

Study on Host Odor Selection Behaviors and Optical Histology of Three Kinds of Fleas

【作者】 林杰

【导师】 孟凤霞;

【作者基本信息】 中国疾病预防控制中心 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 蚤类是多种人兽共患病的传播媒介,能够传播鼠疫杆菌、立克次体、汉赛巴尔通体等病原体,引起鼠疫、猫抓病、猫立克次体病、绦虫病等疾病,同时还通过叮刺吸血给人和动物带来严重骚扰。成蚤寻找到宿主并成功吸血是其摄取营养的唯一途径,这对其存活、交配、生殖乃至寿命等都具有决定性的意义。探讨蚤类对宿主动物的特异性选择和蚤吸血后的组织变化,为今后进一步了解“蚤类-宿主动物/人-相关传染病”的关系提供理论依据。本文通过引用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定昆虫对气味选择的研究方法,经过比较研究,建立了蚤类对宿主动物气味选择的测定方法;并应用本方法研究了猫栉首蚤、印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤对不同宿主动物的气味选择性;同时,本文还通过常规的组织切片技术和HE染色方法,观察不同蚤在吸血前后的光学组织变化,获得如下研究结果:1.通过方法的建立,获得了测定的适宜条件,明确了测定指标,分析了不同蚤种的气味选择特征,提出了测定过程中应该注意的事项。2.应用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定方法,研究了不同宿主型猫栉首蚤的宿主选择性,结果表明:①猫是猫栉首蚤的主要宿主,自然情况下,猫栉首蚤对狗的选择性强于对大白鼠和小白鼠的选择;②经过大白鼠和小白鼠饲养驯化后,均表现出蚤对大白鼠和小白鼠的适应。3.应用本方法,研究了印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤的实验室种群对不同宿主动物的气味选择性,印鼠客蚤对大白鼠和小白鼠的气味选择强于猫和狗;缓慢细蚤对这四种宿主动物气味的选择顺序为:大白鼠、小白鼠、猫、狗,表明褐家鼠是其主要宿主,其次是小家鼠。4.通过常规的组织切片技术和HE染色方法,①能够清楚识别猫栉首蚤、印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤的光学组织结构,区分其器官和组织;②通过对吸血前后蚤的切片的观察,了解了蚤吸血后脂肪体、生殖系统及其消化道的变化;③新羽化的未吸血的缓慢细蚤的中肠上皮细胞与猫栉首蚤和印鼠客蚤相比最小,而猫栉首蚤与印鼠客蚤的相当;吸小白鼠血后,猫栉首蚤的上皮细胞层显著厚于印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤的中肠上皮细胞,后两种蚤间无显著差异;④三种蚤在吸血后,中肠直径:前胃直径的比值约为饥饿时的1.5-2倍;⑤缓慢细蚤饱血后,除肠腔相应增大外,24h时雌蚤卵巢小管内开始出现卵黄颗粒沉淀,脂肪体深染紫色,雄蚤的精子束变得平而直;48h时雌蚤的卵母细胞核破裂,且中肠上皮细胞的细胞核明显整齐排列于近中肠肠腔端。

【Abstract】 As important vectors of zoonoses, fleas can transmit plague bacillus, Rickettsia, Bartonella, tapeworm and other pathogens. They are not only caused many diseases, such as plague, cat-scratch disease, rickettsioses and taeniasis, but also lead severe harassment to human and animals by stinging and blood sucking. Because of the only way to get nutrition and water, adult fleas have to catch the hosts and hematophagia successfully. These are critical for their survival, mating, reproduction and even the life span. In this research, behaviors of host odor selection in Ctenocephalides felis felis, Xenopsylla cheopis and Leptopsylla segnis and their optical histology to provide evidence for the relationship study of "flea-host/human-diseases". Based on the Y-tube olfactometer, which used to research the odor selection of insects, a method for flea behavior of host odor selecting was established. Using this method, the host selection of Ctenocephalides felis felis, Xenopsylla cheopis and Leptopsylla segnis were carried out in the white rat, white mouse, cat and dog. At the same time, fleas’histological changes before and after blood meal were studied by conventional histological techniques and HE staining. The followings are some of the results:1. Through the method establishing, it had obtained the optimum test conditions, made the indexes clearing, analyzed the host odor selection characteristics of different fleas to the tested host, and proposed some related notes.2. By this flea Y-tube olfactometer method, we studied host odor selection behavior in three host specificity strains of Ctenocephalides felis felis. The results showed that:①The main host of C. felis felis was cat. Naturally, the selection of this flea to dog is stronger than that of rats and mice.②After raised by rats and mice, Ctenocephalides felis felis adapted to them.3. Using this method, we also studied odor selection of X. cheopis and Leptopsylla segnis (both are lab strains) to different host animals. The results are as follows:The odor selection of X. cheopis to rats and mice are stronger than that to cats and dogs. The order about odor selection of L. segnis to the four animals is rat, mouse, cat, dog. It shows that dominating host of L. segnis is Rattus norvegicus, followed by Mus musculus.4. By the conventional histological techniques and HE staining, we could get the results:①Using the fleas slices, the optical histology of C felis felis, X. cheopis and L segnis could be read to distinguish their organs and tissues.②Some changes could be found in fat body, reproductive system and digestive system by observing the slices of fleas.③The midgut epithelial cells of the new eclosion adult of L. segnis were smaller than that of C. felis felis and X. cheopis, and there was no significant difference between that of C felis felis and X. cheopis. After feeding, the midgut epithelial cells of C. felis felis were thicker than that of X. cheopis and L. segnis, and there is no significant difference between X. cheopis and L. segnis.④Compared with that of starvation, the diameter ratio of midgut and proventriculus of fleas was 1.5-2 times approximately after feeding.⑤After 24h blood feeding, the lumen of female L. segnis became increased, and the yolk granules of ovarioles began to precipitated, and the fat body stained purple. At the same time, the sperm bundles became flat and straight in male ones, but their fat body had no changes. After 48h feeding, the oocytes of female fleas became ruptured. And the nucleus of the midgut epithelial cells had arranged obviously near the intestinal lumen.


