s rich connotation in society,life,politics andreligion aspects, And I will explores the end-results of life.The last is theaesthetic art of Lu Lun’s responsory poetry.I will expound that Lu Lunpromoted the poetic style of Six Dynasties and laid a strong foundation for thepoetic style change of middle Tang Dynasty in the transition period fromGlorious age of Tang Dynasty to the middle and later periods of TangDynasty.In brief,this paper will expound in aesthetic form, aesthetic contents,aesthetic art of three aspects.It is reflected its unique aesthetic value.In itsunique life experience, reached middle ideal personality form.In some degree,achieves the perfect combination between the aesthetic life and practical ethics.


