

Compulsory Licence for Pharmaceutical Patent

【作者】 赵净

【导师】 王锋;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从1981年第一例艾滋病在美国确认以来,就以迅猛的速度在全世界范围内传播着。到2007年10月底,我国累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者和病人223501例,死亡报告22205例。而艾滋病最严重的南非,4800万人口中有550万人都感染了艾滋病病毒,也就是说,9个人中就有一个是艾滋病病毒感染者。除了艾滋病,肺结核、疟疾、癌症、糖尿病等都在威胁着人们的生命。2010年刚露头的几乎能抵抗所有抗生素的“超级病毒”更是给我们敲响了警钟。虽然专利权所有人的私人利益应该予以保护,但是受到病痛折磨、生命濒临灭亡的无数生命更应该值得我们珍视。那么面对如此严重的公共健康问题,又该怎么解决呢?从药品的角度来说,药品专利的强制许可是一个很好的办法,它可以利用政府的权威强制授予其他制药商生产仿制药品的权利从而以较低廉的价格为患者提供仿制药品。那么强制许可的概念是什么,又是如何发展起来的,到底起了什么样的作用,在现实生活中的应用会带来什么样的正面和负面作用,世界各国对此又是持怎样的看法呢?本文将就这些问题进行分析。本文主要从四个方面进行研究。第一部分主要论述了药品专利强制许可的概念、特点以及该制度的构建原则。第二部分主要讲述了药品专利强制许可的制度变迁,主要是从国际、国内两个层面来叙述的。第三部分主要讲述了药品专利强制许可的经典案例,并分析了授予药品专利强制许可的效果。第四部分主要从社会负担原则、药品专利强制许可的适用情形、补偿费用、使用范围等方面对其制度设计进行研究分析。

【Abstract】 Since the first AIDS were confirmed in America in 1981, it has spread in the world rapidly.At the end of October 2007,there were 223501 AIDS patients and 22205 death cases reported cumulatively. In South Africa which AIDS is most serious, there are 5.5 million people who has infected AIDS in 4,800 people, that is to say, there are one person who has infected AIDS in nine people. In addition to AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, cancer and diabetes are threatening the life of people. In 2010, "super virus" which can almost resist all of the antibiotics warn seriously.Although the private interests of patentees should be protected, people who are suffering disease and going to die should be cherished. Facing such serious public health problems, how to solve them?From the point of pharmaceuticals, the compulsory licence of pharmaceuticals patent is a good way, it can make use of authority of the government to permit other pharmacist to product drugs and provide cheep drugs to patients. Then, what is the concept of compulsory licence? How does it develop? What impact does it bring? What kind of positive and negative effect will it bring? How do various countries will treat it? In this article, I will analysis those problems.There are four parts in this article. In the first parts, it mainly tells the concept, characteristics, classification and principles about compulsory licence for pharmaceutical patent. In the second parts, it mainly tells the historical development of this system. In the three parts, it also tells several classic cases about compulsory licence and analysis feasibility and Negative impact from using compulsory licence. In the four parts, it mainly research and analysis compulsory license from the following aspects, social burden, applicable circumstances, Compensation fees and range of application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

