

On the Right to a Good Environment

【作者】 李晓沛

【导师】 刘向文;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 获得良好环境权是一项新型的权利,是在传统环境权基础上引申出来的更具人性化和操作性的权利。目前多数国家都在宪法中明确规定了公民享有获得良好环境的权利。我国在这方面的立法还不够完备,但我国的环境问题却相当严重。因此,本文拟对公民的良好环境权理论加以深入研究和探讨,对我国保障公民获得良好环境权的实践进行分析,指出我国在保障公民良好环境权方面存在的问题并提出对策,从而完善我国的环境权保护体系。本文共分四个部分,第一部分主要研究获得良好环境权的基本理论,包括获得良好环境权的涵义、性质、主体、客体、内容和意义。通过对比传统环境权理论的概念及其产生和发展历程,总结出获得良好环境权是一项新型的、更具体的、复合型的、独立的人权,是公民主动去争取良好环境的权益,是一种更微观更贴切的概念,更具操作性和可实现性。获得良好环境权是一项具体化的公民环境权,因此,获得良好环境权的主体为公民,而不包括国家、法人或其他组织。其客体与传统的权利客体一样,包括物、行为和精神利益。权利内容则包括实体性内容和程序性内容,实体性内容具体为环境资源利用权,是公民利用一切环境资源的权力,是获得良好环境权的核心;程序性内容是保证环境资源利用权得以实现的手段,主要包括环境状况知情权、环境事务参与权和环境侵害请求权。第二部分主要是国外保障公民获得良好环境权的实证分析。通过对俄罗斯、韩国、美国、日本、瑞典、法国等几个具有代表性的国家关于环境权立法实践的分析,总结经验教训,取长补短,为我国环境权理论的发展找寻出路。第三部分主要分析我国获得良好环境权的现状,通过对现状的分析指出我国在保障公民获得良好环境权方面存在的问题。我国的环境权保护理论比较落后,宪法上没有关于公民良好环境权保护的明确规定,环境保护基本法也存在缺陷,环境保护单行法规并不完备,传统的法律手段对公民良好环境权的保护不足,公众环保意识比较淡薄,其中宪法上关于公民良好环境权保护的缺位是最根本的原因。第四部分在分析我国在保障公民获得良好环境权方面存在问题的基础上提出意见和建议。针对我国在保障公民获得良好环境权方面存在的问题,我国需要在宪法中明确规定公民享有获得良好环境的权利,不断完善我国的环境保护基本法和单行法规,促进相关部门法与公民良好环境权的衔接,完善公民获得良好环境权的司法救济制度,并引导公众树立良好的环保意识。结语部分总结了全文的主旨,指出我国在保护公民良好环境权方面还有很长一段路要走,需要从实际国情出发,同时借鉴先进的国外经验,取长补短,完善自我。

【Abstract】 The right to a good environment is a new right based on the traditional extended environment right out of the more humane and operational rights.Atpresent, most countries are in the Constitution expressly stipulates that the citizens enjoy the right to good environment.China’s legislation in this area is also not complete, but China’s environmental problems are very serious.Therefore, this article on the theory of environmental rights of citizens to be well-depth study and discussion,analysis of the protection of the right of citizens for good environmental practice,pointed out that the problems for China in the protection of civil rights to a good environment and propose measures to improve our environmental rights protection system.This article is divided into four parts.The first part is access to the basic theory of a good environment including its nature, subject, object, content and meaning.By comparing the traditional theory of the concept and the emergence and development process of environmental rights,this right is a new, more specific, complex, and independent human rights,a right the citizen initiative to fight for,is more operational and can be realized.The right to a good environment is a specific environmental rights of citizens,therefore, the main body of the right to good environment for citizens, not including the State, legal persons or other organizations.The object of the same object with the traditional rights, including the physical, behavioral and spiritual interests.The content of the right include substantive content and procedural content.The substantive content is the use of environmental resource,is the core of the right to a good environmental.The program content is to ensure that environmental resources right can be realized by means of power, including state of the environment right, right to participate in environmental affairs and the environment against the claim.The second part focuses on protection of citizens abroad the right to obtain a good environment for empirical analysis.Through Russia, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Sweden, France, and several other representative national legislation on the practice of environmental rights, lessons learned from each other, for the development of the theory of the environment to find the right way.The third part of the right of access to good environmental status.Pointed out by the analysis of the status quo in the protection of our citizens for good environmental problems in the right.Theory of Environmental Rights Protection in China is relatively backward, there is no constitutional right to protection of the environment on the good citizens of the clear provisions of the Basic Law was flawed environmental protection, environmental protection laws and regulations is not a complete one-way, traditional legal means to protect the citizens lack the right to a good environment, Relatively weak public awareness of environmental protection, including the constitutional right on a good environment for the protection of citizens is the most fundamental reason for the absence.The fourth part is the comments and suggestions.For the protection of our citizens the right to good environmental problems, China’s Constitution clearly stipulates the need for good environmental citizens enjoy the right to continue to improve the Basic Law and a single line of environmental protection regulations, the relevant departments to promote a good environment for law and civil rights Convergence and improve the right of citizens to obtain a good environment for judicial relief system, and lead the public to set a good environmental awareness.Conclusion section summarizes the full text of the keynote, pointed out that a good environment for our citizens in the protection of the right to have a long way to go, need to proceed from actual conditions, drawing on advanced foreign experience, learn from each other and improve themselves.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

