

The Research on Papermaking Sludge Co-firing in Grate Furnace

【作者】 刘超

【导师】 曾科;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来的三十多年间,随着我国经济的高速发展,各行各业对纸的需求逐年递增,促使造纸行业得到了长期、迅速和蓬勃的发展。与此同时,造纸过程中需要排放大量的废水,相关数据显示2009年全国造纸工业废水排放量为36.7亿吨,只有92%的废水经过处理达标排放,废水处理过程中也将产生大量的造纸污泥,废水与污泥的处理处置问题也日益尖锐。本课题以河南滑县光明纸业有限责任公司的造纸污泥为研究对象,研究其在链条炉中和燃煤混烧的可行性。对造纸污泥进行热值分析和工业分析,发现当造纸污泥含水率为75.6%时,其热值仅为1.12 MJ/kg;当造纸污泥含水率降为9.8%时,其热值升至12.18MJ/kg。通过对造纸污泥工业分析得出:含水率为7.81%的造纸污泥其固定碳含量仅有11.76%,而燃煤固定碳含量为32.37%,这是造纸污泥和燃煤热值相差较大的主要原因。通过造纸污泥干化试验,了解到造纸污泥干化过程中可分为三阶段:裂纹初现段、裂纹发展段和缓慢干化段。确定不同厚度的造纸污泥含水率干化至25.4%-26.7%时需要4-5天的时间。混烧试验主要试验研究了造纸污泥在不同含水率、不同煤泥混合比、不同工况下,与燃煤在链条炉中混烧的情况。通过观察记录链条炉蒸汽温度、排烟温度和炉温来研究造纸污泥在各试验条件下对链条炉各参数的影响。在不同含水率造纸污泥与燃煤混烧试验中,选取4中不同含水率的造纸污泥与燃煤进行混烧,发现48.9%含水率的造纸污泥排烟温度变化幅度最大,最高温度为187.1℃,最低温度为161.2℃,相差25.9℃;而9.8%含水率的造纸污泥排烟温度变化幅度最小,最高温度为183.2℃,最低温度为165.2℃,变化幅度为18℃。在不同煤泥混合比的造纸污泥与燃煤混烧试验中,选取4:1、3:1、2:1三种不同煤泥混合比进行混烧,发现4:1煤泥混合比时最高温度和最低温度相差13.4℃,而2:1煤泥混合比时最高温度和最低温度相差21.8℃。最后通过试验研究链条炉在不同工况下,造纸污泥和燃煤混烧的燃烧性能。通过改变各风室的配风比和炉排速度来观察造纸污泥混烧情况,发现在加强前端供风、减少后端供风(前后各变化10%的比例)情况下,或者是增加炉排速度的情况下,混烧试验过程中链条炉的蒸汽温度、排烟温度和炉温均比未调整提高:而同时调整配风比和炉排速度条件下,炉温和蒸汽温度先小幅度下降后又上升直至一稳定值,炉温为1009℃,蒸汽温度为177.7℃,均和起始值相差很小。和正常运行时锅炉工况相似。通过以上几组试验,得出以下结论,将链条炉炉排速度设置为5m/h,各风室配风比为25%、35%、30%、10%,含水率30%的造纸污泥以燃煤:污泥=3:1的比例混烧时锅炉各项数值均能达到最佳状态。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up. with China’s rapid economic development, the needs of various industries on the paper gradually increase each year, the economic development of the paper demand for products to promote paper industry boomingly. In the year of 2009. nation emissions of paper industry wastewater was 3.67 billion tons, only 92% of which has been discharged within standards. A large number of paper mill sludge has been produced during the wastewater treatment process. This paper took paper sludge from the Hua County Light Paper Co. Ltd for the study objective and studied the paper sludge’s buring conditions.In the paper sludge drying experiment, we found the sludge drying process can be divided into three parts:the early section of the crack, the crack development and slow dry section. During the interval, the sludge water content decreased rapidly in a short time. Through the calorific value of paper mill sludge laboratory analysis done in the laboratory and industry analysis, it showed the water content of paper mill sludge and calorific value is a negative correlation.Paper sludge co-fire with coal in the grate furnace in different water content experiment. We can learn that the paper sludge with 48.9% water content got exhaust temperature changes.the highest temperature is 187.1℃,the lowest temperature is 161.2℃.they had 25.9℃variation:and the water content 9.8% papermaking sludge exhaust temperature variation amplitude.the highest temperature of minimum 183.2℃the lowest temperature relatively 165.2℃variation amplitude for for 18℃. Slime mix in different than paper-making sludge with coal-fired&coal mixing trials, select 4:1,3:1,2:1 three different mixing ratio, we found that 4:1 mixing ratio, highest temperature and minimum temperature differ 13.4℃comparing the mix ratio 2:1 which with 21.8℃, it is small.Finally, the experimental researched paper sludge co-firing with coal in grate furnace in different working conditions. Through the changes of the wind chamber with wind speed to observe stoker, we found that increased the ratio of the front of the wind room and reduce back-end (the proportion of each change aroun 10%) under the condition of the stocker speed increase, steam temperature, exhaust temperature and temperature of grate furnace are not adjusted than enhancing; While the adjustment with wind speed conditions(increase the speed of grate from 4.2m/h to 5m/h), we found furnace temperature and steam temperature drop first small at first, then it increased rapidly until it reached in the point 1009℃and 177.7℃, which was similar to the initial conditions without any changes.Through the above several groups of testing, we got the conclusion. With grate furnace grate speed settled at 5m/h, with the four wind room ratio adjusted at 25%, 35%,30%,10%, with water content of paper sludge aroud 30%. with coal and paper sludge mixing ratio adjusted 3:1 ratio, the condition of the grate furnace can reach the best state.

【关键词】 造纸污泥含水率干化混烧试验
【Key words】 paper sludgewater content ratiodryingco-firing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

