

The Natural Gas Resource Evaluation of P-T Formation in Sicuan Basin

【作者】 刘文磊

【导师】 薛海涛;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地球化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 四川盆地是我国最大的产气盆地,开采利用天然气的历史非常悠久。早在两千多年前的战国时期就已经发现天然气。东汉末年,我国劳动人民在川西邛崃钻获了世界上第一口天然气井。西晋时期天然气就已经开始用于熬盐。据统计,2010年全年四川产气量超过190亿立方米。二叠系、三叠系地层是四川重要的产气层系,同时由于其良好的烃源条件,也是重要的产气层系。截止目前,四川盆地已经进行过多轮的油气资源评价工作。本文利用第三次资源评价的烃源岩厚度等值线图和有机质丰度等值线图等数据,使用盆地模拟软件Petromod对四川二叠系、三叠系的几套烃源岩层进行了生烃模拟和排烃模拟。模拟表明,从三叠纪早期246Ma一直到早第三纪158Ma是二叠系烃源岩生烃和排烃的重要时期,上三叠统烃源岩的生排烃期则主要从三叠纪末205Ma到早第三纪158Ma,烃源岩大量排烃和大量生烃的时间基本保持一致。二叠系烃源岩以川东、川北和川中生烃量较大,川东1887.63×10~8吨,川北1057.86×10~8吨,川中1663.44×10~8吨,上三叠统烃源岩以川西、川北和川中生烃量较大,川西982.46×10~8吨,川北498.5×10~8吨,川中372.31×10~8吨。川西、川北和川东地区烃源岩成熟排烃普遍较早,成熟度相对较高。

【Abstract】 Sichuan is China’s largest gas basin. It has a long exploration history of natural gas. As early as the Warring States Period more than two thousand years ago, people had discovered natural gas. Eastern Han Dynasty, China’s working people in Qionglai drilled the world’s first natural gas well. Western Jin Dynasty has begun to boil salt by using natural gas. According to statistics, the year 2010 gas production in Sichuan over 19 billion cubic meters. Permian and Triassic strata gas production is an important department in Sichuan, and because of its good source rocks, they are also important gas generation strata. Up to now, the Sichuan Basin have been conducted many rounds of evaluation of oil and gas resources. This article draws part of the results of the third resource assessment, conduct simulation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of the Permian, Triassic source rocks in the Sichuan Basin by using simulation software. Simulation results show that, from the early Triassic period until the Early Tertiary is an important peroid of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the Permian source rocks, the Upper Triassic source rocks are mainly from the expulsion of the late Triassic to early Tertiary. Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion has remained consistent. Permian source rocks in eastern Sichuan, northern Sichuan, and central Sichuan generated the larger amount of hydrocarbon, 1887.63×10~8 ton in eastern, 1057.86×10~8 ton in northern and 1663.44×10~8 ton in central. Upper Triassic source rocks in western Sichuan, northern Sichuan, and central Sichuan generated the larger amount of hydrocarbon, 982.46×10~8 ton in western, 498.5×10~8 ton in northern and 372.31×10~8 ton in central. Source rocks in Western Sichuan, northern Sichuan and eastern Sichuan matured earlier, had high maturity.


