

The Research and Significance of High-energy Radiation Pollution Monitoring in the Environmental Protection

【作者】 王相杰

【导师】 吕运朋; 杨全玖;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着当今人类社会的不断进步和科学事业的不断发展,以及放射性核素的广泛应用,越来越多的人们认识到放射性对机体造成的损害随着放射照射量增加而增大。由高能放射性辐射引起的环境问题和社会问题已越来越突出。放射性辐射在联合国人类环境保护会议上被列为造成公害的主要污染之一,我国颁布的中华人民共和国环境保护法也把它作为环境污染要素。但是在国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)1977年第26号出版物中提出放射防护的三原则指导下,当任何放射实践,对人群和环境可能产生的危害比起个人和社会从中获得的利益应当是很小的时候,所进行的放射性工作就是正当的,是值得进行的。要有效预防和治理高能辐射污染,就必须有对高能辐射的程度进行定量判断,也就是必须对高能辐射进行计量监测。全天候不间断的实时动态探测计量是这种监测的主要特征。建立具有高速处理数据和超大量数据通信能力的探测系统,是这种监测遇到的关键问题。目前对高能辐射的常用方法效果粗劣,不可靠性巨大。解决不了全天候连续精准探测的问题。尤其对于连续变化而且动态变化很大的高能辐射监测环境不能适用。γ射线辐射属于高能辐射污染,是当今最广泛的一种放射性污染。γ射线高能辐射监测系统在其它所有各种不同射线的辐射监测系统中具有典型的代表性。本文主要对射线完高能辐射污染监测系统进行整体的分析与设计。完成以ATmega128单片机为核心的高速处理数据和超大量数据通信的Y射线高能辐射测量。建立监测数据统计控制平台,并设计监测数据可靠性质量评估数学模型,实现对监测数据的可靠性进行质量控制。本文设计γ射线高能辐射监测系统数据采集速率可达到5MS/S,数据传输速率达到1Mbit/S。无论从测量精度还是通信能力上都解决了对高能辐射全天候连续精准测量监测的问题。而且只要把这种监测系统的探头跟据被探测射线的种类不同稍做改变,整体系统即可适用所有各种不同射线的辐射监测。

【Abstract】 It unceasingly is now progressive along with the human society and the scientific enterprise’s swift development, as well as radionuclide’s widespread application, more and more people realized that the harm which creates to organism increases to the radioactivity along with the emission illumination quantity increases, causes the environment question and the social question by the high energy radioactive radiation has been getting more and more prominent. The radioactive radiation is listed as in the United Nations human environment protection conference creates one of environmental damage’s main pollution, our country promulgates the People’s Republic of China pollution control regulation also takes it the environmental pollution essential factor.But in the International Commission on Radiologicol Protection (ICRP) in 1977 in the 26th publication to propose under the radiological defense three principle instruction, when any emission practice, possibly produced to the crowd and the environment the harm compared individual and the society obtained the benefit which must is is very small, the radioactive work which carries on is right, was worth carrying on.Must prevent and the government high-energy radiation pollution effectively, must the high-energy radiation degree carries on the quota judgment, it is also must carry on the measurement monitor to the high-energy radiation. All-weather uninterrupted real-time dynamic survey measurement is this kind of monitor chief feature. The establishment has processes the ultra big data and the high-speed service ability detection system,it is key question which this kind of monitor meets. At present it is bad to high-energy radiation’s commonly used monitoring method effect, the unreliability is huge. That could not solve all-weather continuously accurate survey monitor problem. Especially regarding changes moreover the dynamic change very big high-energy radiation monitor environment not to be able continuously to be suitable. Gamma the beam high-energy radiation pollution is now the most widespread one radioactive contamination. Gamma the beam high-energy radiation monitoring system has the model representation in other all each kind of different beam’s radiation monitoring system. This article mainly carries on the whole to Gamma the beam high-energy radiation pollution monitoring system the analysis and the design. The completes take the ATmega128 MCU monolithic integrated circuit as the core high speed processing data and the ultra mass data correspondence Gamma the beam high-energy radiation survey. The establishment monitor data statistical control platform, and designs the monitor data reliability quality appraisal mathematical model, the realizes to monitors the data the reliability to carry on the quality control.This article designs Gamma the beam high-energy radiation monitoring system data acquisition speed to be possible to achieve 5MS/S, the data transfer rate achieves 1Mbit/S. The regardless of has solved from the measuring accuracy or traffic capacity to the high-energy radiation all-weather continuously accurate survey monitor question. The moreover so long as with different makes slightly this kind of monitoring system’s probe head according to the survey beam’s type the change, the integrated system is suitable all each kind of different beam the radiation monitor.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

