

Experimental Study of Purification Lampblack Waste Gas with Biological Filtration Method

【作者】 马红妍

【导师】 李顺义;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,油烟废气已和工业废气、汽车尾气一起被列为城市大气污染的“三大杀手”,在国内大中型城市,有关油烟废气问题的投诉已占环境投诉案例的30-40%,严重影响着生态环境和人类健康。本试验采用生物过滤法处理厨余油烟废气,从受污染的土壤中筛选了降解油烟废气的菌种、并对菌种生长及降解条件进行了优化、同时研究了生物滤塔的适宜运行条件及净化效率的影响因素、实际应用可行性等方面,得出如下结论:(1)从富集后的菌悬液中初筛出长势良好的6株菌株(4株细菌、1株霉菌、1株放线菌),并对其进行复筛研究。复筛结果表明,处理效率较高的单一菌落和复合菌落分别是b4和b1+m1,降解效率分别为50.65%和51.06%,微生物生长情况良好。(2)采用液体牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基和液体选择培养基对菌株b4的生长条件和降解条件进行优化,试验结果为:菌株b4的最佳生长条件为碳源牛肉膏2.0g/L、氮源蛋白胨5.0g/L、摇床转速150r/min;菌株b4的最佳降解条件为pH值5.0、食用油含量3.0g/L、降解时间32h、降解温度30℃。(3)生物过滤塔启动即微生物成膜所需时间为10d,10d后系统稳定运行,油烟废气的去除效率保持在90%以上;此过程中随时间增加,填料pH值缓慢降低,表明填料表面有机酸浓度增加;系统稳定运行时,总生物量数量可以达到108个/ml,生物量丰富,系统运行良好。(4)在系统稳定运行的状态下:当油烟废气进气浓度低于80.0mg/m3时,油烟废气去除效果良好,去除率保持在90%以上;当油烟废气进气流量低于650L/h时,油烟废气去除效果良好,去除率保持在90%以上;填料含水率变化对去除效率影响较大,当填料含水率为75%时,去除效果最佳;在超负荷状态下,偶然的负荷变动不会给系统的去除率和出气油烟浓度带来破坏性影响,系统可以自动调整运行效果,抗冲击负荷效果良好。(5)在试验条件下,该工艺完全能满足居民楼和中型餐饮企业对油烟废气处理的要求,估算出实际应用时居民楼和中型餐饮企业所需的装置占地面积分别为25.7m2和28.6m2,说明采用该生物过滤法处理居民楼和中型餐饮企业排放的油烟废气在理论和技术层面上可行。

【Abstract】 In recent years, lampblack was classified as "three killer" of the urban air pollution together with industrial pollution and vehicle exhaust emission. Furthermore, the complaints about lampblack emission problems accounts for 30~40% cases of environmental complains in the domestic large and medium-sized cities already, which had caused serious influence of the ecological environment and human health. This test used biological filtration method processing lampblack, including Strains screening, Optimization of strains growth and degradation condition, Operation of the biological filter tower, The influence factors of degradation efficiency, The actual application feasibility analysis and so on. The conclusions as follows:(1)Six isolated strains were sieved out from the enrichment bacteria levitation liquid (four bacteria, a mould and antinomies). Then sieved again, the results showed which single colonies and composite colonies processing efficiency higher were b4 and b1+m1, and the degradation efficiency were 50.65% and 51.06%, they growth in good condition also.(2)Optimized the growth condition and degradation conditions of strains b4 with the beef anointed-peptone medium and the liquid choose medium. The results showed that the best growth condition of strains b4 was 2.0g/L beef anointed,5.0g/L peptone and when the wave bed speed was 150r/min.And the best degradation condition of strains b4 was pH5.0, the cooking oil content was 3.0g/L, the degradation time was 32h and the degradation temperature was 30℃.(3) The biological filtration tower start need 10 days, this means the system runs stably after 10 days, and the exhaust removal efficiency of lampblack kept more than 90% after this time. During this time, the pH downed slowly as time increased, that means organic acid concentration increased on the packing surface. The orders of magnitude of total biomass could achieve 108 every milliliter, and the system was running well at this time.(4) When the system was stable running, the degradation efficiency kept more than 90% when the concentration of inlet below 80.0mg/m3 or the flow of inlet below 650L/h. The degradation efficiency was best when the moisture content of packing was 75%. The impact resistant load effect of system was good also.(5) This process can fully satisfy dweller building and medium-sized restaurant’s demand of lampblack waste gas processed. The probably areas were 25.7 m2 and 28.6 m2, which means that the degradation of lampblack exhaust was probably for dweller building and medium-sized restaurant with biological filtration method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

