

【作者】 包顺文

【导师】 姚建峰;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 劳动经济学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国社会经济深入发展,城乡收入差距这个问题的现实性与尖锐性越来越突出。目前,城乡收入差距问题已成为包括云南省人民在内的全国人民最现实、最关心的问题之一。从云南这一地区出发,要使云南城乡收入差距收敛,就必须深入系统地去研究云南城乡收入差距这一问题,客观反映出云南城乡收入差距的现状、产生的原因,并针对云南省实际情况提出相应的措施,从而解决该问题。提高云南农村人力资本存量则是提高农民纯收入、促使云南城乡收入收敛的有效途径。城乡收入差距的收敛不仅意味着农民收入的提高以及城乡经济的更快发展,还意味着城乡人力资本之间实现平衡,劳动力可以自由流动,降低农村人力资本的外溢程度,又可以让城乡经济更好更快的发展,增加城乡居民收入,形成一个良性的发展循环。考虑到云南省位于我国西南边疆、少数民族众多的地理人文环境,云南城乡收入差距收敛还对于促进全省国民经济的健康发展、维护边疆民族团结、建设和谐社会以及实现全面建设小康社会目标具有十分重要的意义。本文的结构如下:第1章为绪论。本章介绍了研究的背景意义、论文的创新之处;第2章为人力资本理论在收入差距这一问题中的研究。在综述评价国内外人力资本理论研究文献的基础上,提出人力资本的提高可以是城乡收入差距缩小的途径之一;第3章为云南城乡收入差距的现状和其产生的原因,并对城乡收入差距中的人力资本因素进行分析;第4章是人力资本促使云南城乡收入差距的收敛研究与政策建议;第5章为本文研究的结论与展望。本文通过泰尔系数分析指标测度云南省城乡收入差别,来表述该地区城乡收入差距的现状,探索形成差距的原因。然后从人力资本的角度出发来分析云南城乡收入差距。一是通过构建回归模型将人力资本因素引入城乡收入分析中去,分析云南城乡受教育程度、城乡就业人数以及家庭规模三因素与云南城乡收入差距的相互关系。二是论证农村劳动力的人力资本存量的高低影响是农民家庭收入的主要因素,加大农村教育投资以及改善农村的医疗卫生条件,也会极大地提高劳动生产率,增加农民收入;三是分析云南农村人力资本的外溢性。通过让城市与农村的人力资本互相流动,来降低农村人力资本的外溢性,从而降低城乡之间人力资本的差距,缩小云南城乡居民收入差距。研究表明,云南省城乡居民收入差距总体上处于扩大趋势,并且其城乡收入比高于全国平均水平,云南城乡居民总体收入差距主要表现在城镇与农村之间的差距,产生问题的原因既有全国普适性原因,也有云南省本地特殊的原因。而解决这一问题最方便、高效的措施便提高农村人力资本存量,降低农村人力资本的外溢性,使城乡人力资本差距缩小,提高农民的人均纯收入,进而促使云南城乡收入差距收敛。

【Abstract】 With the depth of social and economic development, urban-rural income gap between the reality of this problem more and more prominent and sharp. At present, the urban-rural income gap has become the country including the people of the Yunnan the most realistic one of the issues of concern. For Yunnan Province, if we want to make the convergence of Yunnan urban and rural income gap, it must be thoroughly and systematically to study the urban-rural income gap in Yunnan this problem, the objective reflects the status of the income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan, causes and for the actual situation in Yunnan Province corresponding measures proposed to solve the problem. Increase the stock of human capital in rural areas of Yunnan is to improve net income of farmers, urban and rural areas of Yunnan to promote effective way of income convergence. The convergence of urban and rural income gap means not only to improve the income of farmers and the rural economy, faster development, but also means that the balance between urban and rural human capital, labor can flow freely and reduce the extent of spillovers of human capital in rural areas, but also to urban and rural economy more better and faster development, increased urban and rural incomes, the development of the formation of a virtuous circle. Taking into account the Yunnan Province is located in the Southwest, a large number of geographical and cultural environment, ethnic minorities, Yunnan is also urban-rural income gap between the convergence of the province for the promotion of healthy development of the national economy, national unity and border and building a harmonious society and the comprehensive construction well-off society is of great significance.This paper is structured as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction. This chapter describes the significance of the background, the paper’s innovation; Chapter 2 for the human capital theory in the income gap in the research of this issue. Summary of evaluation in the international literature of human capital theory is proposed based on the improvement of human capital is the urban-rural income gap can be one of the ways; in Chapter 3, the income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan status and their causes, and the urban-rural income gap in the analysis of the factors of human capital; Chapter 4 is the human capital to promote the convergence of income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan research and policy recommendations; in Chapter 5 for the conclusion of this study and prospect. Through the use of Theil index coefficient of this analysis, measure the same demographic characteristics of Yunnan Province, the members within the group differences in income between the different characteristics and differences between groups, to express the status of the income gap between urban and rural areas, explore the formation of gap reasons. And from the perspective of human capital to analyze the income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan. The first regression model by building human capital factors into the analysis to urban and rural income, urban and rural areas of Yunnan, educational level, urban and rural employment and family size of three factors and the income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan relationship. Second, the argument of human capital stock of the rural labor force are farmers the main factors affecting family income and improve rural health care, and improve the health of farmers will also greatly facilitate the improvement of labor productivity and increase income of farmers; third it analyses spillovers of human capital in rural areas. Urban and rural areas by allowing each human capital flows, to reduce the spillover of rural human capital, thereby reducing the gap between urban and rural human capital, reduce the income gap between urban and rural residents in Yunnan Province.The results show that urban-rural income gap in Yunnan Province in the expansion of overall trends, and the urban-rural income ratio is higher than the national average, the overall income gap between urban and rural Yunnan, mainly in the gap between urban and rural areas, both the national cause of the problem universal reason, there are special reasons for the local Yunnan Province. The solution to this problem is most convenient and efficient measures will increase the stock of human capital in rural areas, reduce the spillover of rural human capital, narrowing the gap between urban and rural human capital, increase per capita net income of farmers, thereby promoting income gap between urban and rural areas of Yunnan convergence.


