

【作者】 赵云

【导师】 罗明义;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 二战以后,旅游业在世界范围内得到了迅猛的发展,目前己成为各国国民经济重要的增长点。随着区域旅游业竞争的加剧,关于如何不断地稳定和扩大客源市场已逐渐成为增加旅游业经济收入和实现旅游业可持续发展的重要问题,对于旅游客源市场特征、需求和结构的研究也已成为旅游发展研究的重点内容之一。中国的旅游业市场,目前已经形成了国内游、入境游和出境游全面发展的现状,而由于发展中国家的经济特征,中国旅游业的发展选择了非常规的发展道路,入境游曾作为中国旅游业的起步市场。历经近三十年的发展后,入境旅游对中国经济的推动作用效果显著,尤其是在平衡国际收支和扩大外汇收入等方面。当然,大力发展入境旅游业不仅能增加国家和地方的外汇收入,同时还能大幅度提升国家和地区的国际知名度和影响力,以及带动相关其他产业的共同发展。所以,分析研究一个国家和地区的入境旅游市场特征与结构状况,对于进一步的制定旅游和经济政策、促进旅游业和整个社会经济的大发展都有着非常重要的意义。本文是以云南省的入境旅游客源市场为研究对象,并根据相关统计资料和搜集的数据,运用相关模型和统计方法对数据进行整理、归纳描述、对图表进行分析。一方面从历史总量、时间维度、空间尺度、人口特征、行为模式、心理偏好等多个角度,综合地对云南省入境旅游客源市场的总体特征进行了分析;另一方面则单独对入境旅游客源市场的结构变化进行了分析。重点通过这两个方面的分析,得到结论及相应的启示与建议。云南省入境旅游客源市场的整体特征主要包括:在历史总量上,共分为三个阶段,并存在海外游客人数增长迅速、与中国入境旅游市场关联度较高、入境旅游市场的波动性较大、入境市场份额量仍然较低的特征;时间维度上,云南省入境客源市场的季节性波动幅度较小;空间结构上,部分客源国地位变化较快、市场集中度略高但有逐渐减小的趋势;性别构成上,入滇旅游者的男性比例略小于女性;年龄结构上,中青年群体仍是云南省入境游客的主体;职业构成上,专业技术人员群体比例为最大,另外学生流的比重也不容忽视;学历结构上,高学历的入滇游客比重较大;旅游方式上,入滇游客的散客群体比重较高;旅游目的上,入滇旅游者的目的集中性较强,其中以观光游览的旅游者为最多;获取信息的来源上,入滇游客多选择以旅游指南作为获取途径;旅游次数上,相比于全国而言,云南省入境旅游市场的重游率仍然还不够高;消费状况上,云南省的海外游客人均天花费较低;对旅游资源的偏好方面,入滇游客对云南省旅游资源的兴趣特征较为明显,其中偏好于山水风光和民俗风情类旅游资源的游客群体比重最大;对旅游商品的偏好方面,超过半数的入境游客都对云南省食品/茶叶类旅游商品感兴趣;对旅游服务质量和接待设施偏好方面,整体令入境游客满意,其中宾馆饭店服务和餐饮服务质量较好,但景区厕所设施质量不容乐观。云南省的入境客源市场的结构变化特征主要包括:一方面云南省各入境客源市场总的增长势头良好,区域内有较多的客源市场发展迅速,在全国范围内的地位会保持上升势头;另一方面日本和新加坡市场却出现了衰退的信息;再一方面云南省整体入境旅游客源结构良好,具备一定的市场竞争力。根据以上两个部分的分析结果,一一提出了相应的启示与建议。对于云南省入境旅游业发展中存在的波动性问题,必须予以高度重视;鉴于入境旅游市场结构的主体仍是周边国家,所以云南省仍需大力发展地缘旅游经济,着力拓展地缘旅游市场;仍需以调整旅游客源结构为手段,不断开拓高素质入境客源;还要充分利用各种旅游宣传媒介,创新旅游宣传促销方式;积极推进旅游产品开发由“供给拉动”型向“需求拉动”型的转变;继续加大对外开放的幅度和步伐,加强区域间的旅游合作,努力探索入境旅游客源市场的新渠道;以及对于如何提升云南省旅游厕所管理的对策建议;对于日本和新加坡等传统优势客源市场地位的下降,云南省应给予高度的重视;并确定了云南省的主要入境客源市场,及进一步的海外旅游市场营销步骤。文章试图通过对客源市场特征的分析及提出的相应启示和建议,为云南省更合理地进行旅游市场定位、旅游产品的开发和营销、旅游发展战略的制定,提供一定科学的依据和指导。

【Abstract】 After World WarⅡ, tourism worldwide has developed rapidly, at present it has become the important aspect of national economic growth. Along with the regional tourism competition intensifies, how to continually stabilize and expand the tourist market has gradually become the important problem of increasing tourism economy income and realizing the sustainable development of tourism industry. The features, the needs and the structure of tourist market of tourism development research have also become one of the important content of research. China’s tourism market has been formed development present situation of domestic tourism, inbound and outbound all-round, and because the economic characteristics of the developing countries, China tourism development chose unconventional development road, inbound tourism started once served as China market. After nearly thirty years of development, the entry tourism on Chinese economic role in promoting effect is remarkable, especially in the balance of payments and expands foreign exchange income etc. Of course, vigorously develop inbound tourism can not only increase national and local foreign exchange income, it also can greatly enhance countries and areas of international reputation and influence, and drive related other industrial development together. Therefore, analysis and study for characteristics and structure condition of a country or a region of the entry tourism market, for further establishing tourism and economic policies, can promote tourism and the whole social, and has a very important significance for economic development.This paper choose the entry tourist market in Yunnan province as the research object, according to the relevant statistics and data collected, using the related model and statistical method of data sorting, inductive description, and analysis the chart. On the one hand, from historical amount, time dimension, space scale, population characteristics, behavior model, and psychological preference and so on, the general characteristics of Yunnan province entry tourism tourist market were comprehensively analyzed. On the other hand, entry tourist market structural changes are also analyzed. Focus on these two aspects of analysis we can draw the conclusion and corresponding revelation and Suggestions.The overall characteristic of Yunnan entry tourist market mainly includes: in the history of the total ,it can be divided into three stages, and overseas tourists number increasing rapidly. China’s entry tourism market correlation degree is higher, inbound tourism market volatility of bigger, the share amount of entry market is still low. In the time dimension, the seasonal fluctuations of Yunnan entry tourism market is small. From space structure, status of part number changes faster, market concentration slightly tall but the trend is decreasing; on the Gender form, the men proportion of Yunnan tourists is slightly less than girls. In the age structure, middle-aged and young group is still the subject of Yunnan province tourist arrivals. On the vocational structure, the proportion of professional and technical personnel people is the largest, the group of students flow cannot allowed to be ignored. From Education structure, highly educated in Yunnan tourists is a greater proportion. In the traveling way, the Yunnan Province entry tourist’s individual traveler community proportion is high. On the purposes, the Yunnan tourists concentration is strong, among them with sightseeing tourists is the most. To obtain information source, as acquirement more visitors choose travel guides. According to travel times, compared with the whole nation, Yunnan tourism market of revisit rate is still not tall. Consumption status, Yunnan overseas tourists per capita days spent lower. The preference of tourism resources, the interest entry tourists in Yunnan tourism of resources is obvious, which features prefer landscapes and the tourist resources of folk customs of tourist groups largest proportion. The preference of tourist commodities, more than half of the tourist arrivals are Yunnan food/tea class. And receives the facility by chance aspect to the tourist service quality, the overall command enters a country the tourist to be satisfied. Hotel service and quality of food and beverage service is good, but toilet facilities quality of scenic spot is not optimistic. The changing features of Yunnan entry tourist market structure include: On the one hand, each entry tourism market overall growth of Yunnan is good, many tourists market development of area is rapid, it will keep rising in nationwide. On the other hand, Japan and Singapore market appeared recession information, and also Yunnan overall entry tourist structure is good, it has certain market competitiveness.According to the results of the analysis of above two parts, corresponding revelation and Suggestions are put forward one by one. For the volatility the problem of Yunnan inbound tourism development, we must pay much attention. In view of the main body of entry tourism market is still surrounding countries, so Yunnan still need to vigorously develop the geopolitical tourism economy to expand geopolitical tourism market. And it Still need to modify the tourist structure as the means, and constantly develop high-quality entry passengers. Take full advantage of all kinds of tourist publicity media, innovating tourism promotion way, promoting tourism product development type changes from the type of "supply pull" to "demand drive". Continue increasing opening-up amplitude and pace, strengthen regional tourism cooperation, trying to explore the entry tourism tourist market of new channels. For the decline status of traditional advantage of red-tourism market: Japan and Singapore, Yunnan should give a high degree of attention. The main entry red-tourism market Yunnan province were determined, and also the further overseas tourism marketing steps.The paper tries to analyze the characteristic of tourism market and propose the corresponding enlightenment and Suggestions, provides certain scientific basis and guidance for more reasonably ensuring tourist market orientation, the development of tourism products and marketing, and tourism development strategy planning.

【关键词】 云南省入境旅游客源市场SSM方法
【Key words】 YunnanInbound tourist markettourist marketSSM method

