

Research on Collegian Credit Comprehensive Assessment System

【作者】 张学娟

【导师】 郭敬;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 统计学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 市场经济既是法制经济又是信用经济,市场经济的发展依赖于信用关系的日益透明与不断扩大。随着改革开放的不断深化,我国诚信问题日益严重,假冒伪劣产品、恶性食品安全事件、个人企业的偷税漏税、经济活动中的合同欺诈等诚信缺失的现象时有发生。这些行为严重扰乱了正常的经济秩序、政治秩序和社会秩序,提高了交易成本,造成了严重的经济损失。诚信是现代市场经济的基石,也是政府取信于民的基础、企业发展的生命和个人立身的根本。国家诚信、企业诚信与个人诚信构成了一个国家完整的诚信体系,由于个人是市场经济的主体,故个人诚信在诚信体系之中起核心作用。大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望和祖国的未来,是社会主义建设事业的接班人。研究大学生诚信,加强大学生诚信建设,科学评价大学生的诚信水平,具有重要现实意义。首先,本文大量参阅国内外关于大学生诚信评价体系的文献,通过对这些研究成果的比较分析确定本文的研究思路、研究方法与创新点。其次,从学习、生活、经济、工作四个方面探讨高校大学生诚信缺失的表现,以此为根据筛选出大学生诚信综合评价指标体系的指标;对大学生诚信缺失原因进简要分析,以此为根据提出建立大学生诚信综合评价体系的必要性。再次,按照构建指标体系的原则和方法,在现有研究成果的基础上取长补短,确定出大学生诚信综合评价指标体系的各级指标、指标权重与数据来源。接着,对五种常用综合评价方法进行比较分析,选择模糊数学分析评价方法作为大学生诚信的评价方法,并对模糊数学分析评价法的基本思想和评价步骤进行详细解析。然后,为检验本文所构建的大学生诚信综合评价体系的适用性及可操作性,在郑州大学范围内选取500个调查对象对该套评价体系进行模拟应用,对评价结果从多方面进行分析以了解郑州大学大学生诚信水平,并指出该评价体系在应用中应注意的问题以及改进措施。最后,对本文的主要结论进行总结。本文研究大学生诚信评价体系,是希望搭建—套具有科学性、合理性和普遍适用性的大学生诚信综合评价体系,能够对全国所有高校的大学生诚信进行合理的评价、考核和预警,以提高全国大学生诚信水平,维护良好社会诚信环境,推动建立全社会信用体系和完善我国市场经济秩序。

【Abstract】 Market economy is both legal economy and credit economy. The development of market economy, based on increasingly transparent and credit relations growing. However, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the problem of credibility has been more and more serious. The phenomena like fake products, malignant food safety incidents, individual enterprise tax evasion and contract fraud have occurred. These actions seriously disrupted the normal economic order, Political order and Social order, and causing serious economic losses. Credibility is the cornerstone of the modern market economy, the basis of the government winning the trust and the life for development of the company. The whole county credibility system is consisting by credibility for the state, credibility for the company and self credibility. Among this three credibility system, self credibility is core concept. University student is wealth human resource for the state, is the future for both nation and whole country, is socialist construction successor. So researching on credibility of collegian, strength the collegian credibility construction and a scientific assessment for collegian credibility level, have important realistic meaning.Firstly, this thesis brings up new concept on the base of credibility research result worldwide, through analysis and comparison on these research result, it sets the methodology of research and the innovation point. In addition, it analysis the collegian non-honest phenomenon from study, life, economic and work these four aspects to determine the index of collegian credibility assessment index system. And it states the reason for this phenomenon to bring up necessity for setting up collegian credit assessment system. Furthermore, on the base of current research result, overcome one’s weaknesses by acquiring others’ strong points to determine levels of indicators, weights and data sources of collegian credit assessment index system. In General, through the contrast five commonly used comprehensive evaluation, selection of fuzzy mathematics is used as collegian credibility assessment method. At the same time, basic concept and evaluation of fuzzy mathematics also is researched in detail. In order to test the feasibility and the operational ability of the collegian credibility assessment system, a simulation assessment was done by 500 colleges in Zhengzhou University. And it analyzes the results of various. It will illustrate the possible problem in the application and also give the improvement method. At last, it is summary of main conclusions.This thesis contrasts concepts for collegian credibility assessment system from amount ideas of researchers, hopefully to construct a set of Scientific, reasonability, general practicability collegian credibility assessment system to have a reasonable evaluation, assessment and pre-warning to collegian credibility, to develop the collegian credibility national wide, to maintenance a well credibility of whole society, to perfect the our marketing economy sequence.

【关键词】 大学生诚信综合评价模糊数学
【Key words】 collegiancreditcomprehensive assessmentfuzzy mathematics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

