

Drilling Technology for Fishbone Branches Horizontal Well

【作者】 张微

【导师】 刘庆旺; 余雷;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 辽河油田经过四十余年的开发,已处于开发中后期,利用水平井等复杂结构井钻井技术提高采收率是目前有效的产稳产手段,鱼骨型分支水平井技术是在水平井、分支井技术成熟应用的基础上,延伸、发展起来的一项新型钻完井技术。其技术内涵是根据油藏特征设计井眼,并进行井眼的空间展布,有效增加了油层的裸露面积,提高油藏最终采收率,是目前先进的油气井钻井新技术之一。鱼骨型分支水平井技术是一个集油藏、钻完井、泥浆等技术于一体的系统工程。它包括了从地质到钻井、从完井到油田化学等一系列攻关难点。针对鱼骨型分支水平井施工特点,从研究剩余油分布入手,通过优化地质设计,工程设计,实施过程中优化井眼轨迹控制,总结出先上后下,主分井眼交替实施的轨迹实施工艺技术,提出悬空侧钻、复合井眼侧钻等轨迹施工方案,为鱼骨型分支水平井的有效实施提供了技术保障。通过钻井液体系,完井方式的优选,并最终形成了适合辽河地区稠油、稀油、高凝油地层特点的鱼骨型分支水平井钻完井方法。从实施效果情况看,鱼骨型分支水平井成本略高于水平井,但产量是邻井的1.6~8.87倍,有效动用了难采难动用储量,降低了水平井综合开发成本。并在辽河、新疆等油区得到推广,钻井技术达到成熟推广程度,推动了国内同类技术的发展。

【Abstract】 Liaohe Oilfield has developed for forty years, which has been mid- late in development, the use of horizontal well and other complex structures drilling technology is stable and effective means to enhance oil recovery . herringbone type branching horizontal well technology is a new type of drilling and completion technology based on the mature application of horizontal wells and branch wells technology,. The technical content is based on the reservoir characteristics to design wellbore and distribution of boreholes, effectively increase the exposed area of the reservoir and improve the ultimate recovery, it is one of the advanced technology of oil-gas drilling .Herringbone type branching horizontal well technology is a systems engineering include reservoir, drilling and completion, mud and so on. It also includes a series of research difficulties from the geology to the drilling, completion to the oilfield chemistry. according to its construction features, start with the research of remaining oil distribution , optimize the borehole trajectory control by optimizing the geological design, engineering design, implementation process, summarize the trajectory of the implementation technology , which is up the first , the main sub-hole alternate implementation , put in the trajectory construction program ,for example vacant side of the drilling, composite side drilling. it provide technical support to effectively implement for herringbone type branching horizontal well . Through the drilling fluid system, the preferred completion method and eventually form the herringbone horizontal well drilling and completion methods to cater formation characteristics of Liaohe such as heavy oil, light oil, high pour point . herringbone slightly higher than the cost of horizontal well from the implementation of the situation, but the yield is 1.6 ~ 8.87 times more the latter, adopt effectively the reserves of hard use, reducing the cost of comprehensive development of horizontal wells. And Liaohe, Xinjiang oilfeild have been applied if , the promotion of drilling technology has reached maturity level, and promoted the domestic development of similar technologies .

【关键词】 鱼型骨水平井稠油轨迹控制
【Key words】 herringbone typehorizontal wellheavy oiltrajectory control
  • 【分类号】TE243
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】429

