

The Reseach about Nano-materials DNF Application in Oil Well Cement

【作者】 李微

【导师】 范振忠; 吴广兴;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 油气井工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着油气井勘探开发力度的加大,地质情况也发生了显著的变化,目前所使用的油井水泥在固井施工的局限性也日益突出。固井质量的优劣直接关系到油井寿命及油气采收率的高低,高固井质量是油田开发增产增效的有效途径。因此,使用纳米材料对油井水泥进行改性,提高水泥石的宏观性能并改善水泥石的微观形貌来提高油气井固井质量是十分必要。水泥硬化浆体70%为纳米尺度的水化硅酸钙凝胶(C-S-H),存在着纳米级别的胶凝孔隙,依据颗粒级配理论得知纳米材料对油井水泥的改性存在客观上的可能性。通过室内试验研究,对纳米水泥浆体及纳米水泥石的各项性能指标进行检测,分析纳米材料对油井水泥的性能影响。纳米材料经过表面预处理,克服了混配性差,分散不均的缺点,在水泥中的最佳加量达到10%,此时,纳米材料水泥浆体系具有良好的流动性能、较低的失水量;纳米材料水泥石具有较高的抗压强度、较低的渗透率、良好的抗腐蚀性能,因此,纳米材料水泥浆体系具有良好的宏观性能。通过XRD、XRF、SEM实验发现纳米材料水泥石结构致密,孔隙率低,具有良好的微观形貌。纳米材料对油井水泥的改性克服了传统水泥的缺点,提高水泥物化性能,解决固井难题。

【Abstract】 With oil wells exploration and development more intensified,geological condition has changed greatly. It is becoming more obvious that the current oil well cement limited to cementing operation. The cementing quality related directly to the life and recovery of Wells. In order to increase efficiency of oilfield,cementing quality must be developed. Therefore,it is very importent to increase cement stone macroscopical performance and improve cement paste microstructure by nano-materials to improve cementing quality.70% of the cement hardened slurry is the nanoscale hydration calcium silicate gel(C-S-H). There exists a nanometer level of gelation pore,so nano-materials modified oil well cement existing objectively possibility based on particle gradation theory. Through the indoor experiment,the theme analysis the impact of nanometer materials on oil well cement performanceby testing the various performance of nanometer water slurry and nano cement paste. Through pretreating the nanometer material surface,the nanometer material overcomes differences of mixed default and dispersing uneven in slurry,making the added the nanometer material amount raised to 10% in cement. The nanometer materials slurry system has good flowing property and low water loss. Nano-materials cement has high compressive strength,low permeability and good corrosion resistance. Therefore nanometer material of slurry system has good macroproperties. By XRD,XRF,SEM experiments founding that nano-materials cement paste with compact structure,low porosity has good microstructure. Therefore, nano-materials modified on oil well cement and overcomed the disadvantage of traditional cement faults. Nano-materials cement slurry can enhance the cement performance and solve the problems of well cementing.


