

Research on Shareholds’ Votiong Right

【作者】 黄兰

【导师】 王艳华;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 美国著名法学家Easterbrook和Fischel认为:“如果说有限责任是公司的第一特征,那么表决权就是公司的第二大特征”。这就是说,股东表决权是股东权利体系中的核心权利,是关乎股东其他权利能否得到实现的重要权利。股东表决权的行使使股东的意志通过对股东大会上的议案的赞成或否定来上升为公司的意志。现实生活中普遍存在着中小股东表决权不受重视的情况,并且由于股东表决权行使的制度本身的不完善,使得中小股东的权益常常受到侵害。表决权的行使不仅体现了股东对公司的所有权的属性,而且还保障了股东其他权利的实现。因此,在我国股份公司日益发展壮大的今天,股权高度分散,股东人数不断增多,对股东表决权制度的研究不仅具有理论上的指导意义,而且在我国公司的实践治理中对中小股东权力的保护也有很重要的意义。全篇论文一种共分前言、正文、结语三部分,其中正文又分为四章:第一章着重分析了股东表决权的概念。主要包括股东表决权的涵义,性质。特别指出股东表决权是指股东基于对公司的持股的基础,通过在股东大会上来表达自己的意志,对股东大会上的决议,表示赞成与否定。股东表决权最终要的作用就是通过股东大会对公司的重大事项作出决议,从而参与到公司的运行中去,实现对公司当家作主的权利。股东表决权的性质是股东固有的可单独行使的共益权。第二章为表决权行使原则专题研究,分别对表决权行使的原则,一股一权,资本多数决原则,进行了介绍以及表决权行使的例外规定及其存在的理论基础。并且,重点对特定股份和特定股东所持有的股份中的表决权作出限制规定,这样做的目的是用形式上的不平等追求求实质上的平等用来达了保护中小股东的利益的目的。表决权行使的例外规定,主要包括无表决权股份,多重表决权股份,相互持股表决权,自己持有股份表决权,大股东表决权,利害人关系表决权等六个方面。第三章为股东表决权行使的特殊方式,这部分最主要的从表决权代理制度,表决权信托制度,累积投票制度,类别股东表决权制度进行研究,着重对中小股东权益的保护。主要涉及这些制度的主要特征和意义。由于大股东持股份额比较大,在行使表决权的时候必然会形成大股东或者控股股东对公司的“垄断”地位,这样就给了他们可以在股东大会上任意的决策公司的重大事务及控制经营管理层,这样即使公司的管理层也会对大股东马首是瞻。由于中小股东持股高度分散,没有集中发言的话,中小股东权益容易受到大股东的侵害。通过股东表决权的行使的特殊方式可以有利于改变中小股东在公司治理中人微言轻的状态。中小股东可以采用的最有效的方式就是联合起来,用一个声音表达自己的意识。表决权征集和表决权信托,累积投票制也给了中小股东集中发言的机会。第四章主要是讲我国《公司法》中关于股东表决权制度的规定的不足和完善建议。现行公司法中股东表决权行使制度的不足之处,以及怎么完善股东表决权行使制度。

【Abstract】 Both American famous jurists Easterbrook and Fischel hold that the voting rights of shareholders is the second character of company if the limited liability is the first character. Thus, the voting rights of shareholders are essential to the right system, which is about the rights of shareholders can be realized. The prevalence of real-life situation of minority shareholders the right to vote taken seriously, and because the exercise of voting rights of minority shareholders imperfect system itself, making the interests of minority shareholders are often violated.The exercise of voting rights is an important way to achieve the rights of shareholders, but also reflects the shareholders’ownership of company. With the great development of company, especially the increasing awareness of the rights of shareholders today, the research to the exercise of the shareholders" voting rights have theoretical and practical significance.Paper is divided into introduction, body and conclusion section, which text is divided into four chapters.Chapter one analyzes the concept of shareholder voting rights which include the primarily meaning of it (Approve or reject the decisions of that general meeting) and the nature of it (the shareholders voting right is based on funding). The voting rights of shareholders are used to express the shareholders views on company’s major issues, which can achieve the company’s ownership rights. Shareholders’voting rights are inherent and can be used the individually for common interest.Chapter two is of the voting rights project of the exercise of the principle. The whole chapter is divided into three sections, namely the principle of the exercise of voting right, one share one vote principle, the majority rule, the principle of collective exercise, the exceptions principles and its theoretical basis. And specific shares or shares held by certain shareholders to restrict the voting rights provisions, with the form of inequality to seek substantive equality is to protect the interests of small shareholders are not infringed. Exceptions to the exercise of the right to vote, including six factors, non-voting shares, multiple voting shares, own shares voting rights, shareholder voting rights, each holding voting rights, voting rights and other interests.Chapter three is to exercise the voting rights of minority shareholders a special way, the part from the position and rights of minority shareholders on the basis of protection of voting rights proxy system, voting trust system, cumulative voting system, the type of shareholder voting system were studied. Mainly related to these systems and the relationship between minority shareholders to exercise voting rights. Since relatively large share of large shareholders to exercise voting rights at the same time easy to form on the company’s "monopoly" status, "dictatorial" decision-making and control of the major affairs of the company business management, which is the management of large shareholders. Minority shareholders holding shares in the company is relatively small, they deserved in the management of human, rights vulnerable to damage, if you want effective protection of minority shareholders, major shareholders must break the "monopoly" status. If the minority shareholders in general meeting have no say, no decisive role, will always be the major shareholder of the "exploitation" and "oppression." Minority shareholders to adopt the only way to unite and speak with one voice; voting solicitation and voting trust, shareholders of the cumulative voting system gave voice to a certain concentration, can better reflect the interests of small investors, shareholders class voting system is given its decision to the General Assembly resolution on the right of shareholders to effectively solve the flow of non-tradable shareholders and the balance of interests between shareholders.Chapter four of "Company Law" in the exercise of voting rights of minority shareholders on the provision and improvement of the system. The existing Companies Act the right to vote in favor of the provisions of minority shareholders, and inadequacies, and how to improve the system of minority shareholders to exercise voting rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

