

Errors Analysis on Chinese "Bei"-Sentence Misused by Intermediate and Advanced Thai Learners

【作者】 刘素凤

【导师】 张小克;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汉语“被”字句由于本身复杂程度高、习得难度大,使得其成为泰国学生汉语习得中的一个难点问题。本文在中高级阶段泰国学生汉语“被”字句语料的基础上,以中介语、偏误分析、对比分析等第二语言习得理论为指导,对泰国学生汉语“被”字句偏误进行分析。着重探讨了泰国学生汉语“被”字句的偏误类型,从多个角度挖掘造成这些偏误的原因,进而为教材编写以及“被”字句教学提出了参考意见。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分(绪论),说明了本文的研究方法、研究目的以及研究意义,介绍了本领域的相关研究成果。第二部分,对所收集到的语料(66份语法测试卷)进行统计和分析,并整理成表,为后文的研究提供依据。第三部分,在语料的基础上对中高级阶段泰国学生汉语“被”字句偏误进行分类,分析偏误成因,并从母语干扰的角度探讨了泰国学生与其他国家学生偏误类型呈现差异的原因。该部分是全文的核心。第四部分,总结了本研究对中高级阶段泰国学生“被”字句教学的启示,并提出了相应的教学和教材编写建议。第五部分,全文总结,剖析本文研究的不足之处。

【Abstract】 The“Bei”-sentence in Chinese is so complicated and hard to learn that it becomes a difficult point for Thai students. Based on the corpus of“Bei”-sentence for Intermediate and Advanced Thai students, the thesis using interlanguage, error analysis, contrastive analysis and SLA as a guide analyzes the errors of“Bei”-sentence. We discusse the types of error for Thai students and excavate the reasons of causing these errors from several aspects. Then we give several opinions for teaching material compiling and how to teach“Bei”-sentence for Thai students. The thesis is divided into five major parts:The first part introduces the method, aim and significance of research and the achievements about this field.The second part makes statistics and analysis the corpus collected to support the research following.The third part based on the corpus analyzes the errors of“Bei”-sentence acquisition for Intermediate and Advanced Thai students and its reasons. Then from the angle of interference in their mother tongue, we discusse the different reasons of types of errors between Thai students and students form other countries. This part is the most important one.The fourth part concludes the inspiration of“Bei”-sentence teaching for Intermediate and Advanced Thai students and gives suggestions about“Bei”-sentence teaching and teaching material compiling.The fifth part concludes the thesis’advantages and disadvantages.


