

Research on the Origin of Oil and Gas in Nanbeier and Tanan Depressions of Tamuchage Basin

【作者】 高俊红

【导师】 申家年;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地球化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 南贝尔、塔南凹陷是塔木察格盆地的两个次级构造单元,塔木察格盆地位于蒙古国东部,向北延伸进入我境内,与我国的海拉尔盆地同属一个构造单元。南贝尔、塔南凹陷是海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷的延伸,弄清南贝尔、塔南凹陷的油气来源不仅对该区的勘探开发有一定的指导意义,而且对于完善塔木察格盆地的理论认识有一定的意义。采用综合赋分法对南贝尔、塔南烃源岩研究,结果表明南屯组为本区的源岩层,尤其特殊岩性段和南一上段烃源岩为最好源岩层位,其次是南二段为中等源岩,可作次一级源岩,铜钵庙组、复合旋回段和大磨拐河组泥岩为差源岩或非烃源岩。结合塔木察格盆地的地质背景,在实验分析的基础上,通过对原油的物性特征、族组成与正烷烃碳同位素特征、饱和烃和异戊二烯烃特征等方面的研究,对本区原油的烃源岩形成环境、母质来源、成熟度及生物标志物组合特征等方面进行了探讨并以此进行原油类型划分。南贝尔Ⅰ型原油主要分布在南贝尔东次凹北洼槽的各层位,南贝尔Ⅱ型原油主要分布在南贝尔东次凹南洼槽的复合旋回段,南贝尔Ⅲ型原油主要分布在南贝尔东次凹南洼槽的南二段。塔南Ⅰ型原油主要分布在塔南东次凹的复合旋回段,塔南Ⅱ型原油主要分布在塔南中次凹(除塔19-46井附近)的各层位和东次凹的特殊岩性段和南二段,塔南Ⅲ型原油主要分布在塔南中次凹北部的塔19-46井附近。应用气相色谱参数、各类生物标志物和碳同位素参数进行了原油和生油岩之间的对比,确定了原油的来源主要是南屯组泥岩暗色泥岩。南贝尔Ⅰ型原油来自于南贝尔东次凹北洼槽的特殊岩性段暗色泥岩层。南贝尔Ⅱ型原油主要来自于本地区的特殊岩性段泥岩和部分南一上段泥岩。南贝尔Ⅲ型原油主要来自于南一上段和部分成熟度较高的南二段泥岩,部分来自于特殊岩性段泥岩。塔南Ⅰ型原油来自于本区域的特殊岩性段泥岩层。塔南Ⅱ型原油主要来自于特殊岩性段、南一上段和南二段部分成熟的泥岩。塔南Ⅲ型原油主要来自于特殊岩性段部分南一上段泥岩。

【Abstract】 Nanbeier,Tanan depression is Tamuchage Basin’s two sub-basin tectonic units,in the Tamuchage basin,eastern Mongolia Chage extend northward into my territory,and belong to one of Hailar Basin tectonic unit.Nanbeier,Tanan depression is an extension of Beier depression,clear Nanbeier,Tanan depression,sources of oil and gas exploration and development of the area not only have a certain significance,but also for improving the theoretical understanding of Tamuchage Basin has some significance.Making a research into the source rock of Nanbeier sag and Tanan sag with comprehensive mark-giving method,the result indicates that nantun group is the source rock of this district,especially special ts strata and n1 of nantun formation are the best stratigrafic position followed by n2 regarded as medium-good which can be seen as the proximate grade,whereas tbm formation,fh formation and dmgh formation are either poor source rocks or not capable of generating hydrocarbon.According to the geological backfround of Tamuchage basin on the basis of experimental analysis with the research on physical properties,group components,carbon isotope composition,saturated hydrocarbon and isoprenoi hydrocarbon characters of crude oil,which is discussed to clarify different types of crude oil according to its enviroment,orgin and maturity.TypeⅠoil of Nanbeier sag is mainly distributed in each layer of northern slope eastern sub-sag.TypeⅡoil is in the fields of fh formation in southern slope eastern sub-sag.TypeⅢoil is primarily generated from n2 of nantun formation in southern slope eastern sub-sag.In addition,typeⅠoil of Tanan sag is mainly found at fh formationin eastern sub-sag,typeⅡoil is found in each layer in middle sub-sag(except for well Ta 19-46),ts strata in eastern sub-sag and n2 of nantun formation. The typeⅢoil is mainly distributed near well Ta 19-46 in the northern part of the middle sub-sag in Tanan sag.It is applied to make a comparison between crude oil and the source rock with gas chromatograph parameters,various biomarkers and carbon isotopic composition,which affirmatively leads to a result that the crude oil mainly comes from the black mudstone of nantun group.TypeⅠoil of Nanbeier originates from the black mudstone of ts strata from the northern slope eastern sub-sag.TypeⅡoil is locally from the ts strata and part of the mudstone of n1 of nantun formation,while typeⅢoil primarily comes from n1 of nantun formation and part of the mudstone in n2 which is of higher maturity,Furthermore,the rest are thought to be from the mudstone of ts strata.TypeⅠoil in Tanan comes from ts strata of this district,and type Ⅱoil is considered to be from the mudstone of ts strata,n1 of nantun formation and part of the n2 of high maturity.TypeⅢoil mostly comes from ts strataand part of the mudstone of n1.


