

【作者】 刘婷婷

【导师】 朱锦余;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 会计学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 审计质量的影响因素是理论界和实务界的研究热点,其中,客户重要性、审计任期与审计质量的关系一直以来都是争论的焦点,至今仍未达成共识。笔者认为,对这一问题的研究需要考虑一定的制度环境。近年来,我国为了规范审计行业,保护投资者,净化证券市场环境,相继出台了很多法律法规,其中,我国2003年出台的《关于审理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事赔偿案件的若干规定》与《关于证券期货审计业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》具有重要意义。前者打开了我国审计民事诉讼的大门,明显加重了注册会计师的法律责任;后者首次对我国注册会计师连续为某一相关机构提供审计服务,做出了不得超过5年的规定。这两项法规的出台势必会对审计质量产生影响,那么,客户重要性、注册会计师审计任期对审计质量的影响是否会在两项法规出台前后发生变化?两项法规的实施效果又如何?现在都缺乏经验性证据,这正是本文研究的切入点。此外,本文还将研究两个因素对审计质量的共同影响:在面对重要客户时,注册会计师审计任期的增加是否会损害审计质量,在2003年两项法规颁布之后,这种影响是否会发生改变。本文采用规范研究、实证研究和比较研究相结合的方法。首先总结了国内外关于客户重要性、审计任期与审计质量关系的研究成果;然后分析了我国审计质量的现状,并将现有的审计质量的衡量标准进行了对比,最终选定可操控性应计利润的绝对值作为审计质量的替代变量。在理论分析的基础上,采用我国2001-2006年经过筛选的3960家A股上市公司为研究样本,分为2001-2003年组与2004-2006年组,通过描述性统计分析、相关性分析、多变量回归分析,对比两个子样本的分析结果发现:注册会计师的审计任期与审计质量的关系由负相关变为正相关,而客户重要性的影响却一直是负相关,说明注册会计师强制轮换的法规对提高审计质量取得了很好的效果,但民事赔偿的法规没有起到很好的效果。本文进一步分离出重要客户组进行分析,发现面对重要客户时,注册会计师的审计任期与审计质量仍然由负相关变为正相关,再次验证了注册会计师强制轮换法规的有效性。最后,提出了从实证研究结果得到的启示和研究的局限性。

【Abstract】 Influence factors of audit quality have become a hot topic both in auditing theory and in practice. The relationship between client’s importance and audit quality has been disputed all the time, and it was not reached a consensus yet so far. So did the relationship between audit tenure and audit quality. According to this, the researcher claims that the external impacts regarding of the research of this dissertation should be considered, such as policy environment. In order to standardize Chinese audit industry, protecting investors and protecting stock market,Chinese government issued numbers of laws and regulations in recent years. The regulations regarding to hearing the civil compensation cases caused false statement in the stock market and The regulations regarding to fixed rotation of signed certified accountant who audit the business of securities and futures which issued in 2003 were quite significant. The first regulation is the key to China audited civil action; furthermore, it was emphasized the legal liability of the Certified Public Accountant. The second regulation firstly proposed for Certified Public Accountant for a company to provide audit service may not exceed five years. The audit quality should be influenced by these regulations. Will the influence in audit quality changes client’s importance and audit tenure? Will these regulations be implemented efficient and effectively? There are not experience evidences about issues so far. However it became the purpose of this dissertation. Moreover, this dissertation further studied the common influence on audit quality from client’s importance and audit tenure. To important clients, will the longer Certified Public Accountant’s audit tenure hurt audit quality? Will the influence on audit quality change, after two regulations were issued in 2003?The method of this dissertation includes normative research、empirical research and comparative research. Firstly, the researcher summarized research achievements on client’s importance、audit tenure and audit quality both at home and abroad. Secondly, the researcher analyzed the present situation of the audit quality, and compared the existing weights of audit quality. Then, the researcher chose the absolute value of the controlling accrued profit weighted auditing quality. According to the theory , the researcher selected 3960 A-share listed companies in China as research sample between 2001 and 2006. Furthermore, those figures were divided into two groups; there are 2001-2003 year group and 2004-2006 year group, respectively. Through descriptive statistical analysis、correlate analysis and linear regression analysis, the researcher compared with the result of the two sub samples and got the following conclusions. The relationship between the Certified Public Accountant’s tenure and the audit quality was from negative to positive. But the client’s importance was negatively related to audit quality both in the two sub samples. It proves that The regulations regarding to fixed rotation of signed certified accountant who audit the business of securities and futures achieves the anticipative effect to improve the auditing quality. On the contrary, The regulations regarding to hearing the civil compensation cases caused false statement in the stock market does not work effectively as the first regulation dose. This dissertation further isolated the important client’s group, and the researcher found that to important clients, the relationship between the Certified Public Accountant’s tenure and the audit quality was also from negative to positive. The result proves the effect of carrying out fixed rotation of the Certified Public Accountant. At the final part of this dissertation, according to, the researcher presented enlightenments from empirical research’s outcomes and the limitations of this dissertation.

【关键词】 客户重要性审计任期审计质量
【Key words】 Client’s importanceAudit tenureAudit quality

