

Historical Context and Realistic Portrayal

【作者】 何东升

【导师】 李启军;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 美学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 广西电影是指由广西电影制片厂拍摄或出品的故事片。广西电影是中国电影史不可忽视的独特组成部分,它在二十世纪八九十年代率先崛起走向辉煌,为中国电影谱写了精彩的乐章。论及第五代,论及探索影片,论及主旋律影片,论及少数民族题材影片等都不能不论及广西电影。由于各方面原因,迄今为止,无论在资料的整理还是研究上,广西电影都处于一种零散、混沌的状态。有鉴于此,本论文立足于2011年前的广西所有故事片,对广西电影进行系统整合研究,力图呈现一段清晰立体的广西电影风貌。本论文主要分为三大块:第一章绪论部分,在综述了本论文的研究现状和研究目的之后,从宏观上对电影在广西的放映、发行、发展等方面内容进行概述,这是一个背景性质的交代。第二到六章,翔实客观地对所有的广西电影(共125部故事片)进行审美叙述,完整系统地将广西电影史的面貌展现出来。其主要方法是,结合广西电影发展实际,大致从影片题材的角度,采取历时与共时相结合的纵横研究,并侧重微观层面上的客观史实叙述及影片分析。结语部分,对论文各章节进行梳理总结,也对广西电影的总体特征及状况进行归纳与揭示。

【Abstract】 Guangxi film is refers to the films that shot or produced by Guangxi film studio. Guangxi film is a special part of Chinese film, and cannot be ignore in the history of Chinese film. It first rose to glory in 1980s and 1990s, and has composed brilliant melody for Chinese film. When dealing with the fifth generation film, explore film, thematic film, ethnic films and so on, it cannot ignored the Guangxi film. Due to various reasons, data collection and research of Guangxi films is so far in a fragmented and chaotic state. In view of this, based on all the Guangxi films before 2011, this thesis has made system integration for Guangxi film, and tried to show a clear three-dimensional Guangxi Film style. This thesis mainly is divided into three sections. First section is the first chapter that gives the introduction. In this section, the screening, distribution and development of film in Guangxi is reviewed and summarized from macro-graphic view, which is the background of this research. Second section includes the second chapter to the sixth chapter. In the section, all Guangxi films (altogether 125 films) are impersonally, fully and accurately introduced and commented from aesthetic opinion, consequently, the history face of Guangxi film is presented systematically. The research method is that, impersonally introduce history and analysis films combining with the actual development of Guangxi film, roughly from the angle of film themes, adopting synchronic and diachronic methods, and mainly focusing on micro-level. Finally section gives some conclusions. In this section, the characteristics and situation of Guangxi film are summarized and revealed.


