

【作者】 刘丹青

【导师】 任翔;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 教育技术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济稳步矫健地发展及国际社会地位的不断地提高,越来越多的外国人开始了解中国文化并学习汉语知识,对外汉语教学也在这种背景下如火如荼地进行着。然而在对外汉语教学中,我们却发现留学生在书写汉字时‘倒插笔’现象普遍存在且较为严重,汉字笔顺在汉语学习中的重要性处于忽略地位,传统对外汉语汉字笔顺教学上也存在一些不足之处,这使得汉字笔顺成为对外汉语教学和学习中的一个重点,也是一大难题。利用计算机实施辅助语言教学,动态示范汉字正确书写顺序,是解决汉字正字问题之一的有效途径,可为汉字学习提供有力帮助。因此本研究力在探索一种系统完整、操作流程化的汉字笔顺教学软件制作方法,开发一款适合老师灵活安排教学内容和组织教学流程的、同时也符合留学生心理需求和使用习惯的汉字笔顺教学软件。本研究将从教学设计、设计原则和系统设计这三个角度来设计对外汉语用汉字笔顺教学软件,以使软件符合教育学和认知心理学原则、具有科学性和使用价值,并使对外汉语汉字笔顺教学科学化。软件从功能上划分为三个主要模块:“基础知识简介”、“笔顺查询演示”、“笔顺分析纠错”,采用Visual Basic语言编制软件界面,内嵌PowerPoint制作的演示文稿来演示汉字动态书写过程,效果直观,形象逼真,能较好表现汉字笔顺书写过程。软件设计与制作方法也即为本研究的创新点之所在。论文最后通过对软件设计和制作过程的反思,总结出该教学软件一些不足和欠妥之处,提出了软件补充、修改和完善的思路,指出了系统后续建设和发展的方向。

【Abstract】 With the steady and vigorous development of China’s economic and continuous improvement of the status of the international community, more and more foreigners are starting to understand the Chinese culture and learn Chinese, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language also carried out in full swing against this background. However, the phenomenon of flashback in Chinese character writing is widespread and more serious in foreign students now. The importance of learning Chinese stroke order in Chinese is ignoring. Stroke Order of Chinese Characters in the traditional teaching has also seen a lot of inadequacies. And this makes the character strokes has become a focal point and also a major problem in Teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The implementation of computer assisted language learning and the dynamic model of Chinese characters written in the correct order is an effective way to solve Chinese orthography and an effective help to provide for learning the Chinese characters. Therefore, this study explores fully a production method of Chinese Characters Teaching Software which is system-integrity and process-oriented. And the study also develops educational software of Chinese stroke order which is suitable for teacher arranging teaching content and organizing teaching process flexibly and in accordance with psychological needs and usage of foreigner student.The study will design the teaching software of Chinese characters stroke order in teaching Chinese as a foreign language from three points of view, which is instructional design, design principles and system design, in order to make the software conform to the principles of Pedagogy and Cognitive Psychology and possess of scientific and value-in-use, and also make teaching scientific in Chinese characters stroke order in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The software is divided into three main modules according to the function which is "Introduction of basic knowledge", "Query and show stroke" and "Analyze and correct error stroke". The software draws up the interface using the language of Visual Basic and show dynamic process of writing Chinese characters using the software of PowerPoint. The software can have intuitive effect, vivid image and better performance in the process of writing Chinese characters stroke order. The innovation of this study is the methods of design and produce for this software. Finally, the paper summarizes some deficiencies and defects of the educational software from the reflection of the process of design and produce, proposes the train of thought which can modify and improve the software, and points out the direction which can construct and develop the system in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

