

【作者】 高国强

【导师】 秦树才;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 历史文献学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《狩缅纪事》是一部重要的南明史籍,比较细致地记录了永历帝朱由榔入缅、在缅、出缅的事迹,对研究明末清初的西南历史及中缅关系史等都有重要的参考价值。目前,学界对该书的关注不够,对该书的作者、成书与流传情况、资料来源、史料价值等基本问题尚未深究。在该书的整理方面,目前仅有的成果是浙江古籍出版社出版的丁红的点校本,尚未有学者对该书所记内容进行注释和考订。丁校本不但校勘不多,且在形成了一些新的错论,标点也存在不当现象。因此,我们有必要对该书做更为深入细致的研究与整理。本文前言部分对《狩缅纪事》一书的作者、主要内容、成书与流传、史料价值等作了系统的分析研究;校注(正文)部分则在前人基础上,对该书进行了标点、校勘、补充、注释和考证,希望能最大程度的恢复该书原貌,并为读者认识和利用该书提供方便。通过这些工作,我们在前人基础上,在该书的研究和整理方面取得了如下新进展:1、对该书的基本问题进行了较系统深入的研究,提出了一些新的看法。首先,对作者作了考证,对传统的看法提出了质疑,认为《狩缅纪事》的作者可能不是刘茞,而是刘的亲友。次对该书的成书、流传、主要内容及其史料价值作了系统研究,认为《狩缅纪事》一书可能成书于康熙九年(1670年),曾在乾隆年间禁毁,嘉、道以后以传钞的形式在民间流播;认为《狩缅纪事》记朱由榔亡缅一事非常详细,且文辞流丽、纪事较为可靠,并保存了一些不见于其他史书的资料,具有极高的史料价值;最大限度地搜集、核理了该书的版本。2、根据文意划分段落,重新句读,纠正了丁校本中存在的谬误。3、以国家图书馆藏本为底本,以浙江图书馆藏旧钞本、云南省图书馆藏传钞本、浙江古籍出版社点校本为对校本,适当参考相关研究成果,纠正该书传钞、点校中造成的错误。4、首次对该书作了补注,对原书记载不详或阙如者,参考他书,酌情补录相关史实;对原书中的干支纪年、重要人物、生僻字词、职官、典故、地理沿革等做注解;对有疑史实作简要考证,以传信存疑;文中间有点评,以阐释大义。5、在校注工作中充分利用了“e”考据,探索信息时代文献整理方法的改进。如利用“人名权威资料查询”、“二十五史全文检索系统(网络版)”等。

【Abstract】 Shou Mian Ji Shi(The hunting Chronicle of the Emperor Yongli in Myanmar) is an important historical document about the Southern Ming Dynasty. It detailedly recorded the story of Zhu Youlang, the Yongli Emperor who did hunting in Burma. And it is quite conducive to our researching the history of the southwest of China and the Sino-Burmese relations during the Ming and Qing dynasties.However, so far the chronicle hasn’t been paid sufficient attention to by the researchers in the relevant fields. It’s quite necessary for us to do more thorough and careful research about the writer, the historical documents that the writer based on, the period in which the writer completed the chronicle and its historical value, etc. for till now these questions still need to be answered. The version published by Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House was punctuated and collated by Ding Hong, but some new errors were made in punctuating and collating the texts because of misunderstanding. By far, no other researchers have collated its factual content or precisely annotated its texts. Therefore, it is necessary for us to do more in-depth study and collate the chronicle again.In the preface of the thesis, a systematic research also has been made on who the real author of Shou Mian Ji Shi was, the period the chronicle was written, its main content, circulation and historical value. In the text correcting part of the paper, some punctuating, emendating, annotating and collating work has been done on the basis of previously relevant studies in order to help readers understand the original meaning and appearance of the chronicle. After critical analysis and research, some creative achievements have been made by sorting out historical documents related to the chronicle:1. After systematic analysis and research, some new points of view are proposed. First, the real author of the chronicle was likely to be Liu Zhi’s friend or relative rather than Liu Zhi, which is quite different from the traditional view; second, the chronicle probably written in 1670, was banned and destroyed in the reign of Emperor Qianlong. In the 19th century, the chronicle in the form written copies was circulated among folks; and the fact-packed story of Zhu Youlang in Burma was recorded in details and its language is smooth and beautiful, and some factual documents in it have been well kept, which are rarely seen in other historical documents, therefore, its value of historical data is great:a lot of work has been done to reproduce its original copy according to sufficient information.2. The thesis checks the existing versions by analyzing a lot of historical materials and corrects some errors, such as re-dividing paragraphs, re-punctuating and so on strictly through the accurate understanding of historical literature.3. Different versions of Shou Mian Ji Shi are handed down from generation to generation, among which the three different transcripts collected in the National Library, the Zhejiang Library, the Yunnan Library, and the Punctuated version published by Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House were mainly based on to correct some errors during the research. Some notes are added according to the punctuated version, historical documents, some local chronicles, etc..4. The work of the re-punctuation, paragraph division, correction, collation, annotation of the texts has been done referring to various historical documents; the unclear or lacking historical evidence is made up; the years are marked; the important personage, literary quotations and places are. made clear, the unknown words are explained and so on. The purpose is trying to return to its original state of historical truth.5. The full use of the "e" textual criticism, such as the "name authority query" and "online information searching", greatly improves the methods of research and helps restore the original state of the chronicle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】K248.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】229

