

The Analysis of Acquisition of Liheci in Chinese of Intermediate and Advanced Thai Students

【作者】 兰海洋

【导师】 张小克;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 离合词是现代汉语中一种独特而复杂的语言现象,一直以来都是对外汉语教学中的突出难点。泰国学生在使用汉语离合词的过程中也经常出现偏误,而国内还没有出现对泰国学生的离合词习得研究,为此,本研究以中高级阶段泰国学生为研究对象,通过发放测试问卷和收集自然语料的方式,运用对比分析理论、偏误分析理论、习得顺序理论以及软件统计等方法,对泰国学生在习得汉语离合词出现的扩展偏误以及离合词扩展用法的习得顺序做尽可能全面的考察,并分析习得规律,以期为今后对泰国学生的汉语离合词教学提供参考。本研究共由六章构成:第一章,绪论部分。该部分就本研究的研究意义、研究思路与研究目标、研究理论依据等方面做出说明,同时对相关的前人研究成果作出综述。第二章,通过分析泰国学生的汉语语料,总结出泰国学生的汉语离合词扩展偏误类型以及造成偏误的原因。最后就泰国学生在离合词偏误方面的表现与其他国家学生的离合词偏误表现作出对比。第三章,以习得顺序假说为依据,分析了泰国学生在测试问卷中的答题情况,根据各考察项目的答题综合正确率从高到低排列出泰国学生的离合词习得顺序。第四章,考察现有对外汉语教学大纲和教材是如何处理和安排离合词的,并把考察得出的结论与上面两章的结论做了对比。第五章,就以上研究结论给对外汉语离合词教学带来的启示做了探讨,并就如何更好地改进对泰国学生的离合词教学提出几点建议。第六章,对本研究所得结论做出全面总结。

【Abstract】 Liheci is a unique and complex language phenomenon in modern Chinese,it has long been a prominent difficulty in teaching Chinese as a foreign language,Thai students often make errors in the process of using Liheci.However,there have not been any research about the acquisition of Liheci of Thai students in domestic academic circle.Therefore,the paper takes intermediate and advanced Thai students as the study object,using a series of theories,such as contrast analysis theory,error analysis theory, acquisition order theory and so on,and analyzes the data by statistic software.On the basis of questionnaire and corpus collection,the paper also makes a study of errors arised in the acquisition of Liheci by Thai students and the extended usage of Liheci,then analyzes the acquisition rules,to provide reference for the teaching of Liheci to Thai students.The paper divides into six parts.The first part is the introduction.It points out the significance,the ideas,the objectives and the theory basis of the present papers,and provides an overview of previous related studies.The second part summarizes the types of errors about Liheci of Thai students and the causes of errors,and makes a comparison of errors about Liheci by Thai students and students from other countries.The third part analyzes results of questionnaire of Thai students based on the acquisition order hypothesis,then arranges acquisition order of Liheci of Thai students in a diminishing sequence of the comprehensive correct rate of each item.The fourth part makes a study on the arrangement of Liheci in the existing teaching programs and materials,then compares the conclusions and findings with that of two parts above.The fifth part discusses revelation of the above conclusions and proposes some suggestions on how to improve the teaching of Liheci to Thai students.The sixth part makes a comprehensive summary of conclusions of the paper.

【关键词】 泰国学生离合词偏误分析习得顺序
【Key words】 Thai studentsLihecierror analysisacquisition order

