

The Feasible Study of Improving Production and Injection by Water Flooding in Extra-high Water Cut Period

【作者】 于晓霞

【导师】 申家年;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水力压裂是目前油田广泛应用的改造油层,提高油井单井日产水平、减缓油田产量递减速度的主要措施。2005年以来,萨南开发区全面进入特高含水开发阶段,油井压裂挖潜难度不断加大,油井压前含水不断升高,压裂井、层条件日益变差,重复压裂比例逐年升高,潜力井中套损井所占比例逐年增大,以往压裂的选井选层原则适应性变差,压裂潜力小,无法满足高含水后期措施挖潜的需求。本文详细论述了影响压裂效果的主要因素和现阶段压裂技术的发展现状。通过统计分析近几年来大量的压裂油井的选井选层的条件及压裂效果,在各种动静态资料及监测资料录取更加详实,对地下储层和构造的认识更加深刻的基础上,搞清了特高含水期剩余油分布特征及规律,拓宽了压裂井选井选层范围,进一步明确了萨南开发区特高含水期压裂选井选层原则,并结合措施目的层油层条件不同,总结了优化压裂方式、层段组合以及施工参数的方法。为改善萨南开发区特高含水期油井压裂效果,最大限度的挖掘剩余油潜力,提高区块采收率提供了技术保障。水井酸化增注措施是提高单井吸水能力,改善薄差油层动用状况的有效技术手段。目前水井酸化增注的措施类型很多,各类措施的适应油层条件不同,措施效果也参差不齐。本文详细分析了萨南开发区特高含水期注水井吸水能力差的原因,论述了层内生气、表面活性剂、低碳酸活性水等几种解堵增注技术的作用机理,统计分析了2008年以来区块开展的多种增注措施的试验效果,在此基础上,总结评价了各类措施对不同区块不同油层的适应性,明确了各类措施的选井选层原则,为今后萨南开发区注水井增注措施的优化提供的有力的技术指导。

【Abstract】 The hydro- fracturing is the main measure which was used wildly for the oil layer reconstructing, improving the daily production and slow down the decline rate of production. Sanan oilfield has been into the extra-high water cut stage since 2005. the tapping becoming difficult by fracturing, the water cut is higher and higher of pro-fracturing, the well and zone’s condition for fracture being badly and the ratio of repeat fracture increase yearly. The case damage ratio of the potential well increased. The rules of well and zone choose has can’t meet the demand of tapping in the extra-high water cut period. The article discussed the effect items and the technical development status of fracture detailed. Base on the deep understand of oil zone and construe by analyses the effect of number of fracture wells and the static and dynamic data. We has Understood the characteristics and laws of the remaining oil distribution in extra-high water cut period. The scope of choose the well and zone for fracturing being wildly and make the rules of choose the well and zone for fracture be true. The article give the optimize methods, zone group and construct parameters of fracture. All of this supplies the guaranties for IOR and EOR in Sannan oilfield.The acidification of injector is the effective methods for improving the absorption and the employ status of thin and poor oil zone. There are many methods of acidification methods, the effect is different because the feasible of oil zone. The item analyzed different reason of the absorptions of injector and discussed the mechanism of improving water injection technical by associated gas, surfactants, low-carbon active water. Statistic and analysis the pilot effect of number of improving injection methods since 2008. On the basic, sum up and evaluate the feasible of different methods in oil zone. We make the rule of well and zone choice and supply powerful instruct for improving the injection and optimization.

  • 【分类号】TE357.14
  • 【下载频次】239

