

The Study on Forest Application of the Shang Dynasty

【作者】 苏家寅

【导师】 李民;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文探讨的主题是林木(含其衍生品)在商代的应用情况。行文过程中,我们主要通过综合考察传世文献、古文字及相关考古学材料,尽可能详尽地论述了桑、柏、栗、栎、竹、杉、枣、李、桃、梅、漆等共计十一种林木在商代社会中的各项具体应用,较充分地挖掘了甲骨文字中所反映出来的商民对林木资源的认识和开发,并论及与此密切相关的商代的木工工具和木工技术的发展情况。通过对相关问题的探讨,我们认为,林木(含其衍生品)在商代社会中具备广泛的用途,于祭祀娱神、土木建设、手工制作、矿物采冶乃至体育文娱、技术观测等方面均可见先民们对林木资源的仰赖。此外,虽囿于材料缺佚的限制,本文仍于学力所及的范围内,结合后出文献,蠡测了商代林木作业中的管理者与劳动者的来源和担当。

【Abstract】 This article explores the theme of trees (including its derivatives) in the application of the Shang Dynasty. Drafting process, we mainly literature handed down through the integrated study of ancient texts and related archaeological materials, as discussed in detail mulberry, cypress, chestnut, oak, bamboo, cedar, jujube, plum, peach, prunue mume, toxicodendron vernicifluum, and so a total of eleven species of trees in the Shang society, the specific application, more fully tap the word of the Oracle the people of Shang Dynasty as reflected in the understanding of forest resources and development, and addresses the closely related with the woodworking tools and woodworking technology development. Discussion on related issues, we believe, trees (including its derivatives) in the Shang society with a wide range of uses, entertainment in worship of God, civil construction, hand-made, mineral mining and milling as well as sports entertainment, technology and other aspects observation ancestors can be seen depends on forest resources. In addition, although limited by lack of materials, restrictions on lost, this is still within the scope of our study, after a combination of literature, Shang trees were measured in managers and workers operating in the source and play.

【关键词】 商代甲骨文林木
【Key words】 Shang DynastyOracleForest
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

