

The Segmentation of Community Property

【作者】 王雅静

【导师】 张竞芳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “执子之手,与子偕老”是人们对相爱的人能够长相厮守的美好愿望,但现实并不总是圆满的,“东飞伯劳西飞燕”当婚姻走到尽头,离婚便成为不可避免的结局。在现代社会,离婚率成逐年上升的趋势,近年来增长幅度不断加大,根据中华妇女联合会的统计,我国每年有40多万个家庭解体,人们对于离婚不再像过去那样忌讳,而是更加平常和理性的看待这个问题。离婚是配偶在生存期间依法解除婚姻关系的行为,不仅解除了夫妻间的人身关系,也同时终止了夫妻原有的财产关系。夫妻财产制度是夫妻关系中一项极为重要的法律制度,离婚时夫妻财产分割制度是婚姻制度的重要组成部分,在婚姻家庭的立法中占有十分重要的地位。随着经济的飞速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,夫妻财产关系日益多元化和复杂化。夫妻共同财产的表现形式也越来越多,与传统意义上的夫妻财产相比较,已经出现了明显的变化,离婚时夫妻财产的分割作为离婚的重点倍受关注,已经成为婚姻诉讼中双方当事人争议最多、问题最多的部分,是离婚案件中的热点和难点问题。我国在2001年4月28日修改后的新《婚姻法》中首次规定了夫妻个人财产制度的范围.与1980年《婚姻法》相比有了明显的进步。之后,我国又在2001年出台了最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国婚姻法>若干问题的解释(一)》但是仍然无法弥补其滞后性,于是2004年4月1日颁布的最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国婚姻法>若干问题的解释(二)》对这些问题进行了一系列的完善,迸一步对夫妻财产分割作出了详尽的规定,完善了夫妻财产分割的规定,对个人财产和共同财产的种类作了更加明确的界定,对分割财产时的疑难问题,如知识产权的分割、养老保险金、房屋等进一步明确的规定,但是由于法律天然的滞后性和现代社会的飞速变迁,离婚时夫妻财产的分割在实践中仍然存在很多棘手的问题和争议,同时,我国的夫妻财产制度依然存在不完善之处。本文拟就这些问题进行一些探讨,文章共分为五个部分:第一部分论文引言,首先介绍了文章的研究背景,研究目的和必要性以及研究方法。第二部分介绍夫妻财产制的基础理论,阐述夫妻财产制的概念以及特征,结合现阶段世界多国的法律规定,评析夫妻财产制的几种立法类型,并说明夫妻财产制的立法价值所在。结合《婚姻法》,说明我国对夫妻财产制的相关规定以及采取的立法类型。第三部分我国夫妻共同财产分割的立法概况。首先结合相关司法解释以及法律的规定,论述夫妻共同财产分割的范围,分割的原则和实践中采取的分割方法。第四部分实务中夫妻共同财产的分割,选取现实生活中争议较大的四个热点难点问题进行详细的论述:知识产权的分割、按揭房屋的分割、无形财产的分割和股权的分割。介绍了基础的理论、相关规定、离婚诉讼中的实际操作以及存在的学说等。第五部分对我国夫妻财产分割制度存在的不足提出自己的看法和完善建议。首先阐述了修改完善我国夫妻财产制度的重大意义,其次对实践中容易出现争议的情形,结合本国的实际,并借鉴国外立法的经验提出针对性的完善建议。

【Abstract】 "Hold your hand and grow old with you " It is the good wishes of lovers who pray for love forever. but the reality is not always desirable,when marriage go to the end, divorce would be the inevitable choice. In modern society,the general trend of divorce rate is increasing year by year. According to the survey of China Women’s Federation there are about 40,0000 family broke up per year in China.People treat divorce as a common thing instead of tabooing like the past.Divorce is the dissolution of marriage in survival period of couple’s.It not only discharge personal relations,but also property relations between couple.Marital property system is very significant in legal system,and is also an indispensable part of marriage system. With the rapid development of economy and continuous improvement of living standards, marital property relations are becoming diversified and complicated.,the manifestation of community property has changed greatly compared with the traditional joint property of spouse. In fact, as the key issue of divorce, the segmentation of community property has become the most controversial part in divorce proceedings.The modified marriage law of China in 2001, April 28, has stipulated the range of personal property, there is a distinct improvement compared with the old law in 1980. After that, Judicial interpretation of the Marriage Law was made in 2001,for it can not make up the deficiencies,another judicial interpretation was born and improved the relevant provisions of the type of personal property and community property.For instance,intellectual property,pension insurance, housing and so on.However,because of the natural lag and rapid development of the society,there are still plenty of intractable problems and imperfect aspect to be improved.This article concludes four parts:The first part of the article is the basic theory of marital property system,including definition and characteristic of marital property system. Reviewing the relevant provisions of foreign legislation and illustrate the legislative value of marital property system.The second part, our legislation on the segmentation of community property and the range of that. Finally,the methods and principle adopted by our countryThe third part,the article chooses four issues which are controversial and difficult to discuss deeply.Intellectual property,mortgage houses,intangible property and equity.Introducing the basic theory,problems in practice,existing theories,and relevant provisions.The fourth part,presenting advisements of the segmentation of community property. First,elaborating the significance of modifying the marital property system;Second, taking example of foreign legislation and improve the system of our marriage law.

【关键词】 夫妻共同财产分割完善
【Key words】 Community propertySegmentationImprovement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

