

The Research of Local Government Cooperation Mechanism in Development of Economic Cooperation in Changjitu

【作者】 董文华

【导师】 林琳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林财经大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 二〇〇九年八月三十日,国务院批复了《中国图们江区域合作开发规划纲要—以长吉图为开发开放先导区》,从此长吉图先导区正式提升为国家战略。规划纲要中将吉林省内的图们江区域进行开发开放,由最初的珲春市,扩展到延边朝鲜族自治州全境,进而将长春市和吉林市的部分地区纳入其中,形成了更大范围上的统筹规划、共谋突破、协调促进和快速发展的国家战略的新格局。这将为吉林省提供一个非常重要的发展机遇,必然将对吉林省的经济和社会发展产生更深远的影响。规划纲要对于吉林边境地区经济总量不大,产业竞争力不强,人口集聚度不高,不能有效地支持东北亚区域合作开发等亟待解决的问题[1],提供了有利的平台。对加快延边自治州地区改革开放的步伐,为国家富民强边的战略提供了新经验,对促进少数民族地区和边疆地区繁荣稳定的发展,增进民族的团结都具有重大历史意义。长吉图开发开放先导区的建设是规划纲要的核心内容,也是吉林省各级政府的工作重心之一。在长吉图开发开放先导区的建设中,如何界定长吉图(延边地区)三地方政府的角色定位,以及如何加强地方政府间跨区域的合作,是长吉图开发开放先导区成功建设的必要前提。本文将对以上内容进行粗浅的探讨,着重点将落在合作内容的研讨上,并试图有所创新。全文的结构与思路如下:第一章:引言。阐述了写作的背景及意义,关于区域经济合作中地方政府合作机制的国内外研究及应用现状,本文的研究思路与方法及可能的创新点。第二章:相关知识概述。介绍相关概念,阐述区域经济发展与地方政府间的关系,探讨地方政府合作的范围和重要意义。第三章:介绍我国区域经济中地方政府合作实践。通过介绍我国其他地区的实践,根据我国国情进行总结,得出有意义的经验和教训。第四章:具体介绍长吉图。首先介绍长吉图的总体概况和合作的动因,重点探讨长吉图跨区域合作的层次和内容。第五章:长吉图区域地方政府良好合作的思路和建议。研究如何建立区域政府良好合作关系,结合长吉图实际情况,给出合作的基本思路和建议。第六章:结论。总结了本文研究的创新点和研究的不足,明确了以后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 August 30, 2009, the State Council approved the "the plan of China Tumen River Area developing and cooperating -the Changjitu as Pilot Area of development and open ", the pilot area Changjitu would be officially upgraded to a national strategy. Tumen River region will be opened and developed in the Jilin Province, from the initial Hunchun City, extended to the whole territory of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, and then some areas of Changchun City and Jilin City, into which to format the new pattern of national strategies about planning co-ordinate, conspiracing breakthrough, promotion and coordination, rapid development in the greater range. It will provide Jilin Province a very important developing opportunities, which will inevitably have a more far-reaching impact on economic and social development in Jilin Province. The Plan provided a favorable platform to solve the problems which the total economy is not large in the border areas of Jilin, industry less competitive, the concentration of population is not high, effectiveness support the development of Regional Cooperation. It provides a new experience to accelerate the pace of reform and open in Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture, and state strategy of wealthy and strong. It a great historical significance to promote the prosperity and stabled development in ethnic minority areas and border regions, and enhancing national unity. The construction of Changjitu is the core of the planning framework, is also the focus of the work of the Jilin Province government at all levels. In the construction of Changjitu pilot area developing and opening, there are some important premises in successful of how to define the role of the three local governments, how to to strengthen cooperation in inter-regional local government. This paper will explore the superficial content of the above, the focus will be on the discussions of cooperation, and trying to be innovative. Text structure and ideas are as follows:Chapter one: Introduction. Set out the writing background and significance; research on internal and external local government cooperation mechanism and apply situation about region economic cooperation; research thinking and methods and possible originality.Chapter two: Panorama of related knowledge. Introduce the related conception, and set out the relation between the development of region economic and local government, and study the extent and important significance of local government cooperation.Chapter three: Introduce the local government cooperation practice of national region economic. According to national situation summary come to significant experience and lecture through the practice of other regions in our country.Chapter four: Introduce Changjitu specifically. Introduce general situation of Changjitu and Dongying first, and then study the gradation and content of span cooperation in Changjitu essentially.Chapter five: Thinking and advice about Changjitu region local government well cooperation. Research how to establish well cooperation of region government, give the basic thinking and advice about cooperation, through the reality situation of Changjitu.Chapter six: Conclusion. Sum up the research originality and insufficient of the thesis, and confirm the research direction in the future.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】193

