

Discussion of Lao Tze’s Ideal Society

【作者】 刘选

【导师】 李晓虹;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国先秦哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在先秦时期中国哲人中,老子无疑是一颗耀眼的明珠。我们可以称他为中国哲学之父,中国哲学的突破就起源于他。老子本人被奉为道教之教主,其书被奉为道家和道教的经典著作。《道德经》一书对后世影响深远,至今我们仍能从书中找到具有超越时代性的、至今仍在熠熠发光的思想。他写下的《道德经》一书内容广博深邃,其中详尽地论述了宇宙论和政治论。老子首先提出了一个最高的,不依赖于其他事物而存在的存在,也即“道”,通过“道”老子将其宇宙观落实到人类社会的政治层面。也就是说老子哲学最终的落脚点是政治哲学,老子要建立他理想中的社会。本文论述的主体是老子的理想社会。本文从老子的政治哲学之理论基础也即《道德经》书中最重要的哲学范畴“道”和“德”入手,转而研究老子政治哲学中的“圣人”、“无为”、“自然”、“德”政等一系列观念,力求分析出老子之社会理想的框架。“小国寡民”一章是老子政治思想的集中体现,是从更细化的角度比如国家大小以及人口多少,战争问题以及民生问题等方面做出了解答。但是不能简单地将它等同于老子的理想社会,它只能是老子理想社会的一个方面,或者说它只是通向老子理想社会的一个阶段。在本文中,分析出老子的社会理想以后,进而将其与“小国寡民”进行比较,以期得出二者之间之关系。这样能更好地还老子理想社会一个全貌。中国社会在经济快速发展的同时,也遇到了环境、人口、民生等一系列的问题,这些问题已经影响到了中国整个社会的和谐发展,中国要想继续快速、稳定、和谐地发展下去,必须要解决这些问题。当我们在为了追求物质利益而.忘记了自身的幸福,为了追求经济而忘记了环境,我们回头看一下,老子在几千年前就已经给我们指出了出路:自然。人民要回归自然的生活方式,人与人之间没有勾心斗角,人与自然界之间和谐共处,这才是长生久视之道。

【Abstract】 In the pre-qin period of Chinese philosopher, Lao tze was undoubtedly a shining pearl. We can say he was the father of Chinese philosophy, the breakthrough of Chinese philosophy origined from him. Lao tze himself is regarded as the master, and, the book of Taoism has been regarded as the classic.Tao-te ching made huge influences on the later gererations, now we can still find useful mind which beyond its times and will shine for ever. The tao-te ching, discussed in detail the cosmological and political theory. Lao tze first proposed a highest, does not depend on other things,and the existence of existence, namely "dao", through "dao" Lao tze will their cosmology of human society to carry out political level. The philosophy of laozi is political philosophy, Lao tze wanted to establish his ideal society.The main body of this paper discussed the Ideal society of Lao tze. This article begins from the political philosophy of laozi which is the theoretical basis and the most important philosophical category,turns to disscuss "saint"," letting things take their own course ", "nature" and "virtue" and so on a series of concepts, tries to analyze the laozi’s social ideal framework."XiaoGuoGuaMin" chapter is the embodiment of Lao tze’s politics from the Angle of more refined, such as national size, population size, people’s livelihood and war issues. But we can not simply equate it to Lao tze’s ideal society, it is only one aspect of laozi ideal society, or it is just a stage of the ideal society.In this paper, we compare his ideal society with "XiaoGuoGuaMin", in order to draw the relationship between them. This helps us to know better about Lao tze’s ideal society.Chinese society has a rapid economic development, at the same tine, we also meet the environment, population, the livelihood of the people, and a series of problems that have affected the harmonious development of the whole society of China, China wants to continue to have fast, stable and harmonious development,we must to solve these problems. When we are in pursuit of material benefits and forgotten own happiness, in order to pursue the economic and forget the environment, we’ll check it, Lao tze thousands of years ago, had given us a way out: natural. People return to natural life style. This is a long way of visual.

【关键词】 道德经理想社会小国寡民
【Key words】 tao-te chingideal societyXiaoGuoGuaMin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

