


【导师】 卢光盛;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 世界经济, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,连接中国昆明至泰国曼谷的国际大通道(昆明—曼谷公路)已基本建成,而南宁—曼谷公路途经越南后也已有两条路可经老挝到曼谷,还有一条最便捷的通道正在酝酿中。建设和发展昆明—曼谷、南宁—曼谷公路不仅可以给泛珠三角经济区域和湄公河次区域带来局部的经济效益,甚至还会给中国和东盟国家带来全局和宏观的经济和社会效益,并将大大提高中国在东南亚地区的国际地位。但是就目前情况来看,昆明—曼谷公路的运行效果并不如南宁—曼谷公路那么理想。本文试图以一个泰国国民的视角,通过定量分析与定性分析相结合、文献研究、访问调查等方法,对昆明—曼谷公路与南宁—曼谷公路的建设简况以及开通后的运行情况进行分析、研究,并对两条公路各自的优势与劣势进行比较研究。通过研究,笔者发现昆明—曼谷公路和南宁—曼谷公路作为中国和泰国这两个南北国家的经济走廊,在互为补充的同时,也共同面临一些瓶颈问题,如:公路沿线各个国家在政治、经济制度、经济水平、安全等方面的协调配合有限;各国在公路货运站方面缺乏统一标准的物流设施配备;在海关通关、商品检验等方面,亚洲开发银行主要负责协调统一标准和跨境的问题各合作国语言文化背景不同所产生的交流矛盾;公路治安管理的问题等等。另外,南宁—曼谷经济走廊虽然条件较好,但是现在也面临着中越之间没有落实GMS便利化措施,路面因缺乏维护和保养已出现破损等问题。昆明—曼谷公路存在的问题是一个“点、线、面”结合的综合问题,关键在于中、老、泰三国要协调好公路便利化问题。而南宁—曼谷公路应该将GMS便利化的通关经验推广到整个公路的建设和发展,例如需尽早实现公路客货运输的直通业务、简化人员往来的通关手续等。从未来发展来看,这两条公路的开发与建设将是影响东南亚国家与中国境内部分地区发展经贸合作的重要因素,同时也是参与两条公路沿线商贸往来的泰国国民盼望和为之努力的重要交通设施,因此,笔者认为两个项目应该齐头并进。昆明—曼谷公路和南宁—曼谷公路将在中国—东盟经济合作、发展、共赢的大局中发挥重大作用。

【Abstract】 At present, Kunming-Bangkok Highway- the international thoroughfare from Kunming to Bangkok has been basically completed, and the Nanning-Bangkok highway has also been able to go through Vietnam, so there are two paths through Laos to Bangkok, and a most convenient channel is under discussion. The construction and development of the Kunming-Bangkok Highway and Nanning-Bangkok highway will not only bring local economic benefits to the Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Zone and the Mekong River Economic Zone, but also bring the general, macro economic and social benefits to China and ASEAN countries, even greatly improving China’s international status in Southeast Asia. But for the time being, the operational effect of Kunming-Bangkok Highway is not as good as Nanning-Bangkok highway. This article will use the combination quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, literature research method and interview survey method to do analysis and research on the construction situation and the operation of Kunming-Bangkok highway and the Nanning-Bangkok highway, and make a comparative study of their own advantages and disadvantages from the micro perspective of a Thai national.Through the research, it is found that the Kunming-Bangkok Highway and the Nanning-Bangkok highway have become two Economic Corridors linking southern China and northern Thailand while complement each other, they are also facing some common difficulties and bottleneck problems such as:limitation of compatible political, economic system, economic development standard and security on cooperation among the countries along highway; lack of unified standard logistics facilities across the border; the communication problems resulting from different language and cultural background of the Asian Development Bank’s member countries which are responsible for harmonizing unified standards and cross-border problems especially in customs clearance and commodity inspection sector; highway security administration problems and so on. In addition, although the Nanning-Bangkok highway possesses a better condition, it also faces the problem like China and Vietnam not implementing GMS facilitation measures, deterioration of the paved road for the lack of maintenance and repair. The problems the Kunming-Bangkok Highway facing is overall problem combining "point, line and plane", and the key answer to this problem is to encourage China, Laos and Thailand coordinating in road facilitation. Concerning with the Nanning-Bangkok highway, GMS customs clearance facilitation experiences should be popularize to the whole highway construction and development; for example, carrying out the direct transportation services of goods as early as possible, simplifying customs and cross bordering procedures for passengers and so on. From the future perspective of the development, the development and construction of two roads is a major factor affecting bilateral trade and economic relations between Southeast Asian countries and parts of China, and the two roads are important transport facilities to Thailand, especially for Thai nationals participating in trade and business along the highway, so both the two projects should be in progress. Kunming-Bangkok Highway and the Nanning-Bangkok highway will play a major role in the China-ASEAN economic cooperation, development, creating win-win situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】F542;F543.36
  • 【下载频次】170

