

【作者】 闫秀娟

【导师】 施惟达;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族文化产业, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《文化产业振兴规划》审议的通过,标志着文化产业已上升为我国的战略性产业,也意味着在经过多年的探索发展后,我国文化产业迎来了历史性的拐点,并将进入一个新的增长周期。国家在政策上的重视,也引导着各省市加大了对文化产业发展的投入。到2010年,北京、上海、广东、湖南、云南等省市文化产业增加值占GDP的比重已超过5%,一跃成为“支柱产业”。云南作为一个集多民族、边疆、山区、贫困四位一体的欠发达地区,取得这样的成绩,被众多学者和专家称之为中国文化产业发展中的“云南模式”。本文从对国内外文化产业的内涵界定不同入手,借助于文化产业发展模式的相关理论,对影响云南文化产业发展的主要因素进行分析。通过对云南文化产业的发展背景和发展过程的梳理总结,得出“云南模式”是依托本地区资源优势,在政府的引导下,通过龙头产业带动形成的文化产业发展路径。随后文章借助文献分析和比较分析等研究方法探究了北京、上海、广东、湖南的文化产业发展模式,并比较分析出五省市模式的相同点和不同点,从中找到对云南文化产业发展可借鉴的经验。在比较中可看出云南虽有诸多的劣势与不足,但其特殊的发展背景和影响因素也决定了“云南模式”的独特性,云南不同于其他省市的模式特点是文化旅游产业的龙头带动作用。云南的文化产业虽呈现出上升的趋势,但对资源的依赖性仍较强,政府的主导力度过大。本文认为可以通过加深对民族资源的开发水平、加强政府的引导并强化市场的主导作用、加大人才培养力度等方法来提高云南文化产业的整体竞争力。

【Abstract】 The consideration of the Revitalization Program of culture industry has been passed, which indicates our culture industry has been raised to be a strategic industry and also denotes our culture industry has been received a historical turning point, and then it will enter a new growth cycle after these year’s explored development. The extent of emphasis on national policy also guides provinces increased investment in the development of cultural industries. By 2010, the increased value of culture industries about Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan, Yunnan and other provinces and cities have been accounted for the Gross Domestic Product more than 5%, growth jumped up as the "pillar industry". Yunnan as a set of multi-ethnic, border, mountainous, poverty and less developed regions has been achieved so good results and this phenomenon by many scholars and experts called " Yunnan Mode " in the Chinese cultural industries development.This thesis starts from the different meanings of the definition of cultural industries at home and abroad, analyzes the main factors about the influence of Yunnan’s cultural industry development through relational theories of models by means of cultural industry development. Through the development of cultural industry in Yunnan background and summary of the development process of combing, the thesis get a conclusion that "Yunnan Mode" is relying on the resources of the region, under the guidance of the government, led by leading industry formed the path of cultural industry development. This article uses the research methods of literature analysis and comparative analysis to explore the development modes of culture industry about Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan and Yunnan, then finds out the future development of cultural industry in Yunnan which can learn from the experiences though comparing the five provinces patterns of similarities and differences.As can be seen from the comparison although many disadvantages of the development of Yunnan, the development of its background and influence of special factors also determined the uniqueness of "Yunnan mode". The pattern of Yunnan which is different from other provinces and cities is characterized by cultural tourism industry’s leading role. Although the cultural industries in Yunnan showed an upward trend, but more dependent on resources, the Government’s guidance over the functions. For the further steady growth of Yunnan cultural industry, this thesis argues that by deepening the level of development of national resources, strengthening the government’s leads and strengthening the leading role of the market, increasing efforts to train personnel in Yunnan and other methods to improve the overall competitiveness of the cultural industry.

【关键词】 文化产业模式资源云南模式
【Key words】 culture industrymoderesourceYunnan mode
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】676

